Must Read On The Cipher Brief
Trump Threatens North Korea with “Fire and Fury” | Mackenzie Weinger, National Security Reporter, The Cipher Brief President Donald Trump vowed to respond to North Korea with “fire and fury” if the rogue nation continues to threaten the United States. If Pyongyang continues to threaten nuclear action, the president said, “they will be met with fire, fury, and frankly, power the likes of which this world has never seen before.” |
Today's Insight
Germany and France Close Ranks on Security Amid Global Uncertainty | Kaitlin Lavinder, The Cipher BriefWith Britain leaving the EU, concern from Europeans about U.S. President Donald Trump’s commitment to Europe, and an increasingly aggressive Russia, Europeans are looking to bolster their own defenses. France and Germany are the two countries most equipped to lead Europe in the defense and security sphere. Expert CommentaryParis and Berlin No Longer Look Outward to Secure Europe | Jeffrey Rathke, Senior Fellow and Deputy Director, Europe Program, CSIS"France is interested in having Germany more involved in stability and security missions outside of the European space because France is stretched thin; it can’t do everything on its own, and it wants to encourage a broader approach to security in Germany." German Defense Industry Gearing Up | Stephen F. Szabo, Senior Fellow, American Institute for Contemporary German Studies"This is a new strategic situation...the kinds of security issues the Europeans are looking at go beyond Russia, which is still not a direct threat to core Europe, neither Germany nor France nor Italy. The big issue for Europe is terrorism and securing the borders."
Today's Column: Strategic View
Gambling with Catastrophe on the Korean Peninsula | Mike Chinoy, Senior Fellow, U.S.-China Institute, USCPresident Donald Trump and his advisers appear to have replaced strategic patience with an approach that can only be described as “strategic incoherence."
The Cipher Brief Special Reports
Be sure to check out The Cipher Brief's Special Reports, offering deep insight on specific national security topics.
American Dilemma: Security vs. Privacy The Cipher Brief takes an in-depth look at how the expanding digital world has been a challenge for those charged with keeping Americans safe while at the same time protecting their most cherished civil liberties. To receive your free copy, click here.
The Cipher Brief's Annual Threat Report The Annual Threat Report includes the highlights of our first annual Threat Conference - plus, the results of polling 70+ national security experts on the top five threats in the coming year. Available for purchase - click here for more information. |
The Cipher Brief Daily PodcastGet a daily rundown of the top security stories and previews of the exclusive content available on The Cipher Brief. Listen now - on iTunes or on our website15 MinutesThis week, The Cipher Brief’s CEO and Publisher Suzanne Kelly spends 15 minutes with Rob Joyce, the White House cybersecurity coordinator. Prior to his role in the new administration, Joyce was chief of the NSA’s elite hacking unit named Tailored Access Operations. Joyce now leads the government’s coordination of all things cyber, a big job to take on considering the number of agencies, departments, and threats. Suzanne spoke with Joyce about his role, and what he sees as the biggest cyber threats today. Listen now - on iTunes or on our website
The Cipher Take
South African President Survives No-Confidence VoteThe President of South Africa, Jacob Zuma, managed to defeat a no-confidence motion in parliament on Tuesday by a narrow margin of 177 votes of yes to 198 votes of no, with nine abstaining. Had Zuma lost the vote, he would have had to resign as president, along within his entire cabinet. Zuma, the head of the African National Congress party, called the vote a victory, telling supporters that “the ANC is supported by the overwhelming majority” of South Africans. Zuma’s term as president is due to expire in 2019. The Cipher Take: It was the sixth no-confidence vote Zuma has managed to overcome, but the first that was conducted by secret ballot – disappointing opposition leaders that thought anonymous voting would enable disaffected ANC members to vote against Zuma without fear of reprisal. Given that the ANC controls some 249 seats in the 400-member National Assembly, it appears that many, in fact, did, despite falling 24 votes short of the needed majority. Zuma’s tenure has been full of accusations of corruption, with some pointing to recently leaked emails suggesting controversial business holdings and the March dismissal of a finance minister considered by some to be the country’s guardian against corruption. Many opponents of Zuma argue that the vote is not a motion against the ANC as a party, which guided the country out of the oppressive apartheid regime, but rather against Zuma himself. Others suggest that had the vote been successful in ousting Zuma, the country would have been vulnerable to destabilization from political infighting.Want more of The Cipher Take? Read the rest of our analysis on today's headlines at
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Michael Sulick
Former Director, National Clandestine Service, CIA
"In that vast ocean of commentary on critical national security issues, much of it pointless bloviation, only the Cipher Brief provides timely analyses by experts who have real world experience and actually lived through foreign policy crises, ranging from cybersecurity breaches to instability in Africa ... plus the unique blend of contributors from the corporate and government sectors enhances the mutual understanding of each, something sorely missing in other media."