Table of Contents
- NEW PROGRAM> MA in Buddhist Studies, Fo Guang University
- LECTURE> Mutual Strangers: Sino-Japanese encounters in Buddhism at the end of the 19th century (Prof. Chen Jidong (Aoyamagakin University)
- FELLOWSHIPS> CrossCurrents Research Colloquium on Gender, Transgender and other Transitions (July 2018, New York)
NEW PROGRAM> MA in Buddhist Studies, Fo Guang University
by Yi-hsun Huang
Dear Colleagues,The Department of Buddhist Studies at Fo Guang University in Taiwan will begin accepting applications on Feb. 1 for enrollment in our English medium MA program in Buddhist Studies. Please forward this announcement to any students who are interested in Chinese Buddhism.
Thank you,
Yi-hsun Huang
Professor, Department of Buddhist Studies, Fo Guang University
* * *
The Department of Buddhist Studies at Fo Guang University in Taiwan is pleased to announce that applications will soon be accepted for the English medium M.A. program in Buddhist Studies, for Fall 2018 enrollment.
The program will be most useful to students interested in Chinese Buddhism, although we also have faculty teaching Indian and Tibetan Buddhism.
Applications will be accepted from February 1 to April 30, 2018.
All successful applicants will receive a departmental scholarship covering tuition, room, and board.
Students having a Bachelor’s degree are welcome to apply. Please go to (choose English if necessary) and click on “International Students” for details. Students currently enrolled in other graduate programs are also welcome to spend a semester or more on an exchange basis using the same application procedure.
The English language Master’s program has been training students since 2007. Some of our graduates have gone on to pursue doctoral studies in America, Japan, and Thailand.
LECTURE> Mutual Strangers: Sino-Japanese encounters in Buddhism at the end of the 19th century (Prof. Chen Jidong (Aoyamagakin University)
by Yael Shiri
Dear colleagues, I am very excited to announce the first Buddhist Forum event of the new year, supported by Khyentse Foundation, and organised in association with the SOAS Centre for the Study of Japanese Religions:
Mutual Strangers:
Sino-Japanese encounters in Buddhism at the end of the 19th century
Prof. Chen Jidong (Aoyamagakin University)
Date: 8 February
2018Time: 5:00 PM
Finishes: 8
February 2018Time: 7:00 PM
Venue: SOAS,
Paul Webley Wing (Senate House) Room: SALT (Alumni
Lecture Theatre)
Type of Event: Lecture
their long history, the varieties of Buddhism in China and Japan have been seen
as sharing a common origin and holding identical teachings. However, in the
modern period, their mutual differences have been gradually recognized, until
it has become apparent that they bear little resemblance to each other. These
differences are not limited to traditional forms and doctrines, but are closely
related to the formation of distinctive Buddhist national identities in modern
times. Understanding the shift from the view of a common Buddhism in China and
Japan to one in which the two countries were ‘others’ is crucial for any
discussion of Buddhist modernity in East Asia. This paper will explore the
issue by looking at the figure of Ogurusu Kōchō 小栗栖香頂 (1831–1905), a pioneer in spreading the teachings of
the True Pure Land School (Jōdo Shinshū 浄土真宗) in China.
Chen is Professor at Aoyamagakuin University (Tokyo,Japan). He holds a PhD from
the University of Tokyo (1999). His research interests cover the history of
Ming and Qing dynasty’s Chinese religions, modern Chinese intellectual history
and Sino-Japanese cultural interactions. He has published two books, Shin
matsu Bukkyō no kenkyū: Yangwenhui wo chūshin toshite, 『清末仏教の研究:楊文会を中心として』(Sankibo, Tokyo, 2003) and Ogurusu Kochō no
Shin matsu Chūgoku taiken: Kindai Nitchū Bukkyō kōryū no kaitan『小栗栖香頂の清末中国体験: 近代日中仏教交流の開端』(Sankibo, Tokyo, 2016) and several articles, including
two in English in The Eastern Buddhist. He currently is a
visiting scholar at the Oriental Institute, Oxford University, working on two
different projects: Meiji-period contacts between Japanese and Chinese
Buddhists and the belief in the Buddhist deity Budai in East Asia.
For more information on this event and other events in
this series please visit our webpage.
Kind regards,
Yael Shiri (SOAS, University of London)
FELLOWSHIPS> CrossCurrents Research Colloquium on Gender, Transgender and other Transitions (July 2018, New York)
by Charles
Fellowships are available for the 2018 CrossCurrents Research
Colloquium. We seek applicants who can address our topic from
a Buddhist perspective. Spend the month of July in New York working
on a research or writing project of your own design and collaborate with others
engaged in this issue from Christian, Jewish, Muslim, secular and other
perspectives with access to Union, Auburn, Columbia University and Jewish
Theological Seminary Libraries.Application Deadline: February 15
For futher information about the colloquium as well as how to apply, please visit: