Today's Insight
Lashkar-e-Taiba Wreaks Havoc in South Asia, Threatens the U.S. | Bennett Seftel, The Cipher BriefAlthough LeT does not have the notoriety of ISIS and al Qaeda, it has previously attempted to strike the U.S. homeland and continues to keep America squarely in sights. Expert CommentaryMilitants and Missionaries: LeT’s Dual Role in South Asia | Stephen Tankel, Assistant Professor, School of International Service, American University"LeT is defined by two dualities: the first is its identity as a militant group and as a missionary organization; the second concerns its military activities, namely that it is both a pan-Islamist group dedicated to waging jihad against all enemies of Islam and Pakistan’s most trusted and reliable militant ally." Jihad in India, Kashmir and Afghanistan: A Boost to Pakistan? | Marvin Weinbaum, Director for Pakistan Studies, Middle East Institute"At this point in time, considering the growing tensions in Kashmir, the ISI has every reason to hold close a jihadi group such as LeT. Pakistan also cannot give up on its proxies in an Afghanistan that is seen as very possibly fracturing."
Today's Column: Expert View
Donald Trump Can Learn from Teddy Roosevelt’s “America First” | Ambassador Richard Boucher, Former Assistant Secretary of State for South and Central AsiaIf our new Administration wants to keep America first in the world, they’d better come up with an integrated strategy soon, before others out-maneuver us, the way Teddy Roosevelt manipulated the powers of the 19th century. As we face a tumultuous world, perhaps we should ask: What would Teddy do?
Must Read On The Cipher Brief
Indian and Chinese Forces Square Off Amid Border Dispute | Wilson Dizard, National Security Editor, The Cipher Brief Indian and Chinese troops skirmished along disputed border territory Tuesday, with soldiers tossing rocks at each other, causing minor injuries. The altercation represents a rare flare-up in the decades-long disagreement over territory. |
The Cipher Brief Special Reports
Be sure to check out The Cipher Brief's Special Reports, offering deep insight on specific national security topics.
American Dilemma: Security vs. Privacy The Cipher Brief takes an in-depth look at how the expanding digital world has been a challenge for those charged with keeping Americans safe while at the same time protecting their most cherished civil liberties. To receive your free copy, click here.
The Cipher Brief's Annual Threat Report The Annual Threat Report includes the highlights of our first annual Threat Conference - plus, the results of polling 70+ national security experts on the top five threats in the coming year. Available for purchase - click here for more information. |
The Cipher Brief Daily PodcastGet a daily rundown of the top security stories and previews of the exclusive content available on The Cipher Brief. Listen now - on iTunes or on our website15 MinutesThe U.S. State Department recently revealed that individuals working in the U.S. embassy in Havana, Cuba were sent home due to symptoms resembling a concussion, with at least one employee suffering from hearing loss. State Department officials have said this was an “acoustic attack,” using sonic devices outside the range of audible sound that were placed either inside or outside the diplomats’ residences. This week, The Cipher Brief’s Kaitlin Lavinder spends 15 minutes with H. Keith Melton, an intelligence historian, author, and board member of the International Spy Museum, who recently co-authored Spy Sites of Washington, DC with former CIA Director of the Office of Technical Service Robert Wallace. Here, they talk about the history of espionage activities between the U.S. and Cuba, and which country is the biggest espionage threat to the United States. Listen to H. Keith Melton on Cuba’s “Acoustic Attack” - or get it on iTunes
The Cipher Take
Iraqi Army Prepares for Assault Against ISIS in Tal Afar Iraqi warplanes have bombed ISIS positions in the city of Tal Afar, ISIS’ last stronghold in northern Iraq, as they prepare for a ground assault to take back the city from the terrorist group. It is not known when the offensive will begin, but Iraqi army, police and special operations forces units are heading to the area. Thousands of civilians have fled in preparation for the operation. Last month, Iraqi military commander Maj-Gen Najm al-Jabouri said that the jihadists were "worn out and demoralised" and that he did not expect a fierce battle similar to what occurred in Mosul.
The Cipher Take: Now that Mosul has been liberated, the Iraqi army has turned its attention to Tal Afar, which is located 35 miles east of Mosul. Iranian-backed Shia militas have already cut off the city from the West, encircling the approximately 2,000 ISIS fighters in the city. As ISIS is pushed out of its strongholds in Mosul and Raqqa and continues to lose territory in its self-declared caliphate across Syria and Iraq, the terrorist group will likely double down on its external operations, particularly in Europe and the United States, as well as its efforts to disseminate propaganda and inspire lone-wolf attacks.
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