Table of Contents
- CFP> Call
for Book Chapters: Discourses on Sustainability: Climate Change, Clean
Energy, and Justice (Palgrave Macmillan)
Readings of Śāntideva’s Guide to Bodhisattva Practice (Bodhicaryāvatāra),
Ed. by Jonathan C. Gold and Douglas S. Duckworth

CFP> Call
for Book Chapters: Discourses on Sustainability: Climate Change, Clean Energy,
and Justice (Palgrave Macmillan)
by Dmitry Kurochkin
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The byline reflects the original authorship.
for Publications
United States
History / Studies, Political Science, Public Policy, Social Sciences, Public
This book will bring together researchers to analyze environmental issues
and sustainability. Climate change was recognized as an urgent problem by the
United Nations; the Paris Agreement aims at strengthening the global response
to the threat of global warming. Climate-related risks to health, security,
water supply, and economic growth will be discussed. We also seek contributions
on philosophical questions related to renewable energy development and climate
change mitigation, such as ethics, social justice, equality, human rights, etc.
When confronting environmental problems, questions of fairness, equity, and
justice are of great importance. China remains one of the leaders in global renewable energy generation; and various countries, such as the U.S., the UK, India, Spain, and Turkey compete in the Renewable Energy Sector (RES) to attract investments. More European countries considerably invest in clean energy. In 2017 alone, global investments in renewables exceeded $200 billion. Sustainable energy is one of the world’s fast-growing industries and expected to be the major economic engine of the coming decades. This edited volume will offer an insight into prospects of renewables and examines the status quo of renewable energy industry in a global context.
By e please submit your CV and an abstract (approximately 300 words) to Dr. Dmitry Kurochkin and/or Dr. Elena This edited volume is under contract with Palgrave Macmillan.
Dr. Dmitry Kurochkin, Harvard
UniversityDr. Elena Shabliy, Harvard University
BOOK> Readings of Śāntideva’s Guide to Bodhisattva Practice
(Bodhicaryāvatāra), Ed. by Jonathan C. Gold and Douglas S. Duckworth
by Jonathan Gold
Readings of Śāntideva’s Guide to Bodhisattva
Practice (Bodhicaryāvatāra), Ed. by Jonathan C. Gold and Douglas S. Duckworth.
Columbia Readings of Buddhist Literature. New York: Columbia University Press,
2019. ISBN: 9780231192675.
Śāntideva’s eighth-century work, the Guide
to Bodhisattva Practice (Bodhicaryāvatāra), is known for its eminently
practical instructions and its psychologically vivid articulations of the
Mahāyāna path. It is a powerful, succinct poem into which are woven diverse
Buddhist traditions of moral transformation, meditative cultivation, and
philosophical insight. Since its composition, it has seen continuous use as a
ritual, contemplative, and philosophical manual, making it one of the crucial
texts of the Buddhist ethical and philosophical tradition.
This book serves as a companion to this Indian Buddhist classic. The fifteen essays contained here illuminate the Guide’s many philosophical, literary, ritual, and ethical dimensions. Distinguished scholars discuss the historical significance of the text as an innovative piece of Indian literature, illuminate the important roles it played in shaping Buddhism in Tibet, and bring to light its contemporary significance for philosophy and psychology. Whether experienced or first-time students of Buddhist literature, readers will find compelling new approaches to this resonant masterpiece.
This book serves as a companion to this Indian Buddhist classic. The fifteen essays contained here illuminate the Guide’s many philosophical, literary, ritual, and ethical dimensions. Distinguished scholars discuss the historical significance of the text as an innovative piece of Indian literature, illuminate the important roles it played in shaping Buddhism in Tibet, and bring to light its contemporary significance for philosophy and psychology. Whether experienced or first-time students of Buddhist literature, readers will find compelling new approaches to this resonant masterpiece.
A Note to the Reader
Introduction. Participatory Authorship and
Communal Interpretation: The Bodhicaryāvatāra as a “World Classic,” by
Jonathan C. Gold
1. Śāntideva: The Author and His Project, by
Paul Harrison
2. Reason and Knowledge on the Path: A
Protreptic Reading of the Guide, by Amber Carpenter
3. On Learning to Overhear the “Vanishing Poet,” by Sonam Kachru
3. On Learning to Overhear the “Vanishing Poet,” by Sonam Kachru
4. An Intoxication of Mouse Venom: Reading
the Guide, Chapter 9, by Matthew T. Kapstein
5. Seeing from All Sides, by Janet Gyatso
6. Bodies and Embodiment in the Bodhicaryāvatāra,
by Reiko Ohnuma
7. Ritual Structure and Material Culture in
the Guide to Bodhisattva Practice, by Eric Huntington
8. Bodhicaryāvatāra and Tibetan Mind
Training (Lojong), by Thupten Jinpa
9. Taming Śāntideva: Tsongkhapa’s Use of the Bodhicaryāvatāra,
by Roger Jackson
10. The Middle Way of the Bodhisattva, by
Douglas S. Duckworth
11. Seeing Sentient Beings: Śāntideva’s Moral
Phenomenology, by Jay L. Garfield
12. Śāntideva’s Ethics of Impartial
Compassion, by Charles Goodman
13. Śāntideva and the Moral Psychology of
Fear, by Bronwyn Finnigan
14. Innate Human Connectivity and Śāntideva’s
Cultivation of Compassion, by John Dunne
Appendix 1: A Guide to Guide
Translations: Advice for Students and Instructors
Appendix 2: Index of Guide Verses
“For more than a thousand years Śāntideva's Guide
to Bodhisattva Practice has been a profound source of inspiration for
Tibetan Buddhists. It was one of the six basic texts of Atiśa’s Kadam
tradition. When teaching it to me, Khunu Lama Rinpoché told me that no other
book explains the awakening mind of bodhicitta, the essence of the
Buddha’s teachings, as effectively as this. Śāntideva describes how a
self-centered attitude gives rise to disturbing emotions like anger and fear,
but also how they can be countered by altruism and warm-heartedness. He shows
how we can tackle our mental afflictions and achieve peace of mind, something
that can be of benefit to everyone. The Guide is a book I read, I teach,
and keep with me. The readings presented in this volume make clear how much of
Śāntideva's advice can be of interest and benefit to readers today.”
Holiness the Dalai Lama
“Anyone familiar with Western ethical
thinking, but not with the Indian Buddhist tradition or with Śāntideva’s
remarkable text, will have much to learn from the connections made in this
volume between these distinct ways of thinking about ethics.”
Peter Singer, author of The Most Good You Can
Do: How Effective Altruism Is Changing Ideas About Living Ethically
“Śāntideva's Guide is a poem, a
liturgy, a meditation manual, a phenomenology of mind, a moral psychology, an
explication of the distinctive Buddhist virtues, and an invitation to the
Mahāyāna way of life. Gold and Duckworth’s volume is a set of essays by
brilliant contemporary philosophers and religious studies scholars that
provides deep and sensitive readings of this great text. Śāntideva comes alive
for the twenty-first century in these pages.”
Flanagan, James B. Duke Professor of Philosophy, Duke University
“Śāntideva's Guide to Bodhisattva Practice
has inspired Buddhist scholars and practitioners for more than a millennium.
Dozens of commentaries have been written—and continue to be written—on this
great work. In the last two decades European and American scholars have
seriously engaged Śāntideva's work and its commentaries from many different
perspectives, exploring its philological, ethical, metaphysical, and ritual
dimensions, and analyzing the role it has played in Buddhist self-cultivation.
This marvelous collection of essays, written by the very best Śāntideva
scholars in the world, provides readers with a much-needed overview of
state-of-the-art scholarship on the Guide. Sophisticated yet concise and
accessible, this book is an indispensable resource for those of us who have
pondered—or lost ourselves in—Śāntideva's beautiful poem.”
Ignacio Cabezón, Dalai Lama Professor of Tibetan Buddhism and Cultural Studies,
University of California, Santa Barbara
“The essays contain the richness of classical
Buddhist writing and showcase the latest trends in Buddhist studies. This is an
excellent volume, and a rare one at that.”
P. Dalton, author of The Gathering of Intentions: A History of a Tibetan Tantra
Associate Professor, Department
of Religion
Director, Program in South Asian
Princeton University
1879 Hall, Washington Rd.
Princeton, NJ 08544