martes, 24 de mayo de 2016

Wildmind's Meditation

Check Out Our Two Online Meditation Events, Starting June 1st!


1. “A Love as Deep as Life Itself: The Bodhisattva Practice of Integrating Wisdom and Compassion”

A Love as Deep as Life Itself (Jun 1-28) is a 28 day event in which we’ll explore the quality of upekkha, or loving wisdom.
This event is suitable for people who are familiar with lovingkindness or compassion meditation.
The practice of upekkha involves cultivating insight as we develop metta (kindness), karuna (compassion), and mudita (joyful appreciation). Not only do we cultivate insight ourselves, but we wish that all beings find the deep peace of awakening.


2. “14 Day Lovingkindness Meditation Challenge ”

The Lovingkindness Meditation Challenge (Jun 1-14) is an introductory 14 day meditation event. It is an opportunity to experience the benefits that come from setting up a rock-solid daily meditation habit. We'll be exploring how to bring greater kindness and compassion into our lives.
Cultivating lovingkindness involves learning to develop kindness, patience, and empathy as we go through life. These attitudes are directed not just to others, but to ourselves. Lovingkindness brings many health and interpersonal benefits—and it is a skill we can learn.
Sign up now to help bring more kindness and compassion into your daily life!