martes, 27 de agosto de 2013


Estimados amigos e interesados en China y la relación México-China:

Por este medio nos permitimos informales que el miércoles 11 de septiembre a las 10am
SILVIA SELIGSON impartirá la conferencia "DIVERSIDAD CULTURAL EN CHINA: MINORÍAS ÉTNICAS". La conferencia se llevará a cabo en el Aula Magna Jesús Silva Herzog, primer piso del Edificio Anexo de la Facultad de Economía, Ciudad Universitaria UNAM. Para informes hablar al 56222195 y ver el mapa de ubicación en: .
La Maestra Silvia Seligson es investigadora y curadora del Museo Nacional de las Culturas del Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia (INAH) en la Ciudad de México desde 1986 y a estado a cargo de múltiples instalaciones de salas permanentes de Japón, China y Corea entre otras naciones. Tambén cuenta con numerosos cursos, seminarios, conferencias y publicaciones sobre los respectivos temas.

El Programa completo del Ciclo de Conferencias para agosto-noviembre 2013 puede obtenerse en:

De igual forma les informamos:
1. La Red Académica de América Latina y el Caribe sobre China (RED ALC-CHINA) publicó recientemente su Convocatoria para el Segundo Seminario Internacional "América Latina, el Caribe y China: condiciones y retos en el siglo XXI" a llevarse a cabo en la Ciudad de México del 26 al 28 de mayo de 2014. Los invitamos a revisar la Convocatoria e información vinculada en: .
2. La revista Cuadernos de Trabajo del Cechimex acaba de publicar en su último número el título "Consumidores "vicarios": el impacto del mercado global de porcelana china en la Castilla meridional (s. XVIII)" por parte de Manuel Pérez García. El documento está disponible en: .

3. Se encuentra también disponible el podcast de la conferencia del 7 de agosto impartida por Miguel Ángel Martín González,
"La industria del juguete en México y en China. Condiciones y respuestas" en:
 Y el podcast de la conferencia del 21 de agosto impartida por Enrique Dussel Peters "EL RESURGIMIENTO DE CHINA Y NUEVAS RELACIONES TRIANGULARES. EL CASO DE MÉXICO-ESTADOS UNIDOS Y CHINA".

Saludos, enrique dussel peters

Dr. Enrique Dussel Peters
Posgrado en Economía

Centro de Estudios China-México
Facultad de Economía
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

A los asistentes al ciclo de conferencias sobre la relación bilateral China México, les informamos lo siguiente relativo al transporte dentro de la Ciudad Universitaria:
ante la densidad demográfica y el incremento del número de automóviles en la Ciudad Universitaria se ha puesto en marcha un programa que estimulará una nueva cultura vial.
Los vehículos que antes se estacionaban en el circuito, ahora podrán ubicarse de manera gratuita y segura en los estacionamientos del estadio, desde donde se podrá acceder tanto a las rutas de transporte interno como a los diferentes medios externos de transporte público y al Programa Bicipuma.
Para los visitantes que no cuentan con credencial de la UNAM y que necesiten venir a hacer trámites o asistir a algún evento en particular, se tiene previsto un espacio en el mismo Estadio Olímpico, desde donde también podrán tener acceso a las rutas de transporte interno.
Con esta iniciativa el circuito se liberará de automóviles estacionados y se ha habilitado una ruta de autobuses escolares que operan en un carril delimitado con el distintivo de */Pumabús/*. Esta ruta ( 7 oro ) funciona con paradas fijas, partiendo de los estacionamientos del Estadio Olímpico y con parada en la Facultad de Economía, tendrá una frecuencia de menos de cinco minutos en cada una de sus corridas.

Cechimexlist mailing list

Association for Asian Studies

  •  Announcement from Association for Asian Studies, Inc.

at the National University of Singapore, July 17-19, 2014

The Association for Asian Studies (AAS), the Asia Research Institute (ARI), and the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) of the National University of Singapore are pleased to announce the inaugural AAS-in-Asia conference, “Asia in Motion: Heritage and Transformation.” This conference will take place at the National University of Singapore.

We seek to attract a wide range of panel proposals from humanists and social scientists, as well as reflective practitioners from the worlds of policy, civil society, journalism, and other professional fields.

Proposal Submission Deadline: October 31, 2013

Visit for more information.
Anunciado por Robyn Jones, CMP

lunes, 26 de agosto de 2013

The 5th International Sheng Yen Education Foundation Conference, Taiwan (Yu)

Dear Colleagues,

I would like to draw your attention to the 5th International Sheng Yen
Education Foundation Conference to be held in Taiwan, from June 27-30,
2014. There are two parts to this conference, general audience and
academic. This email is a call for papers for Part Two, the academic part
of the conference (from June 29-30).

Conference Title:

“Transmission and Practice in Contemporary Chinese Buddhism and the Thought
of Venerable Sheng Yen.”

Conference papers do not have to focus directly on Master Sheng Yen’s
thought. The range and parameter of subtopics may include:

- The study of the transmission or practice of contemporary Chinese Buddhism

- Economics perspectives of contemporary Chinese Buddhism

- Critical reflections on dharma transmission in Chan Buddhism

- Dharma Drum Mountain and the thought of Master Sheng Yen

- Contemporary Chinese Buddhism, humanistics Buddhism, and Master Sheng Yen

- Chinese Chan and modern therapy

- Research topics on international or globalized aspects of Sheng Yen's
thought and Chinese Buddhism

Conference Dates:

June 27 -30, 2014. The academic part is from June 29 – 30, 2014.

Conference Location:

National Taiwan University Convention Center, Taipei

Round trip airfare to Taiwan and room and board for presenters and
respondents will be provided by the Sheng Yen Education Foundation. Hotel
accommodations will cover 4 nights if presenters would also like to attend
the first two days of the conference (which will focus on topics related to
dharma transmission in the Dharma Drum Lineage of Chan).

Paper Submissions:

Paper proposal in 1,000 words (or three double-spaced pages) due: Monday,
February 10, 2014

Announcement of paper acceptance by: Wednesday, March 10, 2014

Submission of completed paper: Friday, May 30, 2014

Proposals and completed papers should be sent electronically to the Sheng
Yen Education Foundation:**tw <>>

Presented papers from part two of the conference may be published as a peer
reviewed conference proceeding volume.

Conference Sponsors:

Dharma Drum Monastic Sangha

Sheng Yen Education Foundation

Conference Cosponsors:

National Taiwan University, Center for Buddhist Studies

National Chengchi University

Chung-Hwa institute of Buddhist Studies

Dharma Drum University

Dharma Drum Buddhist College

Dharma Drum Sangha University

Dharma Drum publishing Corp.
Dr. Jimmy Yu
Sheng Yen Assistant Professor of Chinese Buddhist Studies
Editor, Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal
Florida State University
Department of Religion, 120D Dodd Hall
641 University Way
Tallahassee, FL 32306-1520
Office Phone: 850-615-1406
Office Fax: 850-644-7225

Buddhist Forum Online

The Institute of Buddhist Studies is pleased to announce that the
online versions of Buddhist Forum are now complete--issues one through
six. The sixth issue focuses on the bodhisattva ideal, providing both
an historical overview and translations of key texts by Tadeusz
Skorupski. The complete set of issues can be accessed via the IBS
website at <>. We would like
to thank Prof. Skorupski for his permission and support for making
this valuable resource widely available once again, Ms. Chenxing Han
for scanning, correcting and formatting the texts, and Prof. Scott
Mitchell for technical assistance with production and posting.

Sincerely yours,

Richard K. Payne
Richard K. Payne, Dean
and Yehan Numata Professor of Japanese Buddhist Studies
Institute of Buddhist Studies
2140 Durant Avenue
Berkeley, CA 94704

Relación México-China:

Estimados amigos e interesados en China y la relación México-China:

Por este medio nos permitimos informales que el
miércoles 21 de agosto a las 10am Enrique Dussel Peters impartirá la conferencia "EL RESURGIMIENTO DE CHINA Y NUEVAS RELACIONES TRIANGULARES. EL CASO DE MÉXICO-ESTADOS UNIDOS Y CHINA".
La conferencia se llevará a cabo en el Aula Magna Jesús Silva Herzog, primer piso del Edificio Anexo de la Facultad de Economía, Ciudad Universitaria UNAM.
Para informes hablar al 56222195 y ver el mapa de ubicación en:
Enrique Dussel Peters es Profesor del Posgrado en Economía de la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México y Coordinador del Centro de Estudios China-México (Cechimex) de la Facultad de la UNAM, así como Coordinador de la Red Académica de América Latina y el Caribe sobre China (RED ALC-CHINA).
El Programa completo del Ciclo de Conferencias para agosto-noviembre 2013 puede obtenerse en:
De igual forma les informamos:

1. La Red Académica de América Latina y el Caribe sobre China (RED ALC-CHINA)
publicó recientemente su Convocatoria para el Segundo Seminario Internacional "América Latina, el Caribe y China: condiciones y retos en el siglo XXI" a llevarse a cabo en la Ciudad de México del 26 al 28 de mayo de 2014.
Los invitamos a revisar la Convocatoria e información vinculada en:

2. La revista Cuadernos de Trabajo del Cechimex acaba de publicar en su último número el título
"Consumidores "vicarios": el impacto del mercado global de porcelana china en la Castilla meridional (s. XVIII)" por parte de Manuel Pérez García. El documento está disponible en:

3. Se encuentra también disponible el podcast de la última conferencia impartida por Miguel Ángel Martín González,
"La industria del juguete en México y en China. Condiciones y respuestas" en:

4. Los invitamos también a consultar el reciente documento publicado por Kevin P. Gallagher y Enrique Dussel Peters en Revista de la CEPAL 110 titulado
"El huésped no invitado del TLCAN: China y la desintegración del comercio en América del Norte". El documento está disponible en:
Saludos, enrique dussel peters 
Visítanos en: 
         Facebook                   *
@Cechimex FE UNAM
                  * @Cuadernos de trabajo del Cechimex FE UNAM

* @Cechimex_UNAM
Dr. Enrique Dussel Peters
Posgrado en Economía

Centro de Estudios China-México
Facultad de Economía
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

A los asistentes al ciclo de conferencias sobre la relación bilateral China México, les informamos lo siguiente relativo al transporte dentro de la Ciudad Universitaria:
ante la densidad demográfica y el incremento del número de automóviles en la Ciudad Universitaria se ha puesto en marcha un programa que estimulará una nueva cultura vial.
Los vehículos que antes se estacionaban en el circuito, ahora podrán ubicarse de manera gratuita y segura en los estacionamientos del estadio, desde donde se podrá acceder tanto a las rutas de transporte interno como a los diferentes medios externos de transporte público y al Programa Bicipuma.
Para los visitantes que no cuentan con credencial de la UNAM y que necesiten venir a hacer trámites o asistir a algún evento en particular, se tiene previsto un espacio en el mismo Estadio Olímpico, desde donde también podrán tener acceso a las rutas de transporte interno.
Con esta iniciativa el circuito se liberará de automóviles estacionados y se ha habilitado una ruta de autobuses escolares que operan en un carril delimitado con el distintivo de */Pumabús/*. Esta ruta ( 7 oro ) funciona con paradas fijas, partiendo de los estacionamientos del Estadio Olímpico y con parada en la Facultad de Economía, tendrá una frecuencia de menos de cinco minutos en cada una de sus corridas.

Cechimexlist mailing list

miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2013

Cámara Argentina de Comercio


La Cámara Argentina de Comercio, la Federación de Organizaciones de Exportación de la India y la Embajada de la Rep. de la India en Argentina  lo invitan a participar del Encuentro de Negocios India 2013 que tendrá lugar el día viernes 30 de agosto a partir de las 9:30 hs,  en la sede de nuestra Entidad, Leandro N. Alem 36 8º Piso.
En esta oportunidad, la CAC se encuentra organizando la Ronda de Negocios con reuniones individuales entre empresas que participen del encuentro, de acuerdo a sus perfiles, productos e intereses previamente señalados.
Reunirá a compañías de la India y Argentina de variados sectores, las que tendrán la oportunidad de concretar Alianzas Estratégicas en materia de Transferencia de Tecnología, Desarrollo conjunto de productos, Inversiones, Joint-Ventures, Acuerdos de Representación y Distribución.
 ¿Por qué y Cómo participar?
La experiencia demuestra que de estos Encuentros surgen un gran número de Alianzas Estratégicas: joint ventures, acuerdos de distribución, transferencia de las más avanzadas tecnologías y fundamentalmente una estrecha cooperación entre las empresas que buscan nuevos socios y oportunidades de negocios. 

Para conocer el Catálogo de Empresas participantes de la delegación que nos visitará(click aquí).

Las empresas interesadas en la propuesta podrán descargar el Perfil de Negocios a completar para participar del evento.

La participación en el encuentro es sin cargo.  Requiere de inscripción previa.

Cierre de inscripción 28 de agosto   
Más informació -  (54-11) 5300-9051 / 9056 / 9096

AWARDS - AAR Book Award to Christian Wedemeyer

Dear Colleagues,

I am happy to pass on to you the notice from the AAR e-Bulletin that H-Buddhism list member Christian Wedemeyer (University of Chicago Divinity School) has been awarded the AAR Award for Excellence in Religion: Historical Studies for his 2012 work "Making Sense of Tantric Buddhism: History, Semiology, and Transgression in the Indian Traditions" (Columbia University Press).

Congratulations Christian!



A. Charles Muller

University of Tokyo
Graduate School of Humanities and Sociology, Faculty of Letters
Center for Evolving Humanities
7-3-1 Hongō, Bunkyō-ku
Tokyo 113-8654, Japan

Office: 03-5841-3735

'Reading Outside the Lines'

Workshop 'Reading Outside the Lines", September 13-15

The Doctoral Program in Buddhist Studies at
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität, München is pleased to announce the
workshop "Reading Outside the Lines: A Workshop on the Intersection of
Buddhist Art and Texts" on September 13-15, 2013 in Munich, Germany with
keynote addresses by Christian Luczanits (Rubin Museum of Art, New York)
and Alexander von Rospatt (UC Berkeley).

The workshop's schedule can be found on our website:

Participation is free, but please register as soon as possible as the
number of participants is limited. For registration please write to

Sincerely yours,

Paulus Kaufmann

Dr. Paulus Kaufmann
Promotionsprogramm Buddhismusstudien
Japan-Zentrum der LMU München
Oettingenstraße 67
D-80538 München

martes, 20 de agosto de 2013

The Departments of Religion and East Asian Languages and Cultures at Columbia University

The Departments of Religion and East Asian Languages and Cultures at
Columbia University invite applications for a joint appointment to
the Sheng Yen Chair in Chinese Buddhism, at the level of
tenure-track assistant professor or tenure-track associate
professor.  Area of research and teaching specialization is open,
although demonstrated interest in interdisciplinary research and
teaching is necessary.  Ph.D. required by the time of appointment.
Candidates will be expected to sustain an active research and
publication agenda and teach in undergraduate and graduate programs.

Candidates are required to submit a cover letter, CV, statement of
teaching and research, dissertation abstract, three reference
letters, writing sample, and samples of syllabi.  Review of
applications will begin October 1, 2013 and continue until position
is filled. Preliminary interviews will be conducted at the AAR
annual meeting in Baltimore in November.

For more information and to apply for the position, please use the
following URL:

Columbia University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.

H-Buddhism (Buddhist Scholars Information Network)

Web Site:

Sheng Yen Chair in Chinese Buddhism, Columbia

The Departments of Religion and East Asian Languages and Cultures at
Columbia University invite applications for a joint appointment to
the Sheng Yen Chair in Chinese Buddhism, at the level of
tenure-track assistant professor or tenure-track associate
professor.  Area of research and teaching specialization is open,
although demonstrated interest in interdisciplinary research and
teaching is necessary.  Ph.D. required by the time of appointment.
Candidates will be expected to sustain an active research and
publication agenda and teach in undergraduate and graduate programs.

Candidates are required to submit a cover letter, CV, statement of
teaching and research, dissertation abstract, three reference
letters, writing sample, and samples of syllabi.  Review of
applications will begin October 1, 2013 and continue until position
is filled. Preliminary interviews will be conducted at the AAR
annual meeting in Baltimore in November.

For more information and to apply for the position, please use the
following URL:

Columbia University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer.

H-Buddhism (Buddhist Scholars Information Network)

Web Site:
 Yen Chair in Chinese Buddhism, Columbia

Seminario AABS

Australasian Association of Buddhist Studies (AABS)

Our next seminar will be held at 5:30-7:00pm on Tuesday August 27 in room N208 of the John Woolley Building, University of Sydney (walk down the flight of stairs directly inside the main entrance of the John Woolley Building).

We do hope you can attend.

Kind regards,
AABS Executive

Sensing Disability in Buddhism: A Reading Against the Grain 

Popular Buddhist narratives and iconography abound with images of bad physicians who become blind or disfigured monks, lepers who put the Buddha in trouble, menstruating nuns who shame the Sangha and a perfect Tathagatha who embodies the 32 marks of moral perfection. “Dwarf” Arahants, overworked doctors, Vedic notions of pollution and Buddha’s chronic illnesses are often left out of the picture.

This presentation will explore themes surrounding constitutional, legal and normative paradigms of inclusion and exclusion embodied in and enforced by Buddhist hermeneutics of the body, karmic multi-life commentaries and hegemonic readings of the Vinaya (Buddhist Monastic Code). In the first section of my presentation, I will discuss the ideal of moral or virtuous bodies in Buddhism, including the Buddha’s body. In the second half, I will examine codes relating to bodies “out of order” in the Vinaya; particularly Mahavagga 1.39–1.71 and its attendant commentaries and sub-commentaries.

Niluka Gunawardena

Niluka Gunawardena is a Doctoral candidate at the Law School at Griffith University. She has a long standing commitment to Disability rights and Dhamma practice. She has been working on a campaign to make all major Buddhist religious sites of worship in Sri Lanka accessible for all. The recent pledge to provide ramp access to Ruvanveliseya in Anuradhapura was a major collective achievement in this regard. She is also a passionate educator and has worked in secondary schools in USA and Sri Lanka. She is dedicated to helping children understand disability, diversity and marginality in a framework of compassionate, inter-subjective Buddhist Ethics.

domingo, 18 de agosto de 2013

Asian Currents

The August 2013 issue of "Asian Currents" from the Asian Studies Association of Australia is now available from the ASAA web site at

In This Issue
    • Shaky Afghanistan prepares to stand alone (Ian Bickerton)
    • Dominant Abe faces long, winding road (Purnendra Jain)
    • Vietnam’s conflicted human rights policy (Carlyle A. Thayer)
    • Cambodia’s elections remain a work in progress (David Chandler)
    • Is reform in Myanmar becoming self-sustaining? (Trevor Wilson)
    • This is how we rise to the Asian century? (Matt McDonald)
    • Iran’s foreign policy under Rouhani may be business as usual (Brenton Clark)
    • Turkey’s season of protest: Gezi Park and beyond (Christopher Houston)
    • The demonisation of North Korea (Bronwen Dalton, Markus Bell & Kyungja Jung)
    • Books on Asia
    • ASAA calls for submissions for 20th biennial conference

    The index page listing all available issues is at

    Stephen Meatheringham
    ASAA Web Coordinator 

    viernes, 16 de agosto de 2013

    The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus Newsletter

    The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus Newsletter

    Newsletter No. 32. 2013    

    August 12, 2013    
    New Articles Posted

    A closer look at the security condition of the Korean peninsula

    Dr. Ihn-Hwi Park, distinguished Professor of International Studies at Ewha Womans University gave a lecture at the Ateneo in early August entitled, "The Security Condition of Korea and East Asian International Relations." 
    As part of its 2013 Korea Festival in ASEAN, the Korea Foundation sponsored the said lecture with the Ateneo Initiative for Korean Studies (AIKS) and the Ateneo Political Science Department as its co-organizers.
    Fr. Jett Villarin SJ, President of the Ateneo de Manila University, delivered the opening remarks for the lecture. He said that the lecture was an "occasion to look at our countries (the Philippines and Korea) within the broad perspective of East Asia."
    The same was conveyed by Korea Foundation President, Dr. Hyun-Seok Yu, adding that the "Korea Festival in ASEAN" hopes not only to introduce Korean culture to Southeast Asia but also to promote Korea-ASEAN relations through various forms of cultural and academic exchanges. Dr. Yu likewise said that the foundation will ensure the promotion of better relations between Korea and the Philippines by helping build stronger partnerships through institutions such as Ateneo and Sogang universities.

    Dr. Ihn-Hwi Park
    During the lecture, Prof. Ihn-hwi Park said that one of the most pressing security concerns that surfaced after the Korean War was the nuclear capability of North Korea. "… North Korea's nuclear development has been the center of security concerns of the international community."
    North Korea sees nuclear power as vital for their national security, adding that "they [the North] identify their national security as leadership security."
    He enumerated the outcomes of North Korea's nuclear diplomacy to include, among others, the internationalization of the Korean problem and the justification of US' and China's intervention in Korea.
    The North Korean problem was also said to pose new security concerns both to the "trust-building process in the Korean Peninsula as well as to the future of six-party talks."
    At the end, Prof. Park suggested the need for engagement by other Asian countries, especially those in Southeast Asia, in promoting denuclearization and normalization of relations in the East Asian region. According to him, "this will promote a greater chance of unification in the Korean peninsula and also of East Asian economic and political prosperity."  
    After the lecture, the presidents and representatives of the Korea Foundation, Ateneo de Manila University and Sogang University signed a Memorandum of Understanding for the promotion of Korean Studies.

    Press release and photo from Ateneo de Manila University

    CALL FOR PAPERS Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal, vol. 27

    Call for Papers Date: 2013-12-15

    Dear colleagues,

    The Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal (CHBJ) is a scholarly journal dedicated to the historical study of Chinese Buddhism in the premodern and modern periods. It seeks to promote the study, and teaching, of all aspects of Buddhist thought, practice, social, and institutional life in China, including historical interactions with Buddhist developments in South, East, and Central Asia. The deadline for article submissions is December 15, 2013. Publication date for the volume 27 will be in July, 2014.

    For submissions requirements, please see the Article Solicitation at the link:

    Thank you!

    Shu-ya Hsu
    Executive Assistant, Chung-Hwa Buddhist Journal
    The Chung-Hwa Institute of Buddhist Studies

    Visit the website at


    H-Buddhism (Buddhist Scholars Information Network)

    Web Site: <>
    Posting Guidelines: <>
    Handling Your Account: <>


    The Call for Proposals is now open for the Inaugural AAS-in-Asia Conference:

    at the National University of Singapore, July 17-19, 2014

    The Association for Asian Studies (AAS), the Asia Research Institute (ARI), and the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences (FASS) of the National University of Singapore are pleased to announce the inaugural AAS-in-Asia conference, "Asia in Motion: Heritage and Transformation." We seek to attract a wide range of panel proposals from humanists and social scientists, as well as reflective practitioners from the worlds of policy, civil society, journalism, and other professional fields.

    The AAS-in-Asia conference will build upon emerging visions and trends in Asian studies within Asia. By bringing together scholars and specialists on Asia within Asia as well as from other parts of the world at a gathering in Asia, we hope to spark new and fruitful collaborations. The AAS also expects to reach out to scholars of Asia who might not usually attend an AAS conference in North America. It is our hope that the conference will stimulate new networks among scholars within Asia and beyond, providing broader inter-continental connections for the future of Asian studies.

    Please note:  If you have already submitted a proposal for the 2014 AAS Annual Conference in Philadelphia, you are still eligible to submit a proposal for consideration for the AAS-in-Asia conference in Singapore.

    For more details regarding this conference including proposal submission instructions, please go to

    The deadline for proposal submission is October 31, 2013 at 5:00pm E.S.T.

    We look forward to seeing you in Singapore!!

    Association for Asian Studies
    825 Victors Way, Suite 310
    Ann Arbor, MI 48108 USA
    Tel: (734) 665-2490
    Fax: (734) 665-3801


    Aprobada la 'hoja de ruta' para desmantelar Fukushima

    La Autoridad de Regulación Nuclear de Japón (NRA) ha aprobado la hoja de ruta marcada por 'Tokyo Electric Power' (TEPCO) para desmantelar de forma segura la central de Fukushima, epicentro de la crisis nuclear en Japón. "La decisión nos permitirá establecer normativas con base legal, con lo que podremos supervisar de forma más apropiada el lugar", detalló a la agencia Kyodo un miembro de la NRA.
    La aprobación de la NRA al plan para desmantelar la central, un proceso que se prolongará al menos durante 40 años, no es más que un procedimiento formal dentro del proceso para atajar la crisis nuclear, iniciada en la planta tras el paso del devastador tsunami de 2011.
    El organismo fue establecido en septiembre de 2012 como ente independiente para sustituir a la Agencia para la Seguridad Nuclear e Industrial (NISA), criticada tras el accidente en Fukushima por depender del Ministerio de Industria, tradicional promotor de las nucleares. El presidente del órgano regulador nipón, Shunichi Tanaka, no descartó tampoco incrementar el equipo de técnicos en Fukushima para realizar inspecciones en la planta.
    La actual hoja de ruta prevé iniciar a finales de este año la retirada del combustible usado en la piscina del reactor número 4 de la planta, en el que se ha construido una moderna cubierta como paso previo a la retirada de sus barras de combustible.

    Un plan a largo plazo

    Posteriormente, a medio y largo plazo, se procederá a realizar el mismo procedimiento en el resto de unidades afectadas, al tiempo que se trabajará para descontaminar las poblaciones ubicadas en la zona de exclusión por alta radiación y al tratamiento de los desechos radiactivos.
    El NRA debería haber aprobado en febrero esta hoja de ruta de TEPCO, aunque se ha retrasado hasta hoy debido a las continuadas complicaciones en la planta, donde el principal problema actual es la necesidad de retirar el agua radiactivabajo las unidades y evitar el filtrado del líquido subterráneo contaminado al mar.
    En este sentido, según el Gobierno, la planta filtra a diario cerca de 300 toneladas de agua radiactiva subterránea al mar. Para evitar la llegada del agua contaminada al océano, TEPCO ha tomado diversas medidas como las de construir un muro aislante bajo tierra, la extracción del agua mediante bombeo o el inicio de un sistema con cerca de 30 tuberías para intentar drenar el subsuelo.
    Además, sopesa otras medidas para reducir estas filtraciones, como son la de verter agua con bajos índices radiactivos al océano o la de construir muros protectores alrededor de los reactores de la planta mediante un proceso de congelación del suelo

    miércoles, 14 de agosto de 2013

    El cambio climático abre una nueva ruta comercial para China

    El cambio climático abre una nueva ruta comercial para China

    Pekín envía su primer mercante a Europa a través del estrecho de Bering

    Los expertos del país prevén que el 15% de su comercio exterior circule por esta vía en 2020

    Los rompehielos son fundamentales para asegurar la ruta del Ártico. / MAGNUS ELANDER
    El cambio climático se perfila como gran aliado de las navieras chinas. El Yong Sheng, un buque de 19.461 toneladas de la empresa Cosco, inició el jueves en el puerto de Dalian (provincia de Liaoning) un viaje de 33 días que le llevará a Rotterdam (Holanda) tras pasar el estrecho de Bering y navegar a lo largo de la costa norte rusa, según la prensa oficial china. Se trata del primer mercante del país asiático que utiliza el llamado paso del Noreste del Ártico —o ruta marítima del Norte— para llegar a Europa; una vía que podría suponer una revolución para el comercio mundial a largo plazo. Se prevé que acorte alrededor de un 30% la duración del viaje entre China y Europa, lo que representará un fuerte ahorro. Analistas internacionales, en todo caso, son prudentes y advierten de que pasarán años hasta que el trayecto sea comercialmente viable y una alternativa real al canal de Suez.

    El viaje es más corto y se evita la potencial inestabilidad del canal de Suez
    La ruta se ha hecho más fácilmente navegable debido a que el calentamiento global funde ahora el hielo del mar más tiempo; es transitable alrededor de cuatro meses al año —desde finales de julio a noviembre—, evita 7.000 kilómetros y suprime el potencial cuello de botella de inestabilidad política que supone el canal de Suez.
    Según expertos chinos, esta vía de transporte más corta a través del Ártico cambiará el panorama industrial en sus provincias costeras y dará un impulso a su industria naviera. El Gobierno chino espera que le ayude a desarrollar el noreste del país, muy afectado por el proceso de desmantelamiento y privatización industrial llevado a cabo por Pekín desde que puso en marcha el proceso de reformas económicas hace tres décadas.

    Fuente: elaboración propia. / EL PAÍS
    Cosco ha utilizado para este viaje inaugural un navío multifunción, que tendrá entre otras misiones encontrar nuevos puntos de crecimiento de mercado. “Una vez que el nuevo paso esté abierto, modificará las pautas del mercado de la industria naviera global porque acortará de forma significativa la distancia marítima entre los mercados chino, europeo y norteamericano”, asegura Qi Shaobin, profesor en la Universidad Marítima de Dalian, en el diario China Daily. Según Qi, dada la condición de China como mayor país exportador del mundo, muchos de sus puertos, como Yingkou (Liaoning), Qinhuangdao (Hebei) y Tianjin, se beneficiarán de la línea marítima.

    46 barcos utilizaron en 2012 el paso nororiental; 19.000, el tradicional
    Otros analistas son mucho más cautos. “Ciertamente, el cambio climático está abriendo nuevas rutas navegables en el Ártico”, dijo al Financial Times el experto canadiense Cameron Dueck. “Pero las rutas más comunes [a través del Ártico] seguirán teniendo hielo en los años más cálidos, lo que significa que las navieras tendrán que ser selectivas y elegir bien las oportunidades al utilizarlas”. La incertidumbre sobre las fechas del deshielo cada año y de las propias condiciones de navegación sin rompehielos por el Ártico son pegas importantes para las exigencias de planificación del transporte internacional. “Saldrá gas y petróleo de Rusia, pero creo que el día en que los cargueros elijan utilizar la ruta del noreste por razones económicas está muy lejos”, añade, en el FT, uno de los más importantes navieros canadienses.
    Aunque el tráfico de mercancías a través del estrecho de Bering alcanzó un millón de toneladas de distintos tipos de cargamento el año pasado, está muy lejos del máximo de 6,6 millones de toneladas de 1987. Tras el derrumbe de la Unión Soviética en 1991, el transporte de mercancías disminuyó, y los puertos e instalaciones que servían a esta ruta cayeron en el abandono, al tiempo que era paralizada la expansión de la flota rusa de rompehielos nucleares. Estos son necesarios para abrir paso por el hielo y escoltar a los petroleros y barcos de transporte de gas por el Ártico.

    El trayecto es transitable unos cuatro meses desde finales de julio
    Pero el cambio climático y la retirada del hielo están cambiando las reglas de juego. En 2012, 46 barcos utilizaron el paso nororiental del Ártico, frente a cuatro en 2010, según Rosatomflot, un operador ruso de rompehielos. Este tráfico sigue siendo despreciable comparado con otras rutas tradicionales, como el canal de Suez, por donde pasaron 19.000 barcos el año pasado. Pero alrededor del 90% del comercio exterior de la segunda economía del mundo es realizado por mar, y los expertos chinos creen que el 15% circulará por el Ártico para 2020. Europa es uno de los mayores socios comerciales de China, con unos intercambios bilaterales de casi 550.000 millones de dólares (413.490 millones de euros) en 2012.
    La apertura de la ruta naviera china se produce cuando los efectos del cambio climático son cada vez más evidentes. El año pasado fue uno de los 10 más calientes jamás registrados, con cifras récord del nivel de altura del mar, y el espesor del hielo del Ártico en uno de sus valores más bajos, según el informe El estado del clima en 2012, realizado por más de 300 científicos para la Sociedad Meteorológica Americana (EE UU).

    Pasarán años hasta que el trayecto sea viable y alternativa real al canal de Suez
    El estudio asegura que la capa de hielo del mar en el Ártico en verano fue la más delgada desde que comenzó la toma de datos por satélite hace 34 años.
    China ha intensificado en los últimos años su interés por el Ártico. En mayo pasado, logró el estatus de observador permanente del Consejo del Ártico, un foro intergubernamental integrado por Noruega, Islandia, Dinamarca, Suecia, Finlandia, Rusia, Canadá y Estados Unidos, países todos ellos con territorio en el Ártico. Los observadores no tienen derecho de voto, pero pueden asistir a la mayoría de las reuniones y presentar propuestas.
    El Gobierno chino anunció en junio la creación de un instituto de investigación, con sede en Shanghái, para estudiar los recursos y los potenciales naviero y económico del Ártico en cooperación con los países de la zona.
     Pekín 12 AGO 2013 - 21:22 CET

    Fuente: El País. España

    martes, 13 de agosto de 2013

    China’s E-Commerce Legislative and Regulatory Framework

     Daily News 

    China’s E-Commerce Legislative and Regulatory Framework

    Posted on August 9, 2013 by China Briefing

    By Shirley Zhang, Yao Lu and Eunice Ku

    Aug. 9 – In 2012, the number of China’s internet users rose by 10 percent to 564 million, and its e-commerce market increased by 66.5 percent to RMB1.3 trillion (US$190 billion) worth of transactions. These transactions accounted for 6.1 percent of total retail sales of consumer goods that year, compared to 5 percent in the United States. Further, 242 million internet users in China purchased goods online in 2012, up 21 percent from the 203 million recorded a year earlier, and this figure is expected to reach 310 million by the end of 2013. This rapid growth can be partly attributed to the growing use of mobile devices to browse e-commerce merchandise, in addition to the continued development of popular Chinese social media platforms, such as weibo (literally “microblog,” the equivalent of Twitter in China), which are helping to increase the exposure of goods and drive e-commerce sales.

    Meanwhile, continuing improvements in online credibility, payment services and express delivery methods have created a beneficial environment for the growth of e-commerce in China. Nonetheless, the legal framework of e-commerce in China is still far from comprehensive, and the applicable laws and regulations are either out of date or vague, and lack executive force. Intellectual property infringements and the sales of counterfeit and poor-quality commodities are quite common in online transactions. Further, deficient dispute resolution mechanisms in China make it difficult to deal with e-commerce disputes. To resolve these issues and construct an environment that promotes further growth, China is now in the process of setting up a centralized monitoring system for e-commerce activities, which aims to be operational by the end of 2013.

    Current Policy and Legislative Framework

    The 12th Five-Year Plan for E-commerce Development (2011-2015) sets forth the aim of significantly increasing the contribution of the e-commerce industry to the national economy by 2015, with goals of doubling e-commerce turnover, increasing corporate online purchases and sales, significantly improving the level of e-commerce services, and successfully attracting an array of internationally influential e-commerce enterprises and service brands.

    Currently, most of the previous legal restrictions on foreign investment in the online retail sector have been lifted as part of the country’s WTO commitment to realize an “open market.” With the introduction of the Measures for Administration of Foreign Investment in the Commercial Sector in 2004, foreign investors are allowed to engage in China’s online retail business through a foreign-invested commercial enterprise (FICE).

    In August 2010, China’s Ministry of Commerce (MOFCOM) issued the Circular on Several Issues Concerning the Approval and Administration of Foreign Investment in Online Sales and Automatic Vending Machines (shangzizi [2010] No. 272, “Online Sales Circular”), which further clarifies that online sales are an extension of an enterprise’s sales activities. Therefore, existing foreign-invested manufacturing enterprises and FICE can directly undertake online sales in China without approval from MOFCOM.

    Furthermore, the Online Sales Circular relegated the decision to approve new foreign-invested enterprises (FIEs) that exclusively engage in online sales down from the central commerce department to the various provincial commerce departments. This, in turn, has resulted in the speeding up of the approval process, and has effectively increased competition among regional administrations to capture foreign investment.

    An FIE that intends to provide network services to other trading parties with its own online platform needs to apply to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) for an Internet Content Provider (ICP) license. Meanwhile, enterprises that directly engage in product sales through their own online platform need only to report to the telecommunications administration authorities for record-filing. This means that foreign investors can engage in online sales without an ICP license from the MIIT provided that their online platform is not open to any third-party vendors. They will, however, still need to apply for an ICP filing number.

    If a FICE allows third-party vendors to use its online platform, it must hold an ICP license from the MIIT. In China, telecommunications services are divided into basic telecommunications services and value-added telecommunications services (VATS). Providing online trading services to third parties constitutes VATS. According to the Provisions on the Administration of Foreign-Invested Telecommunication Enterprises (State Council Order No. 534), an FIE must satisfy the following conditions in order to engage in VATS in China:

    • The FIE must be a joint venture with foreign investment capped at 50 percent;
    • The primary foreign investor of the FIE should have a good track record of, and operational experience in, operating value-added telecommunications services;
    • FIEs that provide value-added telecommunications services nationwide or across provinces are required to have a minimum registered capital of RMB10 million. Enterprises engaged in such business within only one province need a registered capital of only RMB1 million; and
    • The FIE must meet any other relevant requirements as stipulated by the Telecommunications Regulations and any relevant laws and administrative regulations.

    The Circular requires an FIE engaging in online sales and related services to display its business license prominently on its main webpage or the webpage on which the operational activities take place. Further, they are required to establish a reasonable system for the return and exchange of goods, maintain sales records, and strictly protect consumers’ privacy and commercial secrets. They should also abide by the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests, and the Law on Product Quality.
    ICP Filing Under State Council Order 292
    The Telecommunications Regulations (State Council Order No. 291), promulgated on September 25, 2000, entrenched the MIIT as the government department overseeing all telecommunications and related activities in China. Meanwhile, the Administrative Measures on Internet Information Services (State Council Order No. 292, “Order 292”), released on the same day, is the first administrative regulation to address profit-generating activities conducted through the Internet, and sets the cornerstone for future laws and regulations governing e-commerce in China.
    Internet information service (IIS) refers to the service of providing information to internet users through the Internet. Order 292 categorizes IIS into commercial and non-commercial services, and stipulates that all commercial IIS providers (those who provide information or webpage creation services to internet users for profit) must apply for an ICP license from the MIIT or the relevant local telecoms administration authorities prior to conducting business registration. Order 292 also requires commercial IIS providers who acquire any investments from or cooperate with foreign investors to obtain approval from the MIIT in advance. Non-commercial IIS providers who share information free of charge only need to file their records with the MIIT or the local telecoms administration authorities. Both commercial and non-commercial IIS providers should display their ICP license or filing codes at a conspicuous place on their homepage.
    Currently, the prevailing interpretation deems Order 292 to be consistent with the above-mentioned Online Sales Circular, meaning that FIEs engaging solely in the online sales of their own products without providing internet services or platforms to third parties are deemed non-commercial IIS providers that do not require an ICP license. However, they are required to conduct an ICP filing (备案) if any relevant website content is hosted in China. This is why the phrase “ICP 备” appears on many Chinese websites.
    Aware of the need to modify their existing regulations to reflect the changes in China’s online business environment, which has evolved dramatically since 2000, the MIIT and the State Internet Information Office jointly released the Revision Draft of Administrative Measures for Internet Information Services (“Revision Draft”) to solicit public opinions in June 2012. The core principle of the Revision Draft is to enhance information security requirements for IIS providers, and to clarify the respective rights, obligations and responsibilities of IIS providers, internet access service providers, government administrative departments, and internet users. The provisions of the Revision Draft have not yet been adopted as of the date of publication of this article.
    At the end of 2012, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC) promulgated the Decision on Strengthening Network Information Protection, which reiterates and reinforces the Revision Draft by indicating that internet service providers will be expected to take on more responsibilities in the future with regard to ensuring network security.
    Electronic Signature Law
    The Electronic Signature Law was released in 2004 by the Standing Committee of the NPC and entered into effect on April 1, 2005. It is considered the first law in China’s e-commerce legislation, and it establishes the concept that an electronic document is as valid as a paper document – which cleared the biggest legal obstacle for the development of e-commerce in the country. The law also regulates the application and acceptance of electronic signatures.
    Standards and Regulations Governing Online Transaction Services
    OTPS Standards
    In 2005, the China E-Commerce Association (CECA), a non-profit national organization under the supervision of MIIT and the Ministry of Civil Affairs, released the Standards for Online Transaction Platform Services (“OTPS Standards”), an industrial code of practice that clarifies the general comprehensive standards for e-commerce in China, especially the obligations of online transaction platform providers. The OTPS Standards define the following key terms:
    • Online transactions: Transactions concluded through online communication, including business to business (B2B), business to consumer (B2C), and consumer to consumer (C2C) transactions.
    • Online transaction platform: An online system that provides the space, technology and transaction services for various types of online transactions.
    • Online transaction platform provider: A legal person that operates an online transaction platform and provides transaction services to transaction parties.
    • Online transaction services: Information distribution and conveyance, contract signing, storage and maintenance, and other services necessary for transaction parties to conclude contracts for online transactions.
    • Online transaction auxiliary services: Services that improve the transaction environment and promote online transactions, including secure authentication, online payment, and transaction insurance services.

    According to the OTPS Standards, an online transaction platform provider is required to establish transaction rules that comply with the Contract Law and should not infringe upon the legal rights of its consumers or other parties. They should also comply with Order 292 discussed above, and adopt necessary technologies and measures to maintain the operation of the platform in addition to supervising information released through the platform.
    The OTPS Standards also suggest that online transaction platform providers could cooperate with organizations that provide reasonable credibility evaluation systems for transaction parties. Online transaction platform providers must protect the safety of transactions conducted though their platforms, including protecting the interests and the privacy of users, and controlling spam. They should also take steps to protect intellectual property rights in online transactions.
    MOFCOM Announcement 21
    Based on the OTPS Standards, MOFCOM issued Announcement 21, which consist of the Specifications for E-Commerce Model and Standards of Online Transaction Services (“OTS Standards”), and entered into force on December 1, 2009. They provide more detailed guidance for B2B, B2C and C2C transaction models.
    The OTS Standards stipulate the operating requirements for online payment platform providers: they must be equipped with the ability to provide payment settlement services for e-commerce transactions via banking institutions or non-financial business entities approved by the relevant State departments, and must ensure the safety and effectiveness of online payments. They must also build effective rules and systems to ensure the security of their payment system, manage user registration data, safeguard accounts and funds, supervise information, handle complaints, and administer payment data storage and backup systems.
    In addition, the OTS Standards require online transaction parties to use their real identities in transactions, and provide authentication information (such as business licenses and tax registration certificates) for verification purposes. Their physical address of operation and any necessary contact information should be disclosed as well.
    The OTS Standards also stipulate that online transaction platform providers should create an online dispute handling mechanism and complaint-filing channel. Further, online transaction platform providers, payment platform providers, and auxiliary service providers should actively assist with obtaining evidence and cooperation when disputes arise.
    Although both Standards establish the code of conduct for online transactions, they do not provide any punitive measures for violations.
    AIC Order 49
    The State Administration of Industry and Commerce (SAIC) promulgated the Interim Measures for the Administration of Online Commodity Transactions and Relevant Services (AIC Order No. 49, “Order 49”) in 2010, which regulates online commodity transactions and relevant services provided by online commodity vendors and online service providers in China.
    Online commodity vendors are defined as legal persons, other economic organizations or natural persons who sell commodities online, while online service providers refer to those who offer commercial services online, including website operators who provide online transaction platform services.
    Order 49 reiterates the OTS Standards by stipulating that the real-name system applies to network transactions, requiring online transaction platform service providers to examine the identity and status of online commodity vendor applicants. For applicants who are individuals, and thus not eligible to register with the AIC, online transaction platform providers are required to build archives to record the real identities and relevant information of these individuals and to verify and update the archives on a regular basis. Legal persons, other economic organizations, or sole proprietorships registered with the AIC must display their business license information or the link to their business license at a conspicuous place on their homepage or the webpage where they conduct business when engaged in trading goods or providing services through the Internet.
    Order 49 also requires online commodity vendors and service providers to clearly display information pertaining to products or services, including names, categories, quantities, quality, prices, shipping fees and methods, forms of payment, and return or exchange methods. Order 49 emphasizes that online commodity vendors and service providers are also bound by the relevant provisions of the Law on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests and Law on Product Quality.
    Online platform service providers should establish a monitoring system and review the commodities and service information released by their vendors and service providers. When anything violating the laws, regulations and rules are discovered, they are obligated to report them to the local AIC department, take immediate measures to stop such violations, and cease to provide online trading platform services if necessary. They are also responsible for maintaining user identity information and transaction records for at least two years. Platform service providers should also disclose the registration information of the vendors or service providers to their consumers when the lawful rights or interests of the consumer are harmed and actively assist in restoring the consumer’s legal rights.
    In order to better implement Order 49, the SAIC further released the Notice on Accelerating the Establishment of Online Business Operators Database (gongshangshizi [2012] No. 87) to keep track of enterprises, sole proprietorships, and other economic organizations engaged in online business.
    MOFCOM Announcement 18
    On April 12, 2011, based on the above-mentioned laws and regulations, the Service Standards for Third-Party E-Commerce Trading Platforms (MOFCOM Announcement [2011] No. 18, “Announcement 18”) came into force as a supplementary guidance for the administration of online trading platform providers.
    Announcement 18 reiterates the requirements for online transaction platform providers as stated in the previous regulations. In addition, targeting large e-commerce players that act as both online transaction platform providers and participants, Announcement 18 requires them to maintain independence between the proprietary business and their platform service, and disclose any relevant information on the platform in order to ensure fairness.
    It also requires platform providers to administer platform participants in respect of vendor registration, providing guidance on platform transaction contracts, establishing a code of conduct for vendors, managing transaction information, supervising transaction orders, dealing with transaction errors, returning and exchanging of commodities, and protecting intellectual property rights.
    Further, Announcement 18 provides additional provisions to further protect the interests of consumers, such as encouraging platform providers to set up a “cooling-off period” mechanism, during which consumers are allowed to cancel an order unconditionally.
    E-Commerce Tax
    Imposing taxes on e-commerce business activities was first discussed in 2003 when online shopping first started to become popular in China. Further, at this year’s NPC and CPPCC sessions, this issue was brought up again by Zhang Jindong, chairman of China’s electronics chain store Suning. Zhang proposed that the taxation authorities should tax e-commerce businesses, thereby strengthening tax supervision and tackling tax evasion.
    On June 25, 2013, a MOFCOM spokesperson clarified that China’s tax laws apply uniformly to both traditional enterprises and e-commerce enterprises. He also stated that MOFCOM is in the process of researching and collecting opinions in preparation of the promulgation of the Administrative Regulations on Online Retail in order to ensure the orderly development of the e-commerce market without dampening enterprises’ ability to innovate. The taxes payable for online businesses are the same as those applicable to other FIEs in China:
    The authorities have begun cracking down on e-commerce business that are operating outside of these regulations, as evidenced by these recent cases:
    • July 2000: The judgment for China’s first online sales tax evasion case was announced in Shanghai. The seller had set up under her company’s name an online shop specializing in the sales of infant products. The shop reached roughly RMB2.8 million in sales volume within half a year. No invoices were issued nor accounting records kept. The court found that the seller evaded RMB110,000 in tax, and sentenced her to two years imprisonment with two years reprieve and a fine of RMB160,000.
    • September 2012: A court in Beijing imposed an 11-year sentence alongside a RMB500,000 penalty on an airline stewardess who purchased goods overseas to sell on her online shop in China after finding that she evaded RMB1.13 million in taxes.
    • February 2013: Two online shop owners in Shanghai who also purchased goods overseas to sell on their online shops were found to have evaded RMB179,000 in tax and were imposed one-year imprisonment with one year and six months reprieve, and penalties totaling RMB181,000.

    Portions of this article came from the July 2013 issue of China Briefing Magazine titled, “E-Commerce in China,” which is available as a complimentary PDF download on the Asia Briefing Bookstore until the end of this month. In this issue of China Briefing Magazine, we cover the current laws pertinent to the e-commerce industry in China, as well as introduce the steps involved in setting up an online shop in the country in order to help provide foreign investors with an overview of the e-commerce landscape in China.
    Dezan Shira & Associates is a specialist foreign direct investment practice, providing corporate establishment, business advisory, tax advisory and compliance, accounting, payroll, due diligence and financial review services to multinationals investing in emerging Asia. Since its establishment in 1992, the firm has grown into one of Asia’s most versatile full-service consultancies with operational offices across China, Hong Kong, India, Singapore and Vietnam as well as liaison offices in Italy and the United States.
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