sábado, 22 de agosto de 2020
CFP> Contemplative Research Conference proposals due August 15 for online conference November 5-8
by John Dunne
Greetings, all.
The Mind & Life Contemplative Research Conference will be held as scheduled November 5-8, 2020, but the meeting will now be online. The CRC, which is a revised meeting based on the previous International Symposia for Contemplative Research, is an international conference for rigorous interdisciplinary investigation of contemplative practices and programs in diverse contexts. Scholars in the humanities are especially encouraged to apply. The conference will feature plenary sessions, including a keynote by Prof. Chakravarthi Ram-Prasad of Lancaster University, and concurrent symposia on a diverse range of topics and best practices within contemplative research. The meeting will be held on an innovative online platform that facilitates live networking, group discussion, and scholarly engagement.
Proposals can still be submitted, although the deadline of August 15 rapidly approaches. Please note that generous scholarships for participants at all levels are available.
This will be the last conference of this kind organized by the Mind & Life Institute. We envision the creation of an academic society that emerges from this meeting, with the intention that future such gatherings will be hosted by that society.
For further information, please see the CRC website: https://www.contemplativeresearch.org/event/7233d755-9785-469e-8a2e-93305c9b9941/summary?environment=P2&5S%2CM3%2C7233d755-9785-469e-8a2e-93305c9b9941=
John Dunne
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