sábado, 31 de enero de 2015

AOTS Argentina Kenshu Center

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A controversial Blue House document says that Chung Yoon-hoi, who was one of President Park Geun-hye`s personal secretaries while she was a lawmaker in the late 1990s through the 2000s, still wields substantial power behind the present administration. The document describes three current presidential secretaries as power brokers who are taking advantage of their close proximity to the president. Cho Eung-cheon, who was the senior presidential secretary for civil affairs, has been accused of leaking the Blue House`s internal circular to the press.
Shinzo Abe is about to begin his third term as prime minister of Japan. In the snap
parliamentary elections held on December 14, Abe’s Liberal Democratic Party (LDP) won 291 seats in the 475-member Lower House...
During a visit to Korea, I was asked to describe the conditions of an advanced nation.
My thoughts turned to Britain, where I am staying now. The British economy, together with the U.S. economy, is making a solid turnaround. Thoug...
What is the wage level that corresponds to your definition of “low wage labor”? Since
everybody constructs a world of their own in their minds, and money seems to be in perpetual paucity for many of us, it is natural that people natural that people may hold...
A movie that I wanted to see was released yesterday. It is "Ode to My Father" (its Korean
title is "Gukje Sijang" referring to Gukje Market in Busan) directed by Yoon Je-kyoon and starring Hwang Jung-min and Kim Yun-jin. After I watched its...
In 2014, Korea’s external trade reached US$1 trillion for the fourth straight year with its total trade volume expected to hit a record high, well above that of 2011. Robust performance by small and medium-sized enterpr...
Anticipating what lies ahead for the domestic economy and business community in the New Year, Hyundai Research Institute has chosen 10 keys for 2015. They include events such as Korea matching Japan’s per capita GDP, is...
The firepower is over 2,000 degrees Celsius. The younger brother lifted a rectangular
red-hot spring steel with tongs, burrowing in the furnace raging with flame. It is cast iron just before being melted. The older brother, who is...
Jeong Su-il, director of the Korea Institute of Civilizational Exchanges (KICE) and
a pioneer in the study of the Silk Road, has recently published two books, “The Cyclopedia of Sea Silk Road” and “Silk Road,” in partnership with Changbi Publishers...
There was a time when products made in the USA and made in Japan were considered
the best you could get. Everything from everyday appliances to policies and politics were imported from the two countries. When it came...

SYMPOSIUM> [INDOLOGY] Toronto Symposium in honor of Alexis Sanderson, March 26-28, 2015

Dear colleagues,

I am happy to announce the following event to be held at the
University of Toronto:

Shaivism and the Tantric Traditions. A Symposium in Honour of Alexis G.
J. S. Sanderson, March 26-28, 2015.

The academic study of "Tantrism" has blossomed in recent decades. Once
dismissed as marginal, or unworthy of serious attention, we now
understand the study of Asia's Hindu, Buddhist, and Jain esoteric or
tantric religious traditions to be integral to the religious and
cultural landscapes of medieval South, Southeast, Central and East
Asia. This shift is reshaping the historiography of medieval India is
in no small measure due to the major contributions of Alexis
Sanderson, Spalding Professor of Eastern Religions and Ethics at
Oxford University. The symposium, to be held at the University of
Toronto, with Sanderson in attendance, seeks to honour and engage with
his scholarship on the eve of his retirement.

For the complete program, please visit:

Conveners: Srilata Raman (University of Toronto and Shaman Hatley
(Concordia University)

Venue: Croft Chapter House, University College, University of Toronto

The event is sponsored by:
The Department for the Study of Religion, University of Toronto (UofT)
All Souls College, University of Oxford
University College, UofT
The Centre for South Asian Civilizations, UofT Mississauga
The Centre for South Asian Studies, UofT
Brill Publishers, Leiden, The Netherlands

For further information please contact Eric Steinschneider at

With warm regards,

Ucla Asia Institute. eNews | February 2015

Asia Institute Events

with Program on Central Asia Director Nile Green and UCLA Library Special Collections
Saturday, February 7, 2015
1:00 PM - 4:00 PM
Fowler Museum
To register, e-mail fowlerprograms@arts.ucla.edu by January 30, 2015.
For more information about this event, visit the Fowler Museum website.

Program on Central Asia: Eurasian Empires Series
A lecture by Allen Frank, Independent Scholar
Tuesday, February 17, 2015
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
10383 Bunche Hall
Co-sponsored by the Center for Near Eastern Studies and the Center for the Study of Religion

Program on Central Asia
A book talk by Nushin Arbabzadah, UCLA
Thursday, February 26, 2015
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
10383 Bunche Hall

February Asian Studies Spotlight Events at UCLA

Terasaki Center for Japanese Studies
Tuesday, February 3, through Thursday, February 5, 2015
Curated by Go Hirasawa, Meiji-Gakuin University
UCLA James Bridges Theater (Melnitz Hall)
Co-sponsored by UCLA GSA Melnitz Movies, Japan Foundation

Center for Chinese Studies and Department of History
Monday, February 9, 2015
Kapil Raj, Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris
4:00 PM - 5:30 PM
5288 Bunche Hall

Center for Chinese Studies
Monday, February 23, 2015
Matthew Torne, Director
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM
Charles E. Young Library Main Conference Room 11360

Center for Korean Studies
Wednesday, February 25, 2015
Chang-Jin Lee, Artist
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Royce Hall 314
Co-sponsored by UCLA East Asian Library, Young Research Library

Center for Buddhist Studies
Friday, February 27, 2015
Michaela Mross, UC Berkeley
3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Royce Hall 243
Co-sponsored by UCLA Asian Languages and Cultures

Asia Institute Member Centers
For further information and announcements about research on campus, public events, funding, and ongoing programs, please visit the UCLA Asia Institute website, or the centers' individual websites.

jueves, 29 de enero de 2015

Para saber sobre módulos, horários e outras informações clique na imagem ou veja no site.


Difusión CEAA
ene26 a las 6:25 P.M.
Estimados amigos,

Les invitamos a consultar los catálogos por áreas de las publicaciones del Centro de Estudios de Asia y África (CEAA) de El Colegio de México.

Venta de publicaciones

Departamento de Publicaciones. El Colegio de México, A.C.
Camino al Ajusco #20 Pedregal de Santa Teresa, Tlalpan, C.P. 10740, D.F. México.
Teléfono (52-55) 5449-3000 ext. 3278 o 3077

Ninel Salcedo Romero (nsalcedo@colmex.mx);
Juan Alejandro Castro (jacastro@colmex.mx)

Página de publicaciones de El Colegio de México

Formas de pago:
1. Tarjeta de crédito
2. Transferencia bancaria con CLABE (sólo en México)
3. Depósito bancario (sólo en México)
4. Cheque

The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus Newsletter
Newsletter No. 4. 2015        

January 26, 2015

New Articles

Hōjō Tamio & Kathryn M. Tanaka


The writer Hōjō Tamio died at the age of 23 in 1937 in quarantine at a hospital outside of Tokyo. Taken as a pupil by Kawabata Yasunari, Hōjō became known for his fictionalized accounts of the experience of stigmatization of victims of Hansen's Disease in 1930s Japan. Along with an introductory essay, Kathryn M. Tanaka translates his novella, "Life's First Night," which was awarded the Bunshun Bungakkai Prize in 1936.

In late 1979, the South American state of Guyana, under the leadership of Forbes Burnham, received assistance from Pyongyang in importing the tradition of "mass games," the practice of performing dance or gymnastics in massive numbers. This established North Korea as a major influence in Guyana's cultural and political life into the early 1990s. Moe Taylor explains the ideological foundations of this experiment by the Burnham regime in a time of austerity and crisis and the shaping of the practice of mass games by the Guyanese political context.

On January 10, South Korea deported U.S. citizen  Shin Eun-mi and barred her from returning for five years, after detaining her for questioning on charges of violating the National Security Law. Hyun Lee interviews Shin, who has been the subject of controversy in South Korea over her speaking tour on her travels to North Korea. This  made her the target of right-wing attacks, including a bomb detonation. Shin talks about her travel to the North, her experiences speaking about it in the South and the need to bridge the gap between the two Koreas.
The people of Okinawa are not the only victims of the new US military base in Henoko. The diverse ecosystem of Oura Bay supporting thousands of species of marine life, the last of its kind in Japan, is threatened to be wiped out by concrete building the proposed base. Katherine Muzik writes of her recent visit to the bay's coral reefs, calling for an end to this violence against nature.


Estimados amigos e interesados en China y la relación México-China:

Por este medio nos permitimos informarles que Jingsheng Dong dictará un conferencia en el marco del Ciclo de Conferencias China-México del Cechimex titulada
El evento se llevará a cabo el miércoles 4 febrero a las 10 a.m. en el Aula Magna Jesús Silva Herzog, primer piso del Edificio Anexo de la Facultad de Economía, Ciudad Universitaria UNAM. Mayores informes al 56222195 y ver el mapa de ubicación en: http://www.economia.unam.mx/cechimex.

El Dr. Jingsheng Dong es Profesor de la Universidad de Pekín en el Departamento de Historia y Director del Centro de Estudios Latinoamericanos de la Universidad de Pekín. Cuenta con una larga experiencia de impartición de cursos y publicaciones sobre América Latina y el Caribe en China, http://web5.pku.edu.cn/en/history/Faculty/dongjsh.htm.

También les informamos:
1. Los invitamos a participar en la difusión y como autores en Cuadernos de Trabajo del Cechimex http://www.economia.unam.mx/cechimex/index.php/es/publicaciones-menu.
El último número es una entrevista a la vida y obra del Profesor Shicheng Xu, uno de los principales latinoamericanistas en China http://dusselpeters.com/CECHIMEX/CuadernosdelCechimex20147.pdf .

2. Los invitamos a la presentación del libro "La presencia china en México a través del correo, 1903-1976" del Sr. Gilberto Chong. Convocatoria del Grupo Inmigraciones Chinas a México.
Sábado 24 de enero de 10-12 hrs. en CECAPISS, Coyoacán (Av. Hidalgo 61, Col. del Carmen, Coyoacán).

3. Inauguración de la exposición "303. La matanza de chinos en Torreón".
Museo Memoria y Tolerancia, el 28 de enero de 2015, 19 hrs. (Plaza Juárez, frente a la Alameda Central).

Saludos, enrique dussel peters

Dr. Enrique Dussel Peters
        Posgrado en Economía

        Centro de Estudios China-México
        Facultad de Economía
        Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

Visítanos en FACEBOOK:
                @Cechimex FE UNAM
                @Cuadernos de trabajo del Cechimex FE UNAM



Revista Cátedra China

Estimado suscriptor, como siempre, es un placer para nosotros hacerte llegar un nuevo número de la revista Cátedra China. Esperamos sinceramente que sea de tu interés y te animamos a participar en los diálogos y debates propuestos en la revista. 


China se afianza en América Latina

El comercio bilateral entre China y la Celac se ha multiplicado por 10 en una década: Pekín es el segundo socio comercial de la región por detrás de Estados Unidos 

Carta abierta al nuevo Embajador de la República Popular China

"En estos tiempos los miembros de Cátedra China hemos querido contribuir, desde nuestra responsabilidad empresarial, profesional, educativa y cultural, a estrechar las relaciones entre nuestros dos países”.

miércoles, 28 de enero de 2015

Silk Road Lecture, Stanford University

Michael Frachetti, Assoc. Professor, Dept. of Anthropology, Washington University, St. Louis
“Bronze Age Inhabitation, Mobility, and Displacement among the first farming herders of highland Inner Asia:  case studies from Eastern Kazakhstan”
Thursday, Jan. 29, 2015 at 5 p.m. (note new time)
Stanford Archaeology Center, Bldg. 500, 488 Escondido Mall (behind the Main Quad’s Memorial Church, towards the clock tower)

The discovery of the earliest known domestic grains and the first evidence for the integration of farming, recently documented at multi-period campsites built by nomadic pastoralists over 4000 years, was found by the Dzhungar Mountains Archaeology project in eastern Kazakhstan. These discoveries allow us to revise our understanding of Bronze Age economic strategies across Eurasia, indicating inter-regional engagement and participation.

Michael Frachetti’s research focuses on the dynamic strategies of nomadic societies living in the steppes, mountains, and deserts of Central and Eastern Eurasia, from prehistory to more recent times.  He is author of Pastoralist Landscapes and Social interaction in Bronze Age Eurasia (UC Press, 2008).

Co-sponsored by the Silk Road Foundation, Archaeology Center, and Stanford Humanities Center

Highlighting JAPAN

E-mail Newsletter "Highlighting JAPAN"
No.83 (January 28, 2015)

[Contents of Highlighting JAPAN January 2015]


- Japan-Palau Summit Meeting
- Inauguration of the Third ABE Cabinet
- Prime Minister ABE Issues Condolence Messages Following Shooting Incident in Paris, France


[Japanese Textiles]

- Japanese textiles that gave birth to “Japonisme”
Interview with Nobuyuki Ota, CEO of the Cool Japan Fund

- Kyoto-style hand embroidery
Cultural handcraft survives changing times

- Refinement and Sophistication
Taking Edo Komon global and into the future

- Capturing the Essence
Updating Japan’s Traditions with Today’s Sensibilities

- Three centuries of modern sense
A brand that revives Japan’s traditional textiles

- Paper, Updated
Transforming washi to meet modern needs

- Fiber Fantastic
Synthetic fibers that surpass the natural

- Made in Japan
Japanese Textiles: Leading the World with Peerless Excellence



- The Magic Tea Kettle


- Natural - Friendly Material
The world's most heat-resistant bioplastic, created by bacteria


- Bret Mayer, Kanji Master


- Tokyo / Tottori

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