martes, 4 de junio de 2019


Table of Contents

  1. RESOURCE> DDB/CJKV-E update report, May 2019
  2. MEMORIAL> Gene Reeves Memorial Service (Chicago), June 13

RESOURCE> DDB/CJKV-E update report, May 2019

by A. Charles Muller
Dear Colleagues,

I've uploaded the list of new DDB and CJKV-E entries for May 2019. We have 259 new entries for the DDB (Total: 72,802) and 208 for the CJKV-E (Total: 60,403). Please see

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MEMORIAL> Gene Reeves Memorial Service (Chicago), June 13

by A. Charles Muller
Dear Colleagues,
I  would like to pass on this information received from Yayoi Reeves:
Dear Friends,
 I regret to inform you that Dr. GENE REEVES passed away peacefully on the evening 
of May 8th, 2019, in his home in Chicago, lovingly surrounded by family and friends.
It was beautiful.  Gene took a deep breath and opened his palm as if the lotus flower 
beginning to open peacefully.
He loved the sutra of the lotus flower of the Wonderful Dharma and spent most of
 the latter half of his life for studying, writing, give a talk about the 
Lotus Sutra passionately.
His life was flourishing by surrounding with family, friends, music, 
Jazz, and wine. 
Gene will be greatly missed. 
The Memorial  Service will be :
Date: June 13th, Thursday 1:00 pm
Venue: First Unitarian Church of CHICAGO
Located in: The University of Chicago
5650 S Woodlawn Ave, Chicago, IL 60637
Yayoi Reeves
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