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 Buddha Stupa Construction Update Pema Ts'al Sakya Monastic Institute, Pokhara, Nepal
Message from Khenpo Kunga Dhondup:
Tashi Delek from Pema Ts'al Sakya Monastic Institute!
We would like to thank our kind sponsors -- for their meritorious, and generous donations for the Buddha Stupa Construction.
After a while, I am happy to update you again that the ground floor roof of the Stupa was covered today. Actually, we have planned to cover it yesterday but the weather was not favorable. It rained throughout the day. The weather was perfect today. The stupas will come on top of the Ground Floor. The Ground Floor will be empty and used for the sitting place.
Please let us know if anyone would like to be involved and part of this glorious project.
Khenpo Kunga Dhondup

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