miércoles, 27 de febrero de 2013

Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores: China preocupada por la ciberseguridad

Actualizado a las 26/02/2013 - 16:55

BEIJING, 25 feb (Xinhua) -- El gobierno de China está preocupado por el cariz negativo de las últimas noticias en el ámbito de la ciberseguridad, dijo hoy lunes la portavoz del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de China, Hua Chuying.   BEIJING, 25 feb (Xinhua) -- El gobierno de China está preocupado por el cariz negativo de las últimas noticias en el ámbito de la ciberseguridad, dijo hoy lunes la portavoz del Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores de China, Hua Chuying.

Hua efectuó estas declaraciones durante una rueda de prensa rutinaria celebrada en Beijing al ser preguntada por un presunto ciberataque que China supuestamente había lanzado contra Alemania.

La portavoz afirmó que algunos países han hecho del ciberespacio su nuevo campo de batalla, inventándose sus propias reglas sobre cómo deberían funcionar las cosas en el mundo virtual para justificar la construcción de sus ciberarsenales.

Sin embargo, estas actividades no hacen sino incrementar el riesgo de conflicto, advirtió Hua.

La portavoz señaló que el ciberespionaje llevado a cabo por algunos países supone un intento de desviar la atención de los problemas reales, y que de ninguna manera contribuirá a crear una atmósfera de cooperación internacional.

"China ha cooperado en materia de ciberseguridad e implementación de la ley con 30 países, entre los que se hallan el Reino Unido, Alemania y Rusia, y ha desarollado un mecanismo general para luchar contra el cibercrimen y repeler los ataques de los piratas informáticos", dijo la portavoz, añadiendo que China espera que los países interesados dejen de lanzar acusaciones sin ton ni son y trabajen juntos para salvaguardar la seguridad en el ciberespacio.

Fuente. Spanish.people.com.cn

lunes, 25 de febrero de 2013

Park Geun-hye jura el cargo como presidenta de Corea del Sur

 Inicia un mandato de cinco años
Advierte a Corea del Norte que no tolerará amenazas a la seguridad del país

La conservadora Park Geun-hye ha jurado su cargo como presidenta de Corea del Sur para los próximos cinco años en una multitudinaria ceremonia celebrada en el exterior de la Asamblea Nacional (Parlamento) de Seúl.

Unas 70.000 personas se congregaron en los alrededores para observar la toma de posesión de la ganadora de las elecciones del pasado diciembre, que antes de ser investida oficialmente realizó la correspondiente reverencia a la bandera nacional y guardó silencio por los mártires patriotas del país.

Previamente, la ceremonia contó con una breve actuación del cantante surcoreano Psy, que interpretó su famoso tema 'Gangnam Style'.

En su discurso, Park calificó la reciente prueba nuclear de Corea del Norte como "un desafío a la supervivencia del pueblo coreano" y aseguró que no tolerará futuras amenazas a la seguridad.

La nueva presidenta instó al régimen de Kim Jong-un a "abandonar sin demora sus ambiciones nucleares", aunque dejó una puerta abierta al diálogo al proponer un proceso de "construcción de confianza" con el Norte para sentar las bases de una nueva "era de la unificación" en este país dividido desde hace más de seis décadas.

Park también incidió en otro de los pilares de su programa, la "democratización económica", al reiterar sus promesas de reducir la brecha de ingresos para ampliar las clases medias, favorecer a las pymes frente a la voracidad de los grandes conglomerados del país y garantizar la igualdad de oportunidades.

Fuente: Efe Seúl.

MPs, businesses hope Budget will address cost of living, labour crunch


INGAPORE: Ahead of the delivery of Singapore's Budget on Monday, cost of living and labour crunch are among some issues MPs and businesses hope will be addressed.

Several MPs Channel NewsAsia spoke to said that a key concern especially amongst the sandwiched class is the cost of living in the country.

As for the elderly residents, they are concerned about healthcare costs, said the MPs.

On their part, businesses are worried about the manpower crunch and over the past month, there have been several calls to ease the tightening of the foreign worker inflow.

The government has been calling on companies to make concerted efforts to improve their productivity levels.

Zainudin Nordin, chairman of Government Parliamentary Committee (GPC) for Manpower, said: "When we look and talk about productivity, it sounds good. But how do we implement the productivity uplifting of our SMEs and companies? There needs to be a strong collaboration.

"When there is an intent on the part of the government to provide the resources in terms of consultancy and funds, there must also be a commitment and passion amongst the employers to see and understand that whenever they need to do more things, the first thing that must come to their mind is, 'how can I do more without employing more people?'. That is the direct question they have to ask themselves. Productivity is about doing more with lesser resources, that's the question.
"So, that should be the first question that comes to our mind, and when we need assistance from the government we should be able to come in and help in a much more concerted way.
"At the same time we also know the employees must also continue to ensure (they stay) relevant. So machinery, resources and employees must all be in tandem to do this. The partnership must be stronger."

Dr Lim Wee Kiak, chairman of GPC for Defence and Foreign Affairs, said: "We have received feedback as to the cost of childcare, cost of education and tuition, and these add a lot of stress to young parents. On top of that, they have to take care of their elderly parents. I think the key for that is the cost of healthcare.

"So within this Budget itself, I hope there will be some consideration for, especially the young and the old, and that will help the sandwiched class a lot."

Mr Baey Yam Keng, chairman of GPC for Culture, Community and Youth, said: "There has been some anticipation, because there has been a (budget) surplus. People know there is a surplus and people would look forward to investment in infrastructure. The gaps that we are seeing now in transport, housing, healthcare...people want to see their immediate frustrations being addressed...as well as the cost of living, these would be the key issues from residents

"There is some apprehension over whether rentals will go up, if transport fares will go up.

"At the same time there are also residents operating their own businesses, the SMEs, who also have concerns about the manpower crunch, the cost of dong business and how they can continue to survive in this climate."

The Budget Statement will be delivered in Parliament by Deputy Prime Minister and Finance Minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam.

Channel NewsAsia will carry a special Budget programme from 3pm on Monday, together with Mr Tharman's speech live.

Budget 2013 will be tabled in Parliament against the backdrop of a 1.3 percent GDP growth for the entire 2012.

For 2013, the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MTI) has forecast an economic growth of one to three percent.

MTI also revealed on Friday that labour productivity had fallen by 2.6 percent in 2012, a reversal from the growth of 1.3 per cent from the previous year.

The ministry said productivity also dropped by 2.5 per cent in the fourth quarter, the fifth consecutive quarter of decline.

It said the fall was broad-based, with manufacturing, construction and services all experiencing negative growth.

- CNA/ir

Toshihide Numata Book Prize in Buddhism

CALL FOR CANDIDATE WORKS> Toshihide Numata Book Prize in Buddhism (Sharf)

From: Charles Muller

Please note the following prize and the April 15, 2013, deadline.

Note that, in our experience, authors may have to nudge their publishers to

nominate their books, or take the initiative to nominate their own

books. The information below can also be found at the following url:


The Toshihide Numata Book Prize in Buddhism

The Toshihide Numata Book Prize in Buddhism (or "Toshi" Prize) is

awarded on an annual basis to an outstanding book in any area of

Buddhist studies. The prize is administered by the Center for Buddhist

Studies at the University of California, Berkeley.


To be considered for the prize during the 2013 nomination period, a

book must have a copyright date of 2012. Books must be written in

English. Edited and/or coauthored books are eligible.


Nominations, consisting of the book and a nomination letter, must be

received by April 15, 2013, and may come from scholars (including

authors) or book publishers. Supporting documentation, such as

readers' reports and reviews, may also be included but are not


Nomination materials should be sent to:

Toshi Prize in Buddhism
University of California, Berkeley
Center for Buddhist Studies
2223 Fulton Street, Room 512
Berkeley, CA 94720-2318


The annual prize is in the amount of $10,000. The committee has the

discretion to split the prize among multiple books. The prize

winner(s) are reimbursed for expenses related to their attendance at

the prize presentation.


The prize is presented annually at the University of California,

Berkeley. The prize is celebrated with a public lecture by the prize

recipient, a symposium focused on the book's theme, and a presentation


For more information, please contact:

Dr. Sanjyot Mehendale

Vice-Chair, Center for Buddhist Studies
2223 Fulton Street, Room 512
Berkeley, CA 94720-2318
(510) 643-5104


"Buddhism Post-Soviet Union"

Venerable Telo Tulku Rinpoche

Wednesday, February 27, 2013, 6:00 PM

Levinthal Hall, Stanford Humanities Center

Silk Road Buddhism Lectures. Co-sponsored by Silk Road Foundation,

Center for Russian, East European & Eurasian Studies, and Stanford

Humanities Center

Free and open to the public


Caste and Buddhist Philosophy

Vincent Eltschinger, Caste and Buddhist Philosophy

From: Alexander von Rospatt   I am glad to announce the recent publication of

Vincent Eltschinger, Caste and Buddhist Philosophy: Continuity of Some

Buddhist Arguments against the Realist Interpretation of Social

Denominations. (Motilal Banarsidass, 2012, xxi, 235 p, ISBN:


In the Buddhist Tradition Series published by Motilal

Banarsidass. This important book has previously only been published in

French (Vienna: Arbeitskreis für Tibetische und Buddhistische Studien,

Universität Wien, 2000) and is now for the first time made available

in English.

Here is a brief description:

From the sixth to the eighth century CE, the Buddhist philosophers

paid considerable attention to the issue of the caste-classes. Far

from seeking to reform the non-Buddhist social environment, they

endeavoured to undermine theoretical attempts at “naturalizing” the

social statuses, especially Kumarila’s doctrine of the perceptibility

of jati. Significant parts of their critique is strongly indebted to

earlier, mainly canonical arguments shaped in order to neutralize the

Brahmins’ pride in caste. But closer scrutiny also reveals the

innovations that were made possible by the renewal of Buddhist

semantics around the so-called apoha (“exclusion”)

theory. Eltschinger’s study presents the gist of the early Buddhist

arguments, the modalities of their appropriation by later philosophers

as well as the new developments induced by the epistemologists.

The author offers a detailed analysis of the arguments against the

Brahmanic ìnaturalization of caste, ”as propounded by Dharmakirti

(ca. 600 CE) and his successors up to Prajnakaragupta (ca. 800 CE),

and in the process pays close attention to their historical context as

exemplified by the writings of Aryadeva, Vasubandhu, Dharmapala, and

Candrakirti. The first section provides a survey of the canonical

material in relevant Pali Suttas and subsequent Avadana and Jataka

literature. The main part of the book presents the final stage in the

evolution of polemics against the “naturalization” of caste in the

sense of “any attempt to include caste among the things that do not

depend or proceed exclusively from human thought and arbitrary

conventions, i.e., to consider caste as agreeing with nature and not

merely with people’s social and linguistic habits.

Alexander von Rospatt, Professor
Department of South and Southeast Asian Studies
Group in Buddhist Studies, Director
University of California
7233 Dwinelle Hall # 2540
Berkeley, CA 94720-2540
Phone: +1-510-6421610
Fax: +1-510-6432959
Email: rospatt@berkeley.edu


Estimados amigos,

Anexo enviamos el Catálogo de publicaciones 2011-marzo 2013 del Centro de Estudios de Asia y África (CEAA) de El Colegio de México.

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Saludos cordiales,
Centro de Estudios de Asia y África
El Colegio de México

“Indo - Hispanic Dialogue: Bridging the Cultural Gap

Dear Colleague,

Greetings from New Delhi!

This is just to inform you that I plan to be Hyderabad from March 05 till March 09, 2013 to attend the forthcoming International conference on “Indo - Hispanic Dialogue: Bridging the Cultural Gap to be held from March 6 till March 8, 2013.

The conference is being organized by Central University of Hyderabad under convenorship Dr. Prabhakar Rao, Director and Coordinator Centre for Study of Foreign Languages, School of Humanities, University of Hyderabad; Organizing Secretary: Mr. Ranjeeva Ranjan.

I will be presenting a talk on Rasa theory and the Garcia Lorca with reference to “The Shoemaker’s Prodigious Wife”. I plan to present my thoughts on application of Rasa theory - part of Indian literary tradition to Spanish Literature, specially writings of Fedrico Garcia Lorca’s (1899-1936) and his play “The Shoemaker’s Prodigious Wife”.

In addition, I will be part of a round table discussion on second day of the conference on Teaching Spanish and Portuguese in India and Introducing Indian Languages in Latin American Countries.

It will be our pleasure to collaborate with your organization in creating sensitivity towards using professional services for languages and translation.

Best regards

Ravi Kumar
Conference Media Partner
President - Indian Translators Association ( ITAINDIA)
Secretary General - Association of Asian Translation Industry ( AATI ASIA)
Indian Representative - International Medical Interpeters Association ( IMIA)
Ex-Council Member - International Federation of Translators (FIT)
K-5B, Lower Ground Floor, Kalkaji
New Delhi -110019 M: 8287636881

viernes, 22 de febrero de 2013


Two documentaries

We'll be watching and discussing two documentaries from the DVD series "ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS":

1/ The Lost Empire of Genghis Khan, produced in 2008 by the International Masters Publishers AB. The History Channel: Ancient Mysteries. The host is Josh Bernstein.

2/ Terracotta Army: Secrets of an Ancient Dynasty. This film is also produced in 2008 by the International Masters Publishers AB. (MMII Cicada Films Limited.) The film tells the story dated back to the 1st millennium BC city of Xi'an (in ancient times, Chang'an) that was the easternmost point of the celebrated Silk Road and where the world's most important archeological finds have ever been made beginning 1974. The excavations are still in progress. There are several professors in Chinese history - Dr. Jeffrey K. Riegel, UC Berkeley, Dr. Robin D. S. Yates, McGill University, Dr. Hugh Baker, University of London, and Dr. Wang Tao, University College London, who are commenting these amazing discoveries in the film offering certain fascinating hypotheses.
Running time: approximately 50 minutes each film.

Both films are in English.

The screening will take place at SRH on Saturday March 2, at 5pm. It will be introduced and commented on by Alma Kunanbaeva.

Silk Road House, 1944 University Ave., Berkeley, CA 94705 (between Milvia & Martin Luther King; enter by side door in passageway under black Zabu Zabu awning); e-mail: silkroadhouse@yahoo.com; website: www.silkroadhouse.org; tel.: 510-981-0700.

“Ukiyo-e Heroes” do ilustrador Jed Henry chega ao Brasil

Publicado por FJSP em Arte e Cultura

Tags: arte, cultura, Fernando Saiki, gravura, Ilustração, Japão, Jed Henry, Ukiyo-e, Ukiyo-e Heroes Exposição e bate papo/demonstração fazem parte da programação

A Fundação Japão realiza a exposição do projeto Ukiyo-e Heroes, com 15 obras (xilogravuras) do ilustrador norte-americano Jed Henry, durante o período de 04 de março a 12 de abril de 2013 no JOH MABE Espaço Arte & Cultura, no Jardim Paulista, em São Paulo.

“Ukiyo-e Heroes é um projeto sem precedentes. Uma série de paródias envolvendo personagens de videogames já foi feita, é verdade. Mas o que eles (Jed, o artista ilustrador e David, o gravador) fizeram quando decidiram juntar cultura pop com gravura tradicional japonesa resgata o próprio pensamento do Ukiyo-e. Para tal é preciso enfatizar que as estampas japonesas, que encantaram os impressionistas europeus do século XIX, sobretudo pela nostalgia e exotismo, eram, na verdade, retratos da vida cotidiana e de ícones, tais como as cortesãs e os atores famosos, contemporâneos à época em que foram feitas. Jed, ao trazer sua paixão por videogames, juntamente com seu magnífico traçado e composição, para o universo da gravura japonesa, o qual David domina e executa com exímio talento há mais de 30 anos, atualiza a tradição desta arte e nos aponta para as origens dos videogames.”, afirma Fernando Saiki, autor do artigo sobre a prática da estampa japonesa no livro “Imagens do Japão II”, organizado por Christine Greiner e Marco So

O projeto iniciado em abril de 2012, em parceria com o gravador anglo-canadense residente em Tóquio, David Bull, já arrecadou U$ 313,000 na plataforma digital Kickstarter, ganhando destaque na mídia internacional, noticiado no jornal The Japan Times, na revista GQ, no site CCN Money e na versão digital da revista Wired (edição japonesa e inglesa).Durante a passagem pelo Brasil, Jed também profere uma palestra fechada aos alunos da Universidade Anhembi Morumbi, em São Paulo.Além da exposição, haverá um bate papo e demonstração da técnica do “Mokuhanga “(imagem impressa pela madeira), no dia 2 de março de 2013 (sábado), em dois horários, às 10h e 14h, com o ilustrador, Jed Henry que visita o país pela primeira vez. O artista plástico brasileiro Fernando Saiki, que desenvolve obras em xilogravura japonesa, também participa do evento. A conversa, toda em inglês, terá tradução consecutiva para o português. As inscrições para o bate papo, limitadas a 35 pessoas por turma, devem ser feitas pelo site: www.fjsp.org.br

Ukiyo-e Heroes

“Nosso principal objetivo é bombear a vitalidade de volta para esta forma de arte (Ukiyo-e), dando-lhe um apelo moderno, mas mantendo suas tradições”, afirma Jed.


A tradução de Ukiyo-e (“Figuras de um mundo flutuante”), nascido no Japão durante o Período Edo (1603-1868), refere-se a um termo budista sobre a brevidade e a incerteza da vida. Sua criação reflete basicamente às mudanças comportamentais da época (como o nascimento da classe burguesa), em que arte agora era consumida não somente por samurais e a corte.

As primeiras gravuras eram realizadas para ilustrar histórias de livros, mas Ishikawa Moronobu (?-1694 .1868) considerado o pai do Ukiyo-e, cunhou a gravura Ichimai-e ou Ichimai-zuri, ou seja, folha avulsa, pensada de forma autônoma. Mas com Okumura Masanobu, que para ganhar mais liberdade de expressão abriu sua própria editora, que o ukiyo-e ganhou inovação, com o desenvolvimento da gravura de perspectiva (uki-e) e de pilastra (hashira-e). E o artista Suzuki Harunobu a elevou a um grau de complexidade e sofisticação, compondo imagens de até dez cores impressas em blocos diferentes.

A temática era variada, mas se concentrava na vida urbana e as cenas do cotidiano (cortesãs, lutadores de sumô e atores de teatro kabuki, também nascido na época), com destaque, para as paisagens, cidades japonesas e as inúmeras representações/vistas do monte Fuji, um dos maiores cartões postais nipônicos. Com a abertura do Japão ao Ocidente, na Era Meiji (1868-1912), e a popularização de métodos mais baratos, como a gravura em metal, litografia e a fotografia, o ukiyo-e cai em desuso. Usado como papel de embrulho de porcelanas e cerâmicas exportadas para Europa, iria influenciar drasticamente pintores impressionistas franceses, como Claude Monet.

Jed Henry

Ilustrador norte-americano, graduado em Bacharel em Fine Arts Animation (2005-2008) pela Brigham Young University, em Utah, Estados Unidos. Na área da animação, estagiou na SONY Pictures e ganhou prêmios como o primeiro lugar (Student Emmys) e terceiro (Student Academy Awards), com “KITES”, seu filme/tese de graduação, em 2008. Ilustrou livros infantis (“Cheer Up, Mouse!” e “Just Say Boo!”) da editora Houghton Mifflin, entre outras como a Penguin, Harper Collins e Candlewick. Além disto, se considera um jogador de videogames profissional, japanófilo e nerd assumido.   Fernando Saiki

Artista plástico formado pela Escola de Comunicações e Artes (ECA-USP), com especialização em Escultura, em 2004. Pesquisa e desenvolve trabalhos plásticos em xilogravura japonesa (mokuhanga), além de ministrar cursos e oficinas, desde 2006. Em 2012, publicou um artigo sobre a prática da estampa japonesa no livro “Imagens do Japão II”, organizado por Christine Greiner e Marco Souza e lançado pela editora Annablume.   Serviço

Exposição “Ukiyo-e Heroes” de Jed Henry
04 de março a 12 de abril de 2013
Segunda a sexta, das 10h às 18h
Sábados, das 10h às 15h

Bate Papo/demonstração com o ilustrador Jed Henry e participação especial de Fernando Saiki
02 de março de 2013 (sábado), às 10h e 14h

*Para participar do bate papo/demonstração é necessário efetuar inscrição.


JOH MABE Espaço Arte & Cultura
Av. Brigadeiro Luiz Antônio, 4.225
jardim Paulista – São Paulo
Tel: (11) 3885-7140
Email: jmabeart@mabe.com.br

China y en la relación China-México

Estimados amigos e interesados en China y en la relación China-México:

Por este medio nos permitimos informarles sobre la conferencia el


6 DE MARZO, 10AM del





La conferencia se llevará a cabo en la sala Jesús Silva Herzog, primer

piso del Edificio Anexo de la Facultad de Economía, Ciudad Universitaria


El Embajador Anguiano Roch es Profesor del Centro de Investigación y

Docencia Económicas (CIDE). Es autor de múltiples libros y documentos

sobre China y su sistema político y financiero, con varias publicaciones

en Cuadernos de Trabajo del Cechimex, entre otras. Se trata de uno de los

más profundos y puntuales analistas sobre China en México.

Las anteriores presentaciones del Ciclo de Conferencias se encuentran

disponibles en el portal del Cechimex.

Para informes hablar al 56222195 y ver el mapa de ubicación en:


Encuentro en Casa Asia

"Hong Kong, un lugar privilegiado para la inversión en China"

Quien quiera invertir en China, no puede olvidarse de Hong Kong. La ciudad del delta del río de la Perla sigue siendo un centro de control y dirección privilegiado para aquellas empresas que quieran acceder a las oportunidades de negocio de la China continental, así como las que ofrece en el resto de economías emergentes de la región de Asia y el Pacífico.

Este encuentro se aproximará a las ventajas, facilidades y oportunidades de la ciudad, poniéndolos a disposición de los que quieran invertir en la ella, conocer los ámbitos profesionales más dinámicos y los sectores más prósperos de la región.

Palabras de bienvenida a cargo de: Amadeo Jensana, director de Economía y Empresa de Casa Asia

Ponencia a cargo de:

Siegfried Verstappen, Senior Investment Promotion Executive, InvestHK
Turno de preguntas.
Martes, 26 de febrero de 2013 a las 19:00 h

Sede de Casa Asia
Av. Diagonal, 373

Entrada libre con inscripción previa en lalvarez@casaasia.es

Fuente: Casa Asia

domingo, 17 de febrero de 2013


Japan to send envoy to China for island row talks: report

Posted: 16 February 2013 0306 hrs   OKYO: Japan will next week send a foreign ministry official to Beijing for three days for talks on an ongoing territorial dispute and North Korea's recent nuclear test, a report said Saturday.

Tokyo will dispatch Shinsuke Sugiyama, head of the ministry's Asian and Oceanian Affairs bureau, for the meetings with Chinese government officials from Tuesday, Kyodo news agency said, citing a ministry source.

The relationship between the Asian giants has cooled over the territorial row involving the Japanese-controlled Senkaku islands, which Beijing claims as the Diaoyus, which last year triggered anti-Japan rallies across China.
Sugiyama is expected to raise Tokyo's concerns about a Chinese frigate locking its weapons-control radar onto one of its destroyers last month, the report said, in an incident Prime Minister Shinzo Abe called "provocative" and "dangerous." China has flatly denied the accusation.

The envoy will also discuss the response to North Korea's third nuclear test, which it conducted this week, with Tokyo under pressure to keep China onside as the wider world seeks Beijing's support for stricter sanctions on Pyongyang.

Chinese protests over the disputed islands in the East China Sea and an unofficial consumer boycott have stung Japanese businesses operating in the world's second largest economy.

Some observers have warned diplomatic tensions could degenerate into a military clash, with potentially disastrous consequences for the region.

Fuente: channelnewsasia

Tibetan Sound Meditation

Tibetan scholar Alejandro Chaoul introduces participants to the practice and health benefits of this contemplative practice.

Two Thursdays, February 14-21
5:45 PM - 7:15 PM

Alejandro Chaoul, PhD, has been a student of Tibetan Buddhism since 1989 and has studied with His Holiness the Dalai Lama, Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche, and Namkhai Norbu Rinpoche. He is an Assistant Professor at MD Anderson Cancer Center's Integrative Medicine Program where he teaches Tibetan meditation to cancer patients, their families and caregivers, and researches the effects of Tibetan mind-body practices with cancer patients.

 Jung Center

5200 Montrose Blvd.
Houston, TX 77006
fax 713.524.8096

His Holiness Sakya Trizin to Visit US

Dear Dharma Friends:

I am delighted to inform you that His Holiness Sakya Trizin will return to the United States this spring and summer to undertake a private retreat, accompanied by Her Eminence Gyalyum Chenmo.

His Holiness has kindly consented to open his retreat on a few occasions to bestow profound initiations and teachings at Tsechen Kunchab Ling. Especially for the Himalayan community, he will bestow a long life initiation, Jambala, and Manjushri initiation. He will also bestow in-depth teachings on the profound practices known as Ngondro and empowerment and instruction on the Vajrapani and Sapan-Manjushri Guru Yoga practices, as well as the Jewel Garland by Chogyal Phagpa. You can find information about all of these events and how to register to attend on our website, www.sakyatemple.org.

I would also like to take this opportunity to express my heartfelt gratitude to all of you who have supported my recovery over the past number of months. I sincerely appreciate all of the prayers, support and generosity which have poured forth, and I look forward to seeing all of you again before long.

Khenpo Kalsang Gyaltsen

Vice President and Abbot

Tsechen Kunchab Ling
12 Edmunds Lane
Walden, New York 12586   website: www.sakyatemple.org

sábado, 16 de febrero de 2013

China publica la primera Enciclopedia de Historia Mundial

Pekín, 11/01/2013 (El Pueblo en Línea)-

El pasado jueves, la Academia China de Ciencias Sociales de Pekín publicó la primera Enciclopedia de Historia Mundial.

Más de 150 expertos e investigadores de la historia mundial presentaron la colección de libros en una ceremonia.

Según Wu Shulin, subdirector de la Administración General de Prensa y Publicación, la obra maestra incluye religión, naciones, teorías, métodos, desarrollo económico y sistemas políticos.

"La historia del mundo ha sido un punto débil en el campo de investigación académica de China. El lanzamiento de esta enciclopedia de historia mundial muestra cómo la investigación de los historiadores de China ha alcanzado un nuevo nivel", afirmó Wu Yin, subdirector de Administración General de Prensa y Publicación.
Más de cien autores compilaron información durante doce años para crear la serie de treinta y nueve libros. Los editores son principalmente historiadores e investigadores históricos de la Administración General de Prensa y Publicación, como también procedentes de varias universidades en China.

La enciclopedia ha sido publicada por la editorial Jiangxi People´s Publishing House.

Fuente: Spanish People.com.cn

CBS . Center for Buddhist Studies.

Dear  Members:

We are pleased to announce two events in February. Thank you for your ongoing support.

CBS Staf
The Politics of Humor: A Historical Perspective of the Vessantara Jataka in Thailand
Katherine Bowie

Professor of Anthropology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
10383 Bunche Hall

UCLA Campus

The Vessantara Jataka is the most famous of all the folktales about the previous lives of the Buddha. This talk highlights significant variations in both interpretations and performances of the Vessantara Jataka across three regions of Thailand. Although the Vessantara Jataka continues to play an important role in the annual cycle of temple festivals in northeastern Thailand, its importance in central and northern Thailand has been steadily declining. Taking a historical perspective, this essay will explore the changing politics of humor as an explanation for this regional variation.

Katherine Bowie is Professor of Anthropology and current Director of the Center for Southeast Asian Studies at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. She has lived in Thailand eight years. An expert in village life, her research combines oral histories, participant-observation and interviews with archival sources. Her publications include Voices from the Thai Countryside: The Necklace and Other Short Stories of Samruam Singh (University of Wisconsin Press, 1998); Rituals of National Loyalty: An Anthropology of the State and the Village Scout Movement in Thailand (Columbia University Press, 1997), and articles in Journal of Asian Studies, American Anthropologist, American Ethnologist, and Comparative Studies in Society and History. She teaches courses on cultural anthropology, political anthropology, historical anthropology, Theravada Buddhism and mainland Southeast Asian societies. Her research interests range from Thai peasant history and politics to gender and religion.

Free and open to the public.
Co-sponsored by the Center for Southeast Asian Studies and the Center for Buddhist Studies.

"Rediscovering Chinese Scholastic Chan in Edo Japan," talk by George Keywor
This talk explores how and why particular Japanese Zen monastics reevaluated the transmission narrative of Chinese Chan and especially the case of scholastic or literary Chan/Zen (Ch. wenzi Chan, Jpn. moji Zen) to show that when Zen thrives as a teaching, it has everything to do with the arts, and that when Zen degenerates it ignores them.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013
3:30 PM - 5:00 PM
243 Royce Hall, UCLA
Dr. Keyworth (B.A. UCSB 1992; M.A. UCSB 1995; Ph.D. UCLA 2001) is a scholar of Zen Buddhism in medieval China and Japan; Buddhist and Daoist rituals and spells; and esoteric Buddhism in East Asia and Tibet. Currently an Assistant Professor of East Asian Religions at the University of Saskatchewan, he has contributed to Esoteric Buddhism and the Tantras (E.J. Brill, 2011) and submitted several recent articles for publication on topics including the Spell of the White Canopy of the Buddha’s Sinciput (Ch. Baisangai foding zhou, Jpn. Byakusangai bucchōshu, Skt. Sitātapatra-buddhôṣṇīṣa-dhāraṇī) from the Chinese *Śūraṃgama-sūtra (T. 945), and the Japanese monk-pilgrim Jōjin (1011-1081). His book manuscript, Zen and the Literary Arts, is currently under review with Oxford University Press.

Cost: Free and open to the public

UCLA. Asia Institute


February 2013

Asia Institute Events

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Asia and the Global South

JEASC Annual Conference & Graduate Student Professional Development Workshop
12:00 PM - 5:45 PM
Social Sciences Building (SOS) B40, USC

The UCLA Asia Institute and the USC East Asian Studies Center are proud to host the third annual Joint East Asian Studies Center (JEASC) conference and graduate professional development workshop. This year's topic is designed to cover the myriad of ways in which Asian states, firms, groups and individuals are engaging governments, societies, economies, and cultures in world regions other than Europe and North America. From Chinese peacekeepers and business interests in Africa to Japanese ODA and Korean trade relations with Latin America, a host of important issues are beginning to be examined by social scientists and humanists.
Click here to RSVP by Friday, February 8, 2013.

Friday, February 15, 2013

Grounding Globalization: Capitalist Connections between Africa, Asia and Latin America in the early 21st Century
12:00 PM - 2:00 PM
10383 Bunche Hall, UCLA

A panel discussion moderated by UCLA Asia Institute director R. Bin Wong, with:
Juan Felipe López Aymes, Professor of Asian and African Studies, Colegio de México
The Engagement of Northeast Asian Countries (Japan, China and Korea) in Latin America from the 2000s Onwards

Ching Kwan Lee, Professor of Sociology, UCLA
The ‘Labor Question’ of Chinese Capitalism in Zambia

Min Zhou, Professor of Sociology & Asian American Studies, UCLA
Chinese-African Encounters in a Global City: The Case of Guangzhou, China

Friday, February 22, 2013

The Mongols from the Margins: New Perspectives on Central Asians in World History

10:00 AM - 5:00 PM
UCLA Young Research Library
Presentation Room (11348 LLC-ground floor)

A one-day conference sponsored by the UCLA Program on Central Asia and the Richard Hovannisian Endowed Chair in Modern Armenian History

Asia Institute Member Centers

For further information and announcements about research on campus, public events, funding, and ongoing programs, please visit the UCLA Asia Institute website, or the centers' individual websites.

Center for Buddhist Studies
Center for Chinese Studies
Center for India and South Asia
Center for Korean Studies
Center for Southeast Asian Studies
Terasaki Center for Japanese Studies

UCLA Program on Central Asia

The Asia Institute promotes Asian Studies at UCLA and fosters greater understanding of Asia through a wide variety of research support, public programs, and community outreach on East Asia, Southeast Asia, and South Asia.

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