Table of Contents
Sangha Education in Contemporary China: Evolutions, Contexts and Debates
BOOKS> Mahayanasutralamkara, 19th Century Thai Buddhism, and More

Sangha Education in Contemporary China: Evolutions, Contexts and Debates
by Emanuela Sala
Dear all,
The SOAS Centre of Buddhist Studies is delighted to announce the second lecture in the Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Lecture Series in Chinese Buddhism. On Friday November 16, our lecturer will be Prof. Zhe Ji, from INALCO, Paris. The title of the lecture is "Sangha Education in Contemporary China: Evolutions, Contexts and Debates". The lecture will be followed by a seminar on Saturday, November 17. Both lecture and seminar are free and open to all; the seminar however requires registration. To register please email For details on the event, please see below.
All the best,
of Buddhist Studies,
University of London
2018-2019 ROBERT H. N. HO
Prof. Zhe Ji, INALCO, Paris
Lecture: Sangha Education in
Contemporary China: Evolutions, Contexts and Debates
November 16 2018 5:30-7 p.m.
Brunei Gallery Lecture Theatre,
Brunei Galley
Seminar: Lay Buddhism in
contemporary China
November 17 2018 9 a.m. - 1 p.m.
SG32, Senate House
Abstract:Sangha education in China has experienced considerable changes since the beginning of the 20th century. Many of these changes have been concentrated on the building of a system of Buddhist academies, which adopted the modern institutionalized form of public education for training young monks and nuns. Nowadays the Buddhist academies have become the most important mechanism for producing the sangha elite in the People’s Republic of China. This lecture will constitute a panorama of the development of Buddhist academies at the national level during the last forty years, present the historical background and political contexts of the evolutions, and analyze the different positions in the debates on the tension between “study” and “practice”.
Ji Zhe is professor of sociology at the Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO) and director of the Centre d’Etudes Interdisciplinaires sur le Bouddhisme (CEIB). His main study areas are Buddhism and the relationship between religion and politics in modern and contemporary China. His recent publications include Religion, modernité et temporalité : une sociologie du bouddhisme chan contemporain (CNRS Editions, 2016) andMaking Saints in Modern China (co-edited with David Ownby and Vincent Goossaert, Oxford University Press, 2017).
BOOKS> Mahayanasutralamkara, 19th Century Thai Buddhism, and More
by Nikko Odiseos
Dear Friends,We have several new releases relevant to this list. All the links below will let you browse the table of contents and some of the material.
The first is a translation by the Padmakara Translation Group entitled A Feast of the Nectar of the Supreme Vehicle: An Explanation of the Ornament of the Mahayana Sutras.
This is a new translation of the Mahayanasutralamkara along with Mipham Rinpoche's extensive commentary which itself is largely based on Sthiramati's commentary. It comes with an in-depth translator's introduction contextualizing both the text and the commentary, as well as notes throughout the work. It also includes Mipham's structural outline as well as diagrams mapping the five bodhisattva paths and the thirty-sevenn factors of enlightenment, and some addidinal appendices of use to scholars.
Pages: 976
ISBN: 9781611804676
For more info see
Here is a video of translator Stephen Gethin discussing the work:
In the Cool Shade of Compassion: The Enchanted World of the Buddha in the Jungle
by Kamala Tiyavanich
This work recounts stories about nineteenth- and early twentieth-century Buddhist monks in Siam (Thailand) interweaved with experiences recorded by their Western contemporaries. Stories of giant snakes, bandits, boatmen, midwives, and guardian spirits collectively portray a Buddhist culture in all its imaginative and geographical brilliance. By juxtaposing these eyewitness accounts, Kamala Tiyavanich presents a new and vivid picture of Buddhism as it was lived and of the natural environments in which the Buddha’s teachings were practiced. It would make for very entertaining reading for a course on SE Asian Buddhism.
Pages: 384
ISBN: 9781611806496
*Originally published in Thailand as The Buddha in the Jungle
Some other recent releases of interest to this list but not necessarily of academic focus:
The Mahamudra Lineage Prayer: A Guide to Practice by Khenchen Thrangu
Pages: 176
ISBN: 9781559394819
Best Foot Forward: A Pilgrim’s Guide to the Sacred Sites of the Buddha
by Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche
Pages: 168
ISBN: 9781611806267
Buddha Nature: The Mahayana Uttaratantra Shastra with Commentary
By Maitreya, Jamgon Kongtrul Lodro Taye, Khenpo Tsultrim Gyamtso, and Asanga
Pages: 408
ISBN: 9781559394826
*This is a paperback reissue of a book that had been out of print
Nikko Odiseos
Shambhala Publications | Snow Lion Publications | Bala
4720 Walnut St | Boulder, CO 80301 | o: 720-799-8245
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