Table of Contents
- PASSING> Henry Rosemont Jr. (1934-2017)
- CFP> Traditional Religions, Secularisms, and Revivals: Buddhism and Shamanism in Northern Eurasia
- NEW BOOK> Imagination and Narrative: Lexical and Cultural Translation in Buddhist Asia
- RESOURCE> The Annotated Corpus of Classical Tibetan (ACTib)
PASSING> Henry Rosemont Jr. (1934-2017)
by Charles Muller
Dear Colleagues,Prof. Rosemont was a scholar of Confucianism, but those of you who work in the area of East Asia may have had the opportunity (as I was lucky to do) to be involved with this fine scholar and gentleman.
CFP> Traditional Religions, Secularisms, and Revivals: Buddhism and Shamanism in Northern Eurasia
by Ivan Sablin
Your network editor has reposted
this from H-Announce. The byline reflects the original authorship.
Call for Papers
March 9,
2018 to March 10, 2018
Subject Fields:
Area Studies, Colonial and Post-Colonial History / Studies,
East Asian History / Studies, Eastern Europe History / Studies, Religious
Studies and Theology
The Käte Hamburger Kolleg “Dynamics in the History of Religions” of the
Ruhr-University Bochum (
invites paper proposals for the Workshop “Traditional Religions, Secularisms,
and Revivals: Buddhism and Shamanism in Northern Eurasia” to be held on March
9–10, 2018.Focusing on Buddhism and Shamanism in Mongolia, Siberia, Central Asia, Tibet, and the Himalayas, the workshop will trace the introduction of Eurocentric secular projects of defining and limiting religion to cultural contexts in which religions, philosophies, and worldviews fundamentally challenge these secular definitions. The categories of “religion” and “secularism” are both products of European modern intellectual history, but they developed out of European perceptions of Christianity and its contrast to non-European “others” and their religions. Scholarship on secularism and its effects, however, has focused overwhelmingly on monotheistic contexts, largely ignoring the role of secularism and the category of religion in socialist secular projects and non-monotheistic religious traditions. The concept of “religion” was not merely imposed from above. It was appropriated and redefined by Buddhists and Shamanists in the twentieth and twenty-first century creating new hierarchies and stimulating new asymmetrical power relations. Since the early twentieth century Buddhism was increasingly used in the processes of nation-building, while Shamanism was continuously marginalized. The socialist secular project in Siberia, Mongolia, and Central Asia demonstrated attempts to integrate religion into building new states (1920s), rigid anti-religious campaigns (1930s), and the moderate recognition and even support of organized religion (1950s—1980s). In contemporary Mongolia and Siberia, Buddhism has once again been elevated to the status of “national” or “traditional” religion, while in Nepal it became a marker of one’s subnational ethnic belonging. In view of the expectations about what national or traditional religion is supposed to be, Shamanism remained contested in all four regional contexts, yet became increasingly popular in heterogeneous revival movements defying both state and religious authority. Examining the ways in which secular projects intersected with Buddhist and Shamanist religious projects promises to open new perspectives on secularism, socialism, and colonialism. Christopher Atwood (University of Pennsylvania) and Nikolay Tsyrempilov (Nazarbayev University) will give keynote lectures.
We invite papers that focus on the demands to define Buddhism and Shamanism as religions in nationalist, socialist, and post-socialist contexts and the attempts to embrace, surpass and resist such definitions; the interactions between religion and politics and the anti-religious campaigns of the twentieth century; the tensions between religion, nationalism, and the processes of de-secularization or re-secularization that engendered alternative ethnic/religious revivals; the involvement of politicians, academics, and lawmakers with religion and that of shamans, monks, and believers with politics, academia, and law. Submissions on related topics within the relevant geographic and religious areas are welcome. Each paper must explicitly address the issue of secularism or desecularization and, preferably, discuss interactions between different religious denominations or groups within the same religion. The organizers intend to submit a selection of papers to the e-journal Entangled Religions ( for possible peer-reviewed publication. We will be able to provide hotel accommodation and cover travel expenses within Europe, but encourage participants to seek additional funding from their home institutions.
Please submit a 300-word abstract along with brief biographical information to before September 10, 2017. Notes of acceptance will be sent before October 10, 2017. Invited participants will be expected to submit full papers of 7,000–10,000 words by February 15, 2018.
Contact Email:
NEW BOOK> Imagination and Narrative: Lexical and Cultural Translation in Buddhist Asia
by Charles DiSimone
Year published :July 2017
Pages :296 pp.
Size :14x21 cm., paperback
Rights :World
ISBN: 9786162151354
Imagination and Narrative: Lexical and Cultural Translation in
Buddhist Asiaby Peter Skilling
and Justin Thomas McDaniel
Edited by Peter Skilling and Justin
Thomas McDaniel
essays in this volume highlight the movement of Buddhist ideas and practices
across Asia and how the encounter of far-flung cultures and personalities
encouraged adaptation and transformation. At times this meant textual
translation and transmission, as seen in the chapters about Chinese and
Japanese Buddhist texts and their authors, or the analysis of Buddhist
manuscripts in northern Thailand. Other cases entailed cultural
translation—local adaptations of jataka tales, the evolution
of legal notions within the framework of Theravada Buddhist teachings,
localizations embedded in material culture seen through inscriptions and
archaeological traces. Some themes go beyond Buddhism writ small to explore the
broad canvas of engagement: the East-West encounter in the British geographical
and anthropological exploration of Burma, and the place of Brahmanism in early
Buddhist thought as expressed through the jatakas.
expertly curated selection of scholarship shows that the diffusion of ideas and
religious thought is much more than a tale of decline and loss or cultural
appropriation and impoverishment. The fresh perspectives presented here—all
drawn on primary sources—give an overall impression of a singular diversity
that somehow participates in an unacknowledged unity. Beyond the fragmentations
of sectarian and cultural divides, disparate Buddhist and non-Buddhist
traditions have gone beyond arbitrary boundaries and flourished through their
Olivier de Bernon, Frédéric Girard, Iyanaga Nobumi, François Lagirarde, Jacques
Leider, Michel Lorrillard, Justin McDaniel, Kumkum Roy, Peter Skilling,
Warangkana Srikamnerd.
Presents a range of studies on the spread of religious thought
and material culture in Asia
Relies on historical evidence to explain specific cases of the
spread of Buddhist ideas
Highlights interreligious and intercultural exchanges within
Asia and beyond
Counters the notion that transmission and transformation eroded
or diluted the potency of the Buddha’s teachings
About the Editors
is professor at the École française d’Extrême-Orient in Bangkok.
THOMAS MCDANIEL is chair of the Department of Religious Studies at the
University of Pennsylvania.
| Buddhist communities | transmission | cultural diffusion
| texts | manuscripts
Book details below. More info may be found here:
RESOURCE> The Annotated Corpus of Classical Tibetan (ACTib)
by Charles DiSimone
The Annotated Corpus of Classical Tibetan (ACTib), Part I -
Segmented version, based on the BDRC digitised text collection, tagged with the
Memory-Based Tagger from TiMBL.
Meelen, Marieke; Hill, Nathan W.; Handy, Christopher
This corpus is a part-of-speech tagged
version of
Wallman, Jeff, Rowinski, Zach, Ngawang
Trinley, Tomlinson, Chris, & Keutzer, Kurt. (2017). Collection of Tibetan
etexts compiled by the Buddhist Digital Resource Center [Data set]. Zenodo.
using the training data of
Hill, Nathan W., & Garrett,
Edward. (2017). A part-of-speech (POS) tagged corpus of Classical Tibetan [Data
set]. Zenodo.
using the memory based tagger of
More info here: