CALL FOR CANDIDATE WORKS> Toshihide Numata Book Prize in Buddhism (Sharf)
From: Charles Muller
Please note the following prize and the April 15, 2013, deadline.
Note that, in our experience, authors may have to nudge their publishers to
nominate their books, or take the initiative to nominate their own
books. The information below can also be found at the following url:
The Toshihide Numata Book Prize in Buddhism
The Toshihide Numata Book Prize in Buddhism (or "Toshi" Prize) is
awarded on an annual basis to an outstanding book in any area of
Buddhist studies. The prize is administered by the Center for Buddhist
Studies at the University of California, Berkeley.
To be considered for the prize during the 2013 nomination period, a
book must have a copyright date of 2012. Books must be written in
English. Edited and/or coauthored books are eligible.
Nominations, consisting of the book and a nomination letter, must be
received by April 15, 2013, and may come from scholars (including
authors) or book publishers. Supporting documentation, such as
readers' reports and reviews, may also be included but are not
Nomination materials should be sent to:
Toshi Prize in Buddhism
University of California, Berkeley
Center for Buddhist Studies
2223 Fulton Street, Room 512
Berkeley, CA 94720-2318
The annual prize is in the amount of $10,000. The committee has the
discretion to split the prize among multiple books. The prize
winner(s) are reimbursed for expenses related to their attendance at
the prize presentation.
The prize is presented annually at the University of California,
Berkeley. The prize is celebrated with a public lecture by the prize
recipient, a symposium focused on the book's theme, and a presentation
For more information, please contact:
Dr. Sanjyot Mehendale
Vice-Chair, Center for Buddhist Studies
2223 Fulton Street, Room 512
Berkeley, CA 94720-2318
(510) 643-5104