Table of Contents
JOURNAL> Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 44:1 (Spring 2017)
by Mark Rowe
Colleagues,We are very happy to announce the publication of volume 44/1 of the Japanese Journal of Religious Studies: Gendering Religious Practices In Japan.
Here is the table of contents, with hyperlinks to PDFs. As with all JJRS articles, everything is open access.
Church with Newly-Opened Doors: The Ordination of Women Priests in the
Anglican-Episcopal Church of Japan by Miki
Mei 三木メイ
Challenging the “Celibate” Buddhist Order: Recent Cases of Progress and Regress
in the Sōtō School by Kawahashi Noriko 川橋範子
Mountains and Women in Japan: Fighting a Romanticized Image of Female Ascetic
Practitioners by Kobayashi Naoko 小林奈央子
Review Articles
Review of: Paola Cavaliere, Promising Practices:
Women Volunteers in Contemporary Japanese Religious Civil Society by Yumi
Review of: Odaira Mika, Josei shinshoku no kindai:
Jingi girei, gyōsei ni okeru saishisha no kenkyū by Kobayashi
Best regards,
Mark Rowe
Associate Professor
Department of Religious Studies
McMaster University
University Hall Room 104
Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4K1