Table of Contents
- PUBLICATION> Journal of the Oxford Centre for
Buddhist Studies Vol. 16
- Advanced Pali Reading Course with Prof. Richard

Journal of the Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies Vol. 16
by Steven Egan
The Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies (A Recognised Independent Centre of the University of Oxford) announces the publication of Volume 16 of its Journal. Please find the Table of Contents below. For further enquiries please go to, or email
Table of Contents - JOCBS (Vol 16)
Editorial Richard Gombrich 8
The Buddha taught in Pali: A working hypothesis Stefan Karpik 10
Practice, Not Dogma: Tzu-chi and the Buddhist Tradition Richard Madsen 87
Did the Buddha exist? Alexander Wynne 98
Further thoughts on the 'two path thesis' Alexander Wynne 149
A Note on the Meaning and Reference of the Word “Pali” Richard Gombrich 163
Padmakara Translation Group, A Feast of the Nectar of the Supreme Vehicle: An Explanation of the Ornament of the Mahāyāna Sūtras, Maitreya’s Mahāyāsūtrālaṃkāra with a Commentary by Jamgön Mipham. Reviewed by Christopher V. Jones 167
Westerhoff, Jan (2018), The Golden Age of Indian Buddhist Philosophy. Reviewed by Rafal Stepien 171
Janice Stargardt & Michael Willis (eds), Relics and Relic Worship in Early Buddhism: India, Afghanistan, Sri Lanka and Burma. Reviewed by Wannaporn Rienjang 188
Pali Reading Course with Prof. Richard Gombrich
by Steven Egan
This summer, Prof. Gombrich will run another Advanced Pali reading course in Oxford in August.
The dates for this course are as follows: arrive Wednesday evening, 14th August, depart Friday morning 23rd August. There will be no class on Sunday 18th August.
This course will mainly consist of reading texts together in class. This year will include poetry and commentaries; some texts will be distributed in advance.
Only twelve pupils will be accepted on the course.
For further details, and to apply, please go to
The Oxford Centre for Buddhist Studies is a Recognised Independent Centre of the University of Oxford.