viernes, 3 de junio de 2016

H-Net Notifications

Table of Contents

  1. CFP> Agency and the Self/No-Self Debate
  2. RESOURCE> May 2016 Update of the Digital Dictionary of Buddhism

CFP> Agency and the Self/No-Self Debate

by Christian Coseru
CALL FOR PAPERS. The International Society for Buddhist Philosophy (ISBP) is soliciting paper proposals for a panel on “Agency and the Sell/No-Self Debate” to be held at the Annual Meeting of the American Philosophical Association (APA) Eastern Division in Baltimore, MD (January 4-7, 2017). Papers that address both methodological and substantive issues in Buddhist and cross-cultural philosophy of mind and moral psychology, and their relevance to contemporary debates are welcome.

Papers may engage such questions as: What notions of agency are at work in Buddhism given that all Buddhists give universal scope to the no-self view? What conceptions of agency inform Buddhist accounts of moral and mental cultivation? Is there a phenomenology of agency and personhood in Buddhism? How do Buddhist conceptions of agency fit with contemporary debates on free will and moral responsibility in ethics and meta-ethics, and with issues and debates on intentionality and causation in phenomenology and philosophy of mind?

Please send title, abstract (250 words), personal information (name, email, and institutional affiliation) to Christian Coseru (coseruc[at]‪ by June 15, 2016.  

Christian Coseru
Associate Professor of Philosophy
Department of Philosophy
College of Charleston
66 George Street
Charleston, SC 29424
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RESOURCE> May 2016 Update of the Digital Dictionary of Buddhism

by Charles Muller
DDB/CJKV-E Update May 2016
Dear Colleagues,
I've uploaded the list of new DDB and CJKV-E entries for May 2016. We have 131 new entries for the DDB (Total: 65,659) and 586 for the CJKV-E (Total: 47,680).
Significant updates were provided by: Dan Lusthaus and Jeffrey Kotyk.
New Entries were contributed by: Joseph Adler, Siang Kim Chia, Joseph Elacqua, Jeffrey Kotyk, Richard Lynn, Matthew McMullen, Charles Muller, Roujia Zeng, and Yao Zhang.
Other corrections and updates were provided by Nobuyoshi Yamabe, Dylan Toda, Dan Lusthaus, Janine Nicol, Robert Kritzer, Wolfgang Waletzki, and Roujia Zeng.
If you have any comments on this month's entries, please do let me know. This month's monthly report file is at:
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Date: 2016-06-01 1:42 GMT-03:00
Subject: H-Buddhism daily digest: 2 new items have been posted
To: "lilianagdaris@GMAIL.COM" <>

Greetings Liliana Garcia,
New items have been posted in H-Buddhism.

Table of Contents

  1. CFP> Agency and the Self/No-Self Debate
  2. RESOURCE> May 2016 Update of the Digital Dictionary of Buddhism

CFP> Agency and the Self/No-Self Debate

by Christian Coseru
CALL FOR PAPERS. The International Society for Buddhist Philosophy (ISBP) is soliciting paper proposals for a panel on “Agency and the Sell/No-Self Debate” to be held at the Annual Meeting of the American Philosophical Association (APA) Eastern Division in Baltimore, MD (January 4-7, 2017). Papers that address both methodological and substantive issues in Buddhist and cross-cultural philosophy of mind and moral psychology, and their relevance to contemporary debates are welcome.

Papers may engage such questions as: What notions of agency are at work in Buddhism given that all Buddhists give universal scope to the no-self view? What conceptions of agency inform Buddhist accounts of moral and mental cultivation? Is there a phenomenology of agency and personhood in Buddhism? How do Buddhist conceptions of agency fit with contemporary debates on free will and moral responsibility in ethics and meta-ethics, and with issues and debates on intentionality and causation in phenomenology and philosophy of mind?

Please send title, abstract (250 words), personal information (name, email, and institutional affiliation) to Christian Coseru (coseruc[at]‪ by June 15, 2016.  

Christian Coseru
Associate Professor of Philosophy
Department of Philosophy
College of Charleston
66 George Street
Charleston, SC 29424
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RESOURCE> May 2016 Update of the Digital Dictionary of Buddhism

by Charles Muller
DDB/CJKV-E Update May 2016
Dear Colleagues,
I've uploaded the list of new DDB and CJKV-E entries for May 2016. We have 131 new entries for the DDB (Total: 65,659) and 586 for the CJKV-E (Total: 47,680).
Significant updates were provided by: Dan Lusthaus and Jeffrey Kotyk.
New Entries were contributed by: Joseph Adler, Siang Kim Chia, Joseph Elacqua, Jeffrey Kotyk, Richard Lynn, Matthew McMullen, Charles Muller, Roujia Zeng, and Yao Zhang.
Other corrections and updates were provided by Nobuyoshi Yamabe, Dylan Toda, Dan Lusthaus, Janine Nicol, Robert Kritzer, Wolfgang Waletzki, and Roujia Zeng.
If you have any comments on this month's entries, please do let me know. This month's monthly report file is at:
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