Table of Contents
- POSTDOC> Joint Postdoctoral Fellowship in Buddhism and East Asian Religions
- RESOURCE> DDB Access Android app in Play Store
POSTDOC> Joint Postdoctoral Fellowship in Buddhism and East Asian Religions
by Vicky Baker
JOINT POSTDOCTORAL FELLOWSHIP IN BUDDHISM AND EAST ASIAN RELIGIONSDharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts (DILA), Ghent University, and the Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales (INALCO) invite applications for a unique joint post-doctoral fellowship. This postdoctoral position is generously funded by the three partner institutions, and is facilitated by the project “From the Ground Up: Buddhism and East Asian Religions” ( It is a two-year position, commencing on June 1, 2018 and renewable for an additional year subject to availability of funds, performance appraisal, and approval from each Institution.
In addition to working on his or her own research program related to East Asian Buddhism and other religions, the successful Fellow is expected to contribute to both a database project on Chinese-language religious texts and the creation of a handbook related to East Asian Buddhism and other East Asian religions. Experience in working in digital humanities is a strong asset, as this is a crucial component of both projects.
The Fellow is expected to spend ca. 8 months at each institution over the two-year period with the following proposed schedule:
- June 1, 2018 – January 31, 2019 at INALCO
- February 1, 2019 – September 30, 2019 at DILA
- October 1, 2019 – May 30, 2020 at Ghent University
The Fellow will not be expected to teach while at INALCO and Ghent. While at Ghent University, the Fellow is expected to participate in an active research group and will work on the creation of a handbook and submit one article in an international journal. At INALCO, the Fellow is expected to work on a database project. The Fellow will also have the opportunity to participate in annual field visits of the “From the Ground Up” project.
The Fellow will be supervised by a committee with representatives from all three institutions, via regular virtual meetings.
This postition is subject to budgetary approval. Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience. The application dossier should include a letter of application, curriculum vitae, description of research program, a sample chapter or scholarly paper (maximum 30 pages), and evidence of teaching effectiveness. Two confidential letters of recommendation are to be sent separately. The deadline for the receipt of complete applications is January 15, 2018, however the position will remain open until filled. All application materials should be submitted electronically to
RESOURCE> DDB Access Android app in Play Store
by Charles Muller
Dear Colleagues:I am delighted to be able to inform you that Jean Soulat has just made DDB Access for Android available on the Play Store, and it works wonderfully, so please give it a try. (NB: Before you do a lookup, you need to "sign in" for full functionality--"guest" also works fine).
DDB Access "accesses" the basic DDB/CJKV-E search function of the web site, which is created and maintained by Michael Beddow.