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Asian Religions, Duke University (rank open)
by A. Charles Muller
The Department of Religious Studies at Duke University invites applications and nominations for tenure-track/tenured position at open rank in the study of Asian religions. Candidates may research any aspect of the literary, cultural, social, political, or otherwise historical dimension of religions in Asia from the ancient era to the modern. Expertise with the languages of the candidate’s regional specialization is required. Additional facility with such languages as classical Chinese, Sanskrit, or Pali is desired. We are especially interested in candidates who work on the connections between Asian religions and medicine, science, ecology, gender/sexuality, or material culture. We also will prioritize candidates working across regional boundaries, for example, on India–China, China–Tibet, or China–Thailand, or South-Southeast Asia. The appointee will teach courses at the undergraduate level as well as offer courses and mentor graduate students as a member of Duke’s Graduate Program in Religion; collaboration with other programs and departments at Duke as well as with colleagues at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill is expected.