Table of Contents
- QUERY> Research
on Disability in the "Biographies of Eminent Monks"?
- CFP> Extended
Deadline, Oct 15: AAR Western Region (2019), Buddhist Studies Unit
“The World of the Da zhidu lun (《大智度論》的世界)”, Oct 20-21

Research on Disability in the "Biographies of Eminent Monks"?
by Chris Jensen
Dear Colleagues,I am currently in the process of preparing a course on notions of disease and health in Chinese religion and, in considering Buddhist materials, have developed a curiosity about perspectives on disability in Huijiao's Biographies of Eminent Monks [T. 2059] and Daoxuan's Continued Biographies [T. 2060]. This, in turn, led me to consider the possiblity of writing a paper on the issue.
My initial literature search has not turned up any published material on this topic, but it is certainly more than possible that I missed something. If anyone has any suggestions, I would be most obliged if they would be willing to share them with me.
Best wishes,
-Chris Jensen (Carleton University)
CFP> Extended
Deadline, Oct 15: AAR Western Region (2019), Buddhist Studies Unit
by Jake Nagasawa
I am writing to inform you that the CFP deadline for
all AAR/WR units, including Buddhist Studies, has been extended to October 14.
As a reminder, the Buddhist Studies CFP is as follows:
The Buddhist
Studies unit invites papers on any topic exploring this year's conference theme
of "Religion and Resistance" directly or tangentially. We welcome
papers covering any school of Buddhism and from all disciplinary approaches.
Topics of interest not related to the conference theme will also be considered
as space permits. Please send proposals to Alison Jameson (
and Jake Nagasawa (
Paper proposals should be no
more than 250 words. Proposals should be submitted together with a
completed conference participation form which can be found at: Please let us know if you have any questions.Yours,
Jake Nagasawa
University of California, Santa Barbara
“The World of the Da zhidu lun (《大智度論》的世界)”, Oct 20-21
by Yi-hsun Huang
Dear Colleagues,
The Center for Buddhist Studies at Fo
Guang University in Taiwan would like to announce an upcoming conference. The
conference program is included below.
Theme: The
World of the Da zhidu lun (《大智度論》的世界)
Dates: October 20-21, 2018
1. Jisi 集思 Conference
Center, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan
2. Center for Buddhist Studies, Fo Guang
University, Yilan, Taiwan
Sponsored by Centers for
Buddhist Studies at Fo Guang University and National Taiwan University
October 20 (Saturday)
Session # 1
-- Fuji Jun 藤井淳 (Komazawa
University), 『大智度論』における真理表現とÉtienne Lamotteの注釈
-- Nishino Midori 西野翠 (Taisho University), Étienne
Lamotte: The Translator of the Da-zhi-du-lun
Session # 2
-- Wang Ching-wei 王晴薇 (Buddhist College of Singapore)
and Kwong Chan 曾廣志 (Griffith
University, Australia), 現代菩薩如何面對人工智慧的挑戰─《大智度論》六度波羅蜜與身心正念療癒跨領域課程建構
-- Lin Qian 林乾 (Postdoctoral
Research Fellow, Academia Sinica), The Da
zhidu lun’s Interpretations of
"Internal" and "External" Contemplations in the Smṛtyupasthāna
Meditation: An Investigation in the Abhidharma context
--Choong Yoke Meei 宗玉媺 (Fo Guang University), 從煩惱在菩薩道上的作用看《大智度論》的編撰
Session # 3
-- Stefano Zacchetti (Oxford University),
The Da zhidu lun 大智度論 as a Commentary:
Its Typology, Background, and Exegetical Techniques
-- Yen Wei-hung 嚴瑋泓 (Tunghai
University ), 北周慧影《大智度論疏》的關鍵議題與思想脈絡
-- Hans-Rudolf Kantor 康特 (Huafan University), 《大智度論》之二諦觀
October 21 (Sunday)
Session # 4
-- Stefania Travagnin (University of
Groningen), Reception History and Limits of Interpretation: Étienne Lamotte,
Japanese Buddhologists, the monk Yinshun 印順 and the formation
of a modern “Da zhidu lun 大智度論 scholarship”
-- Chen
Ping-kun 陳平坤 (National Taiwan University), 《大智度論》所說「空」「悲」關係
Roundtable Discussion
Chairs: Lin Chen-kuo 林鎮國 (National
Chengchi University), Stefano Zacchetti (Oxford University) and Wan Jin-chuan 萬金川 (Fo Guang University)
Professor, Department of Buddhist Studies
Vice Director, Center for Buddhist Studies
Fo Guang University, Taiwan
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