Numata Symposium:Maritime
Transmissions of Buddhism
Saturday, October 24, 2015
1:00 pm to 4:00 pm
Jodo Shinshu Center
2140 Durant Ave
Berkeley, CA
Mercantile exchange is now understood to be important an important
dimension of our understanding of the transmission of Buddhist thought
and practice throughout the Buddhist cosmopolis. The romanticism of the
Silk Road and the findings at Dunhuang have demonstrated this for Central
and East Asia. The same is true of South and Southeast Asia as well, with
the difference being maritime trade rather than land routes. This
symposium will explore this latter area of study. There will be two presentations
and a respondent: Anne Blackburn, Philip Friedrich, and Natalie Quli.
1:00 pm: Welcoming Remarks
1:15 pm: Contingent Transmissions: Lanka and Southeast Asian Buddhist
Links, 1200-1500
Anne Blackburn, Professor of South Asian and Buddhist Studies
Cornell University
2:00 pm: Merchant Afterlives: Rethinking Buddhist Polity and Patronage
along a Medieval Lankan Frontier
Philip Friedrich, South Asian Studies
University of Pennsylvania
2:45 pm: Respondent and discussion
Natalie Quli, Research Fellow, Theravada Studies
Institute of Buddhist Studies
3:15 pm: General discussion