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Canadian Journal of Buddhist Studies, Issue 14 (2019)
by Ngoc Le
Dear friends and colleagues,
We are excited to announce that the 2019 Issue of the Canadian Journal of Buddhist Studies is published and can be accessed and downloaded via this link:
In this issue, we present:
Spiritualizing the Internet: Exploring Modern Buddhism and the Online Buddhist World
Rutika Gandhi
The Historical Buddha: Response to Drewes
Bryan Levman
Book Reviews
Buddhism Beyond Gender: Liberation from Attachment to Identity
Matthew R. Hayes
Architects of Buddhist Leisure: Socially Disengaged Buddhism in Asia’s Museums, Monuments, and Amusement Parks
Kendall Marchman
Educating Monks: Minority Buddhism on China’s Southwest Border
Dat Manh Nguyen
The Driftwood Shrine: Discovering Zen in American Poetry
Christopher Emory-Moore
Academic Events Reports
Reflection on “Buddhism in Indonesia:” A Talk by Prof. Philip Buckley at McGill University
Jingjing Li & Shuyue He
The Slash Between: Going Home as an Insider/ Outsider
Rutika Gandhi
Crowdfunding the Hospital: Why Tzu-Chi’s Hospital Project Succeeded but Other Grassroots Hospital Projects Failed? A Report on Dr. Cheng-pang Lee’s Talk at SFU David Lam Centre
Maggie Ka-ying Tsang
“Buddhism and the Barbarian in Chinese Zen:” A Talk by Dr. Christopher Byrne at McGill University
Jingjing Li & Nahid Widaatalla
“Buddhism and Orality:” A Talk by Dr. Caley Smith at McGill University
Jingjing Li
A Reflection on Dr. Robert Sharf’s Lecture “Buddhist Modernism, Meditation, and Mindfulness: What is at Stake?” on March 6, 2018 at Emmanuel College, Victoria University, University of Toronto
Rose Mina Munjee
Chinese Buddhist Canon: The Yongle Northern Canon Editions: A Talk by Dr. Darui Long at UBC, March 8, 2018
Maggie Mitchell
Yuima-e 維摩會 in Sixteenth-Century Japan: Recently Acquired Manuscript Now Available in McGill’s Rare Books and Special Collections
Jingjing Li
Reconstructing Ānanda’s Grief in the Mahāparinirvāṇa Sūtra: A Lecture by Dr. Charles Li at UBC, March 14, 2018
Maggie Mitchell
Reflection on Professor James Robson’s Talk “Buddhism and Daoism in Medieval China”
Jingjing Li & Shuyue He
“Buddhism and Compassion:” A Talk by Julia Stenzel at McGill University
Adrien Moevus
“Buddhism and Religious Diversity in Nepal:” A Talk by Professor Chiara Letizia
Austin Simoes-Gomes
Animals That Transcend Cultures, Boundaries and Species: A Panel from Buddhist Beasts: Reflections on Animals in East Asian Cultures Conference
Maggie Mitchell
Places to Go, Things to Do: A Report of the Research in Religious Studies Conference at the University of Lethbridge
Emmett Chan, Rutika Gandhi, & Maggie Mitchell
Tārā, Dhāraṇī, the Mañjuśrīnāmasangīti and a Sanskrit Reading with Rev. Professor Naresh Man Bajracharya of Lumbini Buddhist University
Amber Marie Moore & Austin Simoes-Gomes
Digital Humanities Workshop at McMaster University
Shanshan Zhao
“Diverse Textual Sources in the Study of Buddhism” at Congress 2018
Gerjan Altenburg
A Reflection on Professor Barend J. ter Haar’s Lecture Series at the UBC International and Intensive Program on Buddhism
Jing Le & Jisi Fu
A Reflection on the International and Intensive Program on Buddhist at UBC
Meng Zhang
Perceiving the Change of China through the Scope of Buddhism
Shuyue He
Buddhist Young Adult Fiction: In Search of a Linguistic Connection
Ngoc Le
The Vocational Calling of a Buddhist Spiritual Caregiver: A Socio-political Perspective Reflection
Francis Lau
I would appreciate if you can share the news to your colleagues and networks.
With warm regards,
Ngoc Le
Journal Manager, CJBS Issue 14 (2019)
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