miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2015

Vikramasila Foundation
Palden Sakya Centers

Khenpo Pema Wangdak, Director
4 W. 101 St., #63, New York, NY 10025

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To review our complete schedule of classes with Khenpo Pema, go to:

Meditate NYC 2016 – hosted by The Buddhist Council of New York
Saturday, October 3
10:30 AM – 3 PM
NYU Center for Spiritual Life
238 Thompson Street, NYC
Everyone is welcome to hear these wonderful Dharma teachers of various traditions. Khenpo Pema is speaking at 11:20 AM.

As part of the "Meditate NYC event" Palden Sakya will be hosting an Open House to learn about Meditation. Everyone welcome!
Wednesday, October 7 @ 7 PM
Palden Sakya Center: 4 W. 101 St., #63, NYC

Palden Sakya Center: 4 W. 101 St., #63, NYC
Seven Week Program, Part 2: Sojong and Lojong Instruction

Prerequisite: Must have attended Part 1 (July-August 2015)
Palden Sakya Center: 4 W. 101 St., #63, NYC

The three most influential Lojong texts, "Parting From the 4 Attachment," "Eight Verse Lojong," and the "Seven Point Mind Training," that sustained the spirit and purpose of life of millions over the centuries, will be re-read, reviewed, and reflected -- accompanied by a step by step alternating meditation throughout the day. We will do this as a reminder and as well as a introduction for those who are new the Lojong teachings that every worth in this world and our life is rooted in the spirit of compassion and kindness that is nurtured by joy of life and equanimity of the mind. Sojong is a introduction to a deliberate act in keeping with the disciplines of the humanity as taught by Buddha. It also is the very foundation for everything possible from the very basic qualities of life to the highest of the esoteric spiritual ventures and everything we aspires for in this and beyond this life.

Mondays: Oct 5, 19, 26; Nov 2, 23, 30; Dec 7
7:00 - 9:00 PM Course fee: $150.00. Check can be made out to Vikramasila Foundation and brought to the first class on October 5.

Registration required: paldensakya@vikramasila.org

Lecture class based on Shantideva’s text: “A Guide to the Bodhisattvas Way of Life”
Tuesdays: Oct 6, 20, 27; Nov 17, 24; Dec 1, 8
7:00 PM Meditation followed by lecture class
Palden Sakya Center: 4 W. 101 St., #63, NYC
Please arrive before the meditation session begins
Suggested donation: $20.00 per class

Join with us as Khenpo Pema engages us with reflective and brilliant insight to Shantideva's text: "A Guide to the Bodhisattvas Way of Life". Khenpo Pema covers stanza by stanza; chapter by chapter -- while he guides us on the path of the Bodhisattva.

Walk to Feed the Hungry
Buddhist Global Relief Walk on October 31st in NYC
Riverside Park, 79th Street – North Lawn, NYC

Emma Cobb has made a “
Palden Sakya team page”:



The Vikramasila Foundation and Palden Sakya Centers for Buddhist study are run under the auspices of His Holiness Sakya Trizin and under the direction of Khenpo Pema Wangdak.

Dharma Centers

There are Palden Sakya Centers are located in the Americas and Europe. See here for locations and contact information.


See our calendar for all upcoming events.
Khenpo Lama Pema Wangdak travels and teaches extensively around the world. Stop by or give us a call if you are near any of our centers. We hope you are able to participate in our programs.

Vikramasila Foundation
4 W. 101 St. #63
New York, NY 10025
Copyright (C) 2015 Vikramasila Foundation All rights reserved.
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China y la Argentina en el Siglo XXI
Miércoles 8 de octubre de 2015, 18.30 horas
China y la Argentina en el Siglo XXI
Presentación del libro de Jorge Castro, publicado por Pluma Digital Ediciones, con comentarios de Gustavo Grobocopatel, Marcelo Elizondo y el autor

Jorge Castro
Analista internacional y Abogado. Ex Secretario de Planeamiento Estratégico de la Nación (1998-1999). Presidente del Instituto de Planeamiento Estratégico. Ex Jefe de la Sección Política Internacional del Diario Tiempo Argentino. Hasta fines de 1997 fue Director Adjunto de El Cronista Comercial y columnista de La Nueva Provincia de Bahía Blanca. Desde hace más de veinte años es Profesor en diversas universidades. Es columnista en los diarios Clarín, La Nación y Perfil. Socio Fundador de la Fundación Pensamiento Americano. Es autor de varios libros

Gustavo Grobocopatel
Director ejecutivo del Grupo "Los Grobo", empresa agroalimentaria, y consultor internacional. Miembro del Directorio de Bioceres S.A., de la Comisión Directiva de la Asociación Empresaria Argentina (AEA), del Consejo Económico y Social de la Universidad Torcuato Di Tella, del Directorio de Escuelas del Bicentenario, Consejo Internacional de la Fundación Don Cabral (Brasil) y del EGADE - TEC de Monterrey (México), del Directorio de Endeavor (Argentina). Es Presidente de LIDE Agronegocios (Argentina)

Marcelo Elizondo
Director de la Escuela Internacional de Negocios de la UCES. Creador y director de DNI, Desarrollo de Negocios Internacionales. Ex Presidente de la Fundación Exportar

Uruguay 1037, piso 1º / C1016ACA Buenos Aires / República Argentina
Tel. 005411 4811 0071 al 74 / Fax 005411 4815 4742 / cari@cari.org.ar / www.cari.org.ar
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S Korea's rise as a middle power

At China's military parade on Sept 3 were (from left) Kazakhstan President Nursultan Nazarbayev, South Korean President Park Geun Hye, Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping.
Photo: Reuters
After attending China's high-profile military parade on Sept 3, South Korean President Park Geun Hye is in New York for the United Nations General Assembly and is due to hold summit talks with United States President Barack Obama on Oct 16.
What will likely play in American minds is the scene in Beijing suggesting the growing closeness between the two North-east Asian neighbours: that of Ms Park standing next to Chinese President Xi Jinping at the parade, a likely poke in the eye for the absent US, which is South Korea's major security ally.
Critics have questioned whether the South Korean leader is getting too close to an increasingly assertive China, first by joining the China-led Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB) and then attending the Beijing parade.
Some scholars, however, see South Korea playing the role of a middle power amid the growing rivalry between China and the US in the Asia-Pacific.
On the security front, the US-South Korea alliance, marked by a huge US troop presence and annual joint exercises, is a cornerstone for peace and stability on the Korean peninsula. Trade-wise, China is now South Korea's largest export market, with bilateral trade last year amounting to US$235.4 billion (S$336 billion). A free trade agreement inked in June could further boost trade to more than US$300 billion a year.
Today, Ms Park is slated to deliver a keynote address at the UN assembly, expounding South Korea's position and clarifying its commitment to global issues concerning peace, security, development and climate change, said her presidential office. It added that her speech is expected to raise the country's standing "as a middle power".
Talks involving South Korean Foreign Minister Yun Byung Se, his Japanese counterpart Fumio Kishida and US Secretary of State John Kerry will be held tomorrow on the sidelines of the UN meeting.
Many in Seoul, meanwhile, want an explication of South Korea's ties with the US. An editorial in Chosun Ilbo said South Korea needs to reassure the US over its ties with China while bolstering relations with Japan. The government's "credibility could be damaged if it is seen by the international community as dancing to Beijing's tune", it added.
But some analysts feel there is no conflict in South Korea's relations with the US and China.
"The US is our key ally... while China is a country sharing common interests with us in many respects, including economic co-operation and denuclearisation of North Korea," said Dr Chung Eun Sook, a senior research fellow at Sejong Institute.
Dr Kim Byung Ki, a professor of politics and international relations at Korea University, noted that even though Seoul has been strengthening its economic ties with Beijing, this would not lead to a security alliance as China is bound by treaty to defend North Korea in times of war.
Said Dr Kongdan Oh of the Institute for Defence Analyses: "President Park has displayed a very pragmatic and mature leadership. Engaging China with an open mind will be the best course... as a smaller power very close to China."
Given that Ms Park knows how crucial a strong South Korea-US alliance is in deterring the unpredictable North Korea, she would want to reaffirm her country's ties with the US at her upcoming summit with Mr Obama, Dr Oh added.
Buoyed by a rise in approval ratings after her hard-line approach to North Korea's latest provocation, Ms Park appears to have relaxed her stance towards dialogue with Japan. She had earlier refused to enter into talks unless Tokyo offers a clear resolution on historic issues like comfort women.
"My hunch on why she is now slightly flexible towards Japan is the confidence she gained from the very cordial and trusting relationship with President Xi Jinping," said Dr Oh.
In a significant step towards better ties in North-east Asia, Ms Park and Mr Xi mutually agreed to hold a trilateral meeting with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe by early November in Seoul.
The summit was last held in 2012, before Ms Park assumed office. Some scholars hope that South Korea can step up as a middle power, exerting some influence on the US over the AIIB, which Washington disapproves of, or speaking up against China's aggressiveness in territorial disputes in the South China Sea.
"If South Korea manages its relations with these neighbours and a Pacific power equitably, it may just end up as the fulcrum of peace in the region," said Dr Lim Tai Wei, adjunct research fellow at Singapore's East Asian Institute.
"But if its delicate dance with the major powers has a misstep, for example, perceptions of tilting too far to one side, South Korea can face diplomatic and economic challenges.
"So far, it has been very skilful."

This article was first published on September 28, 2015. 
Get a copy of The Straits Times or go to straitstimes.com for more stories
- See more at: http://news.asiaone.com/news/asia/s-koreas-rise-middle-power#sthash.iuZYlI68.dpuf

martes, 29 de septiembre de 2015

The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus Newsletter
Newsletter No. 39. 2015        

September 28, 2015

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Meet the 2015 MacArthur Fellows

2015 MacArthur Fellows: 24 Extraordinarily Creative People Who Inspire Us All
Recognizing 24 exceptionally creative individuals with a track record of achievement and the potential for significant contributions in the future, the Foundation today named the 2015 MacArthur Fellows. Fellows will each receive a no-strings-attached stipend of $625,000, allowing recipients maximum freedom to follow their own creative visions.
"These 24 delightfully diverse MacArthur Fellows are shedding light and making progress on critical issues, pushing the boundaries of their fields, and improving our world in imaginative, unexpected ways," said MacArthur President Julia Stasch. "Their work, their commitment, and their creativity inspire us all."

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Ryu Goto e Orquestra Jovem do Estado na Sala São Paulo, dia 10 de outubro às 21 horas

lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2015


Estimados amigos e interesados en China y la relación México-China:

Por este medio nos permitimos informarles que el
Embajador JORGE GUAJARDO dictará una conferencia en el marco del Ciclo de Conferencias China-México del Cechimex titulada "REFLEXIONES SOBRE LA RELACIÓN MÉXICO-CHINA. MITOS Y REALIDADES ".
El evento se llevará a cabo el miércoles 7 de octubre a las 10 a.m. en el Aula  Magna Jesús Silva Herzog, primer piso del Edificio Anexo de la Facultad  de Economía, Ciudad Universitaria UNAM. Mayores informes al 56222195 y ver el mapa de ubicación en: http://www.economia.unam.mx/.

El Embajador
Jorge Guajardo es Director de McLarty Associates (Washington), fue Embajador de México en China (2007-2013) y Cónsul General de México en Austin (2005-2007). Cuenta con una larga trayectoria en el sector privado y ha sido editorialista en diversos medios, así como conferencista de prestigiosas universidades.

De igual forma nos permitimos informales:
1. Revisen el último documento de los Cuadernos de Trabajo del Cechimex.
        Guoqiang Long"One Belt, one Road: a New Vision for Open, include Regional Cooperation",
        en: http://dusselpeters.com/CECHIMEX/Revista_Cchmx_4_2015.pdf.

2. Nos permitimos invitarlos al grupo de conferencias sobre teoría y estudios empíricos:
        a. miércoles 30.8., 12pm,
Keun Lee, "Catch up by the Latecomers and a Theory of Catchup Cycles: Experiences of Big Business" y,
        b. jueves 1.10, 12pm,
Suzanne Berger, "Innovation and Production, the MIT Study".
        Ambos eventos se realizarán con un grupo de comentaristas y en la Facultad de Economía en Ciudad Universitaria, UNAM.

3. Los invitamos a revisar la reciente comparecencia en el Senado de Estados Unidos -Comité Conjunto entre los Subcomités de Asia y el Pacífico, así como sobre el Hemisferio Occidental- realizada el 10.9.2015 y titulada "China´s Advance in Latin America and the Caribbean" con un grupo de testimonios de relevancia: https://foreignaffairs.house.gov/hearing/joint-subcommittee-hearing-china-s-advance-latin-america-and-caribbean .

4. El Atlantic Council acaba de publicar el documento "China´s Evolving Role in Latin America. Can it be a Win-Win?", que puede consultarse en: http://dusselpeters.com/88.pdf

Saludos, enrique dussel peters

Dr. Enrique Dussel Peters
        Posgrado en Economía
        Centro de Estudios China-México
        Facultad de Economía
        Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México

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@Centro de estudios China_México UNAM
                @Cuadernos de trabajo del Cechimex FE UNAM
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