- 2017 Fellowship for Field Research
- 2016-06-29
- Application Period 2016-07-01 12:00:00 ~ 2016-09-05 12:00:00
- Registrant Field Research
- KF Application Instructions_ Field Research Fellowship.doc
◆ Program Outline
For the purpose of promoting overseas research in Korean studies,
the Korea Foundation offers program support for the Fellowship
for Field Research to provide eminent overseas Korean
studies scholars and experts in relevant fields with the opportunity
to conduct onsite field research in Korea and access resource materials.
the Korea Foundation offers program support for the Fellowship
for Field Research to provide eminent overseas Korean
studies scholars and experts in relevant fields with the opportunity
to conduct onsite field research in Korea and access resource materials.
◆ Eligible Applicants
Overseas researchers of comparative/case studies in Korean
studies or Korea-related areas in the field of humanities
or social sciences who apply to one of the following criteria:
studies or Korea-related areas in the field of humanities
or social sciences who apply to one of the following criteria:
Doctoral candidate who has completed his/her requisite
coursework and is in the process of writing his/her doctoral dissertation |
Lecturer or researcher with less than five years of
experience in teaching or research at a university or research institute
(only for PhD degree holders)
Lecturer or researcher with at least five years of
experience in teaching or research at a university or research institute
(for who do not hold PhD degree)
Assistant professor or an individual currently in a professional/research field with over 10 years and less than
20 years of career experience (only for PhD degree holders) |
Associate/full professor or an individual currently in a professional/research field with over 20 years of career
(only for PhD degree holders) |
◆ Number of Selected Fellows : Approx. 30 per year
◆ Terms and Details of Program Support
Monthly Stipend
Miscellaneous Support
Type A
Submission of PhD dissertation
① Economy- class
round-trip airfare
to/from Korea
② Travelers insurance
③ Initial settlement
support (one-time
KRW1,000,000 for
tenured associate
KRW1,500,000 for
tenured full
Type B
Must publish an article in an academic journal registered in A&HCI/SSCI or that is officially registered at a country’s ministry of education (within 2 years after the fellowship period) or a monograph (within 3 years after the fellowship period).
| |
Type C
(Ph.D. holder only)
| ||
Type D
(Ph.D. holder only)
◆ Fellowship Period
The field research period should be between 2017.1.1 and 2017.12.31
(duration: minimum 1 month - maximum 12 months).
※ The length of the fellowship period is to be determined by the applicant,
however it could be adjusted according to the result by the KF reviewing
committee. The start date of the fellowship period should be no later
than November 30.
◆ Program Schedule
- Application Period: July 1, 2016 to August 31, 2016
- Notification of Results: December 2016
※Notification date is subject to be changed without any prior notice.
◆ Required Documents
Applicant Type
Documents to be Submitted
Type A, B
1. Application form (Can be downloaded at the KF
Application Portal)
2. Curriculum vitae (including signature)
3. Research proposal (free format, 5-10 pages)
4. Proposal for cooperative research with a Korean scholar
5. Two letters of reference
① Head of the applicant’s institution (university president, dean, department chair, institute director, etc.)
② Dissertation supervisor in applicant’s country of
residence (only for PhD candidates)
6. Evidence of current employment or enrollment
(form of official letter/certificate)
7. Graduate school (MA& PhD) transcripts
8. Copy of the most recently obtained academic degree
9. Certificate of coursework completion
Type C, D
1. Application form (Can be downloaded at the KF
Application Portal)
2. Curriculum vitae (including signature)
3. Research proposal (free format, 5-10 pages)
4. Proposal for cooperative research with a Korean scholar
5. Two letters of reference
① Head official of the applicant’s institution (university
president, dean, department chair, institute director)
② An individual capable of evaluating the applicant’s
lecture/research proposal (expert or professor of
applicant’s country of residence)
6. Copy of the most recently obtained academic degree
7. Evidence of current employment
(form of official letter/certificate)
◆ How to Apply
Applications should be submitted via the KF Online Application System
◆ Obligations of Fellows
1. All fellows are required to submit a final report on their research (in thesis
format) in accordance with the KF standard report form before the
conclusion of the fellowship period, and an outcome of field research in
Korea as follows:
① PhD candidates: PhD dissertation must be completed and PhD degree
must be obtained within 2 years after the fellowship period.
② Professors, Lecturers, Researchers: Must publish an article in an academic journal
registered in A&HCI/SSCI or that is officially registered at a country’s ministry of
education (within 2 year after the fellowship period) or a monograph
(within 3 years after the fellowship period).
※ The Korea Foundation will monitor research progress annually for three
years following the conclusion of the fellowship period.
Fellows who do not fulfill their responsibilities will not be eligible for
future support from the Korea Foundation.
Provision of incentive
- For publication of an article in an A&HCI/SSCI journal within one year after
the conclusion of the fellowship period → USD1,000
- For publication of a monograph within three years year after the
conclusion of the fellowship period→ USD2,000.
◆ Important Reminders on Fellowship
1. Applicants must be able to conduct their research in Korean or English.
2. For Korean nationals, only those who have acquired permanent residency
status in a foreign country are eligible to apply.
3. Individuals under the following circumstances are not eligible for
① Majored in natural sciences, medicine, or engineering
② Currently studying or conducting research in Korea
③ Seeks to improve Korean language ability or become a regular student
at a university in Korea
④ Has received KF Field Research Fellowship support or other research
grant from other Korean institutions within the past three years
4. Accommodations and research facilities should be arranged by the fellow
in cooperation with his/her research affiliation institute.
(※ KF does not provide housing accommodation)
5. Fellows may not receive concurrent support from another organization
during the fellowship period. Once it has been verified that the fellow
is receiving concurrent support, KF support will be cancelled
◆ Further Inquiries
KF Help Desk
E-mail: /
* Questions regarding the online application system: Helpdesk board of the website, or
T. +82-2-2046-8535
F. +82-2-3463-6075
F. +82-2-3463-6075
*Posted on July 1, 2016