jueves, 6 de noviembre de 2014

PAPERS ONLINE> AAR 2014, Holmes Welch and the Study of Buddhism in Twentieth-Century China Seminar

Dear  members (and apologies for cross-posting),

I am very pleased to announce that papers for the meeting of the "Holmes Welch and the Study of Buddhism in Twentieth-Century China" seminar at the AAR annual meeting in San Diego are now available online at the following address: (AAR member login required)


Since the meeting itself will be devoted to discussion of the papers, interested attendees are kindly requested to download and read the papers beforehand. The meeting will take place on Sunday the 23rd, 9-11:30AM, meeting venue is listed on the page linked above or on the AAR Annual Meeting Program Book.

Since these papers represent works in progress, readers are asked not to cite or distribute them elsewhere without the permission of the author. A short description of the "Holmes Welch and the Study of Buddhism in Twentieth-Century China" project is available here:


Paper abstracts will also be posted on the project page shortly.



Gregory Adam Scott
Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, University of Edinburgh
19 George Square
Edinburgh EH8 9LD
Scotland, UK