Management Practitioner: Organizational/Process Redesign
& Change Initiatives, International Affairs & Security
The Journal of the
International Relations and Affairs Group (JIRAG) is a peer reviewed
publication to promote research in International Affairs.
Suggested topics include: Globalization, Geopolitics, Conflict
Resolution, Diplomacy, Intelligence Community, Peace Building,
Government, Defense, Economics, IGOs, NGOs, MNCs, Terrorism, and other
international affairs.
Manuscript submissions will be accepted March 17, 2015 to June 20, 2015.
Please identify your paper as a submission for the Summer Issue, and include
the words "Summer Issue Submission" on your subject line and
title page. Manuscripts should be in Microsoft Word at Times New Roman
Font size 12, with 1 inch margins. All text, including references, is
double-spaced in Times New Roman font with one-inch margins. All
submissions must have at least an Abstract, Introduction, Body,
Conclusion, and Reference page.
Manuscripts will be screened by the editor for appropriateness and then
sent to at least two reviewers for detailed assessment. Empirical studies
using all types of qualitative and quantitative methods are welcome. The
primary criteria will be soundness of methodological approach as applied
to international affairs. Non-traditional analytic approaches are welcome
with appropriate explanation. Conceptual contributions that extend
existing concepts and theories of international affairs and empirical
studies that refine understanding of international affairs, outcomes, and
processes are particularly welcome. Each issue will contain one unusual and
potentially controversial article drawn from those submitted.
Include correct author identifying information on the title page only and
remove the author's information in the "tools-options-user
information" section. If there are multiple authors, please identify
the contact author. Place the title of the manuscript at the top of the
abstract page. The submission should contain all tables, figures and
references in a single file. Please also include your assurances that the
manuscript is original and is not under review at any other journal.
Please include in your e-mail three or four keywords that will help us
assign the manuscript to appropriate reviewers. Your submission will be
acknowledged by return e-mail when assigned to reviewers (usually within two
weeks of receipt).
Your abstract is 250 words or less. Any prior publication of data
featured in the manuscript is explicitly acknowledged either in the
manuscript or in the transmittal letter to the editor. Any forthcoming or
"in press" articles which use the data should be forwarded to
the editor with the submission. Please provide proof of copyright
clearance for any previously published materials used in the article such
as: photographs, tables, charts, graphics, etc.
Submissions must follow the rules recognized for peer reviewed journal
articles and not merely be opinion based, therefore, a submission must be
backed up with research and citations. Submissions must include a SIGNED
MUST BE APA 6th EDITION, and ABSTRACT. All submissions will go through
the JIRAG regular double-blind review process and follow the same norms
and processes. Your submission (including references) conforms to APA
format as outlined in the Publication Manual of the American
Psychological Association (6th edition).
Manuscripts that have major spelling and grammatical issues will
automatically be rejected. Manuscripts that do not include an Abstract
will also be rejected. As manuscripts are accepted for publication,
members will receive correspondence via email that the manuscript has
been accepted. If manuscripts are not accepted reasons will be sent to
the member as to why.
For more information about this Call for Papers or suggested topics,
please go to the website or email the Editorial Board: