Jueves 29 de agosto /
18.00 horas
con Erin Watson-Lynn, experta australiana en relaciones internacionales y
comercio internacional
Estimados miembros del Comité de
Asuntos Asiáticos:
Los invitamos a una reunión especial
con la presencia Erin Watson-Lynn, experta australiana en relaciones
internacionales y comercio internacional del Centro de estudios de US-Asia.
La misma se llevará a cabo el jueves
29 de agosto a las 18.00 horas en la sede del CARI, Uruguay 1037, 1º piso.
Erin Watson-Lynn / Erin is the Perth USAsia Centre’s Head of Programs,
where she oversees the Centre's Indo-Pacific Regional Program, Australia
Indo-Pacific and US Relations Program, and Education and Outreach. Erin has
delivered Track I.5 and II dialogues and programs across the Indo-Pacific and
has an established network across think tanks, academic, government and the
media. While her early research focused primarily on gender and South Asia,
Erin has developed broader expertise In Australia’s engagement with the
Indo-Pacific and track II multilateralism including ASEAN and the G20. Erin has
represented Australia at G20 Summit’s in Turkey, China, Argentina, Japan, and
will lead the Australian W20 delegation to Saudi Arabia. Erin is regular
foreign affairs commentator on Australian television and has appeared on
leading programs including ABC’s Q&A and the Drum, and on SKY News
Australia. Prior to joining Perth USAsia Centre, Erin was Director of Asialink
Diplomacy at the University of Melbourne, and previously was appointed at
Monash University, United Nations ESCAP and Swinburne University of Technology.
Erin is currently Chair of the Advisory Board of the National Centre for
Student Equity in Higher Education, a federally funded research and policy
centre at Curtin University. Erin is currently completing a PhD on South Asia
studies at Monash University, and holds a Bachelor of Social Science, a Diploma
of Management and Diploma of Business Management.
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