jueves, 19 de enero de 2017

H-Net Notifications - Jobs

Table of Contents

  1. JOBS> H-Net Job Guide Weekly Report For H-Buddhism: 9 January - 16 January
  2. Re: New Book for Buddhist Communities
  3. Call for Papers - Conference on the Shaolin Temple and Buddhism under the Northern Dynasties
  4. Conference: The Bodhisattva Precepts in East Asia and Beyond

JOBS> H-Net Job Guide Weekly Report For H-Buddhism: 9 January - 16 January

by Charles DiSimone
The following jobs were posted to the H-Net Job Guide from
 9 January 2017 to 16 January 2017.  These job postings are included here based on the categories selected by the list editors for H-Buddhism.  See the H-Net Job Guide website at
http://www.h-net.org/jobs/ for more information.  To contact the Job Guide,
write to 
jobguide@mail.h-net.msu.edu, or call +1-517-432-5134 between 9 am and 5 pm US Eastern time.


Central European University - Full-time Advanced Assistant or
Associate Professor position

Stanford University - 2017-19 Postdoctoral Fellowship on Islam in
North America

Yale University - Post-Doctoral Fellowship in South Asian Studies


Bard Graduate Center - Bard Graduate Center Visiting Fellowships

Rice University - Spatial Humanities Postdoctoral Fellow


Washington State University - Roots of Contemporary Issues Teaching


Bard Graduate Center - Bard Graduate Center Visiting Fellowships

Rice University - Spatial Humanities Postdoctoral Fellow


Austin College - ASIANetwork-Luce Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow

Columbia University - Postdoctoral Fellow, East Asia and the Americas


Stanford University - 2017-19 Postdoctoral Fellowship on Islam in
North America
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Re: New Book for Buddhist Communities

by Sandra Ng
Dear Nathaniel,
Thank you for making this announcement -- I'm already looking forward to reading the book :)
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Call for Papers - Conference on the Shaolin Temple and Buddhism under the Northern Dynasties

by Vicky Baker
The Shaolin Monastery, Mount Song, Henan 河南嵩山少林寺
July 31 – August 2, 2017
With support from the imperial courts of the Northern Dynasties, the saṃgha in northern China established a comprehensive system of monastic officials to administer Buddhist affairs and built a constellation of grottoes at various places such as Datong  大同 in Shanxi Province, Luoyang  洛陽  and Xiangzhou  相州 (present-day Anyang  安陽) in Henan Province, and Yedu  鄴都 (present-day Linzhang 臨漳 in Hebei Province). During the same period, the Buddhist intellectual trend, dominated by the Dilun  地論  tradition (i.e. the Chinese Buddhist tradition based on the Daśabhūmika-bhāṣya [Shidi lun 十地論]), started to boom, leaving a profound impact on the development of various Buddhist traditions such as Tiantai  天台, Huayan  華嚴, Chanzong  禪宗, and Lǜzong  律宗北朝佛教在朝廷的支持下,不僅建立了系統完備的僧官制度,還在山西大同、河南洛陽和相州(今河南安陽)、鄴都(今河北臨漳)等地大量興建了石窟。同時,以地論學派為中心的北朝佛教思潮蓬勃發展,深刻地影響了後來的天台、華嚴、禪宗和律宗。
Located in the vicinity of the capital, Luoyang, and roosting upon Mount Song 嵩山, the Shaolin Temple enjoyed a close association with metropolitan Buddhism, as well as with Buddhism as a whole in the Northern Dynasties. Allegedly founded by the South Asian meditation master Buddha (Fotuo 佛陀 [active 525–538]), the temple figured heavily in the landscape of Northern Dynasties Buddhism, serving as the cradle for the Buddhist traditions Dilun, Four-Division Vinaya, and Chan. The historical profundity and importance of the Shaolin Temple call for specialized exploration and discussion. To this end, the Shaolin Temple, the Institute for Ethics and Religions Studies of Tsinghua University, the Center for Buddhist Studies of Peking University, the Institute of Buddhist Culture of China, have decided to jointly sponsor a “Conference on the Shaolin Temple and Buddhism under the Northern Dynasties” at the Shaolin Temple on Mount Song, Henan, between July 31 and August 2, 2017. This conference is part of a summer project conducted by an international and interdisciplinary cluster program led by Kai SHENG (Tsing-hua), which, along with fourteen more clusters, constitutes the multi-year project directed by Jinhua Chen (UBC) and funded by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada (SSHRC) (www.frogbear.org). Selected panelists of the conference may also apply to attend other parts of the cluster program (http://frogbear.org/field-trips/cluster-field-trip-plans/clusters-in-phase-1-2017-2019/). 嵩山少林寺與東京洛陽毗鄰相望,少林寺與洛陽佛教甚至整個北朝佛教有著緊密的聯系。少林寺自印度佛陀禪師(活躍於525-535)開創以來,成為地論學派、四分律宗和禪宗的發祥地,在北朝佛教中具有極其重要的地位。為了充分挖掘少林寺的歷史底蘊,深入研討少林寺在北朝佛教的重要地位,河南嵩山少林寺、清華大學道德與宗教研究院、北京大學佛學研究中心、中國佛教文化研究所決定於2017731日至82號在河南嵩山少林寺聯合舉辦少林寺與北朝佛教學術研討會。本研討會屬於清華大學的聖凱教授領導的一個交叉學科的國際性項目所展開的本年度暑期研究案(本項目聯同其他14個項目則構成了一個為期多年的國際性的龐大合作項目,由英屬哥倫比亞大學的陳金華教授領導、加拿大社科研究委員會資助)(www.frogbear.org)。參會者可同時申請參加該暑期研究案的其他內容 (http://frogbear.org/field-trips/cluster-field-trip-plans/clusters-in-phase-1-2017-2019/)
We cordially invite scholarly contribution in the form of an unpublished paper on a topic pertinent to the themes as suggested below. All conference-related costs, including local transportation, meals, and accommodation during the conference period, will be covered by the conference organizers, who——depending on availability of funding——may also provide a travel subsidy to selected panelists who are in need of funding. Interested scholars are encouraged to submit their proposals and C.V. to vicky.baker@ubc.ca by February 28, 2017. A draft paper is expected by July 1, 2017 and may be written either in English or Chinese, the two working languages for this forum. Fully completed papers are due by the end of 2017, to be included in the conference proceedings scheduled to appear by the end of 2018. 誠邀對北朝歷史與宗教文化有興趣的海內外學者撥冗與會,惠賜在少林寺與北朝佛教學術研討會領域的最新研究成果,屆時我們將統一結集論文正式出版。與會的相關費用,包括會議期間的食宿費用,將由會議組織方承擔。會議組織方也將視資金的寬裕度,為部分有需要的與會成員提供部分旅費津貼。有興趣的學者請於2017228日前將論文摘要與簡歷電郵至 vicky.baker@ubc.ca201771日之前,將論文發到郵箱,以便交流研討。 供正式出版的論文修正稿則可以延及本年底提交;論文集預計2018年前出版。
Topics for this conference include, but are not limited to 本次研討會所涉及的話題包括但不限於以下幾個方面:
  1. The relationship between the Shaolin Temple and the royal houses of the Northern Dynasties 少林寺與北朝帝室的關系;
  2. The Shaolin Temple and eminent monks under the Northern Dynasties 少林寺北朝高僧派;
  3. The Shaolin Temple and the carving out of Buddhist grottoes and the art of Buddhist statues in the Northern Dynasties 少林寺與北朝石窟開鑿、造像藝術;
  4. The Shaolin Temple and the “pagoda forests” and stele inscriptions in the Northern Dynasties 少林寺與北朝時期的塔林、碑;
  5. The Shaolin Temple and Buddhist translation in the Northern Dynasties 少林寺與北朝譯經事業;
  6. The Shaolin Temple and the Dilun tradition in the Northern Dynasties 少林寺與北朝地論學派;
  7. The Shaolin Temple and studies of the Four-Division Vinaya (i.e. Dharmagupta-vinaya) in the Northern Dynasties 少林寺與北朝四分律學;
  8. The Shaolin Temple and studies of Buddhist meditation in the Northern Dynasties 少林寺與北朝禪學.
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Conference: The Bodhisattva Precepts in East Asia and Beyond

by Pei-Ying Lin

Conference: The Bodhisattva Precepts in East Asia and Beyond
February 17-19, 2017
Center for Buddhist Studies, UC Berkeley

This conference, sponsored by the Center for Buddhist Studies at the University of California, Berkeley, on Feb. 17-19, 2017, will bring together fourteen scholars from around the world to engage in a comparative study of the bodhisattva precepts. Our aim is to better understand how the bodhisattva precepts figured in the construction of Mahāyāna Buddhist identity in China, Japan, Korea, India, and Tibet. Topics will include the doctrinal transformation of the precepts over time, the conferral of the precepts, ordination rites, and notions of transgression and repentance.

For more information, please visit the Center for Buddhist Studies webpage: http://buddhiststudies.berkeley.edu/events/.

Panel 1 (Friday, February 17, 4–6:30pm): China I
Chair: Peiying Lin (UC Berkeley)
T. H. Barrett (SOAS, University of London) — How did Chinese Lay People Perceive the Bodhisattva Precepts?
Liying Kuo (Ecole Française d’Extrême-Orient) — Visions and Reception of Bodhisattva Precepts in Fifth – Sixth century
Charles Muller (Tokyo University) — The Silla Monk Daehyeon and his Commentary on the Sutra of Brahmā's Net

Panel 2 (Saturday, February 19, 9:30am–noon): China II
Chair: Raoul Birnbaum (UC Santa Cruz)
Sangyop Lee (Stanford University) — The Youposai wujie weiyi jing Bodhisattva Pratimokṣa: Its Nature and Historical Significance
Ann Heirman (University of Gent) — Body Movement and Sport Activities in Bodhisattva Precepts: A Normative Perspective from India to China
Ester Bianchi (Università degli Studi di Perugia) — Bodhisattva Precepts in Modern China. An Overview and Evaluation

Panel 3 (Saturday, February 18, 2-3:45pm) China and Japan
Chair: Robert Sharf (UC Berkeley)
Peiying Lin (UC Berkeley/ Fu Jen Catholic University) — Bodhidharma Lineages and Bodhisattva Precepts in the Ninth Century
Paul Groner (University of Virginia) — Annen’s 安然 Comprehensive Commentary on the Universal Bodhisattva Ordination (Futsū jubosatsukai kōshaku 普通授菩薩戒広釈): Its Background and Later Influence

Panel 4 (Saturday, February 18, 4:15-7pm) Japan
Chair: Mark Blum (UC Berkeley)
Dermott Joseph Walsh (UCLA) — Eisai and the Bodhisattva Precepts
Richard Jaffe (Duke University) — Kawaguchi Ekai’s View of the Precepts for Buddhism in the Twentieth-Century
William Bodiford (UCLA) — Anraku Ritsu in Tokugawa Japan: The Reconfiguration of the Bodhisattva Precepts within Japanese Tendai Buddhism

Panel 5 (Sunday, February 19, 9am-noon) India and Tibet
Chair: Jake Dalton (UC Berkeley)
Jan-Ulrich Sobisch (Independent scholar) — “Compassionate Killing” Revisited
Alex von Rospatt (UC Berkeley) — The Adikarma literature. The vows and daily practices of lay bodhisattvas in late Indian Buddhism
Hiromi Habata (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität) — Did the Bodhisattva-vinaya Exist? The Situation of the Bodhisattva Precepts in India before the Systematization

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