Estimados amigos:
Os enviamos la comunicación oficial para la
cumbre COTTM, el evento internacional del turismo por excelencia,
que se celebrará entre los días 14 y 16 de abril de 2016 en
Pekín y que reúne a profesionales del sector turístico de todo el
mundo en China. En esta comunicación, los organizadores de la COTTM
anuncian las fechas de la próxima cita previa al gran evento: del 2
al 4 de noviembre, COTTM asistirá al World Travel Market
de Londres, donde estará a disposición de aquellos negocios que quieran
tener acceso al mercado del turismo chino.
Os recordamos que en la edición COTTM 2016, Chinese
Friendly estará presente como representante exclusivo del
turismo español, canalizando la presencia de los destinos, las
empresas e instituciones españolas del sector turístico y promocionándolos
a través de su stand y de materiales.
Si estás interesado en venir con nosotros, contacta con
nosotros enviando un e-mail a info@chinesefriendly.com con
el asunto "COTTM 2016".

Dear Colleague
According to China Tourism Academy statistics, the number of Chinese
outbound tourists in 2014 totalled 107 million, a year-on-year growth of
19.5%. It is expected that 2015 will see a year-on-year growth of 16% or
COTTM has been specifically designed
for organisations and countries wanting to develop their business with
the Chinese outbound market.
We will be at World Travel Market in London from 2-4 November and would
be delighted to meet with you to explain how COTTM can help you access this
lucrative market.
Dominican Republic Ministry of Tourism –
“This was our first time attending the COTTM Fair. I believe it has been
a very fruitful experience for us and our co-exhibitors”
Madagascar National Tourism Board – “COTTM was very
successful. We met a lot of interesting contacts”
Maldives Marketing & PR Corporation – “We had a very
successful fair attending COTTM”
Reunion Island Tourism Board – “COTTM is already well
established in the Chinese market and has now become a leading brand and
a major event in China’s tourism industry”
Sharjah Commerce & Tourism Development Authority – “Good
show and has tremendous potential”
Friendly International S.L.
C/ Manuel
Rojas Marcos, 3 - Tlf: 954 34 03 11
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de datos de
caracter personal, le informamos que su dirección de correo está en nuestro
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