viernes, 21 de abril de 2017

Dear Colleague,

In continuation to my previous mail informing you about my intentions to organize a Global Conclave on Language Entrepreneurship, I would like to inform you that apart from my 20 years of Industry experience in Translation, I have been working in this area of research for the last 7-8 years. Infact, I had also presented a research paper in the year 2009 entitled "The Translator as an Entrepreneur: An Indian Perspective" at Hacettepe University, Ankara and it was later published in many journals and forums inclding the ITI Journal, London and the Journal of Indian Council for Cultural Relations, New Delhi. 

You may like to read this full reseach at the link below 

This paper deals with Translators as Entrepreneurs who are slowly becoming well aware of their profession and have begun coming to a common platform to share knowledge, experience and resources – a highly desired step for a better future of the profession. Further, this paper proposes “networking” as a possible solution for entrepreneurs who can economize their process and speed up their growth by using the available resources and infrastructure without having to invest hugely.
It will be great to hear from you about the conecpt of language entreprenuership. Your views and thoughts will help us in making a solid plan for our proposed global conclave on language entrepreneurship.

Hope to hear from you soon. 
Best Regards,
Ravi Kumar
President - Indian Translators Association 
(Member FIT)

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Managing Director
Modlingua Learning Pvt. Ltd
K-5B, Lower Ground Floor
Kalkaj, New Delhi -110019
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