Table of Contents
CONFERENCE> "Sea Religion in Japan" UC Santa Barbara June 13-15, 2016
by Charles Muller
Submitted to H-Net by Fabio RambelliConference web site:
Participants and Paper Abstracts
- Allan Grapard (keynote speaker) (UCSB, Emeritus): “Cults and Culture of the Sea: Historical and Geographical Perspectives”
- Saitō Hideki (keynote speaker) (Bukkyō University, Kyoto): まれびと神とむすびの神—折口信夫を読みなおす “Marebito-gami to musubi no kami: Orikuchi Shinobu wo yominaosu”
- Abe Yasurō (Nagoya University): “海より来る仏“
- Jane Alaszewski (SOAS): “Guardians of the Eastern Pacific Borders: The last Urabe diviners of Aogashima island and their relationship to the Izanagi-ryū”
- Lindsey DeWitt (Kyushu University): “Tradition, Taboo, and the Mysteries of Okinoshima”
- Itō Satoshi (Ibaraki University): 漂着する土地・人―中世・近世神話における自国意識の屈折 “Hyōchaku suru tochi, hito: Chūsei-kinsei shinwa ni okeru jikoku ishiki no kussetsu”
- Kanazawa Hideyuki (Hokkaido University): 世界は海から出来あがった——中世における神話の変容 “Sekaiha umi kara dekiagatta: Chūsei ni okeru shinwa no hen’yō” (First there was the Sea: myth transformation in medieval Japan)
- Kawamura Kiyoshi (National Museum of Japanese History): 能登半島における漂着神と来訪神への信仰とその現代的な展開 “Noto hantō ni okeru hyōchakushin to raihōshin he no shinkō to sono gendaitekina tenkai” (Contemporary folk beliefs regarding articles washed ashore (yorimono) and visiting deities (raihōshin) in Noto peninsula in north-central Japan)
- Sujung Kim (DePauw University): “Shinra Myōjin in the “East Asian Mediterranean” Network”
- Max Moerman (Barnard College at Columbia University): “Buddhist Japan and the Global Ocean”
- Ōuchi Fumi (Miyagi Gakuin Women’s University): “Why did the sea-god Ebisu enjoyed musical offerings? Performative power from the sea”
- Fabio Rambelli (UCSB): “Purification Rituals, Treasure Ships, and Boat Spirits: Elements for a Conceptualization of Maritime Religiosity in Japan”
- Katherine Saltzman-Li (UCSB): “Dragons in Noh: Water, Salvation, and Dramatic Power”
- Satō Masato (Kitakyūshū City University): “神饌をめぐる諸問題 ー 海産物と精進の神饌を中心に“
- Bernhard Scheid (Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna): “Sailing under the mitsudomoe: Eastern pirates and their worship of Hachiman”
- Gaynor Sekimori (SOAS): “Shugendo and the Sea”
- Emily Simpson (UCSB): “An Empress at Sea: The Role of Sumiyoshi in the Legend of Empress Jingū”
- Mark Teeuwen
(Oslo University): “Sea Kami in Kojiki and Nihon shoki: Whose Myths?”