Table of Contents
- POSITION> Chair in Tibetan Buddhist Studies,
University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
- JOURNAL> Japanese Journal of Religious Studies
- COURSE> Buddhist texts in Sanskrit and Chinese,
July 2019, Mahidol University (Hans-Rudolf Kantor – Mattia Salvini)
- JOURNAL> Journal of the International College
for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies, vol. 23 (2019)

Chair in Tibetan Buddhist Studies, University of Michigan - Ann Arbor
by A. Charles Muller
The University of Michigan
invites applications for a tenure-track or tenured endowed chair in Tibetan
Buddhist Studies beginning September 1, 2020. This is an open-rank search.
Applicants with interdisciplinary teaching and research interests in Tibetan
Buddhist Studies are encouraged to apply. All applicants should possess a
high level of proficiency in the Tibetan language. Successful candidates are
expected to teach a range of courses in Tibetan history and culture generally
and Tibetan Buddhism specifically, from introductory undergraduate lecture
courses through graduate seminars; to supervise doctoral dissertations; and to
participate actively in the programs of the department as well as in area
studies initiatives within a larger university community that encourages
interdisciplinary efforts.For details, see URL: https://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=58707
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 46/1
by Matthew McMullen
Dear H-Buddhism subscribers,
I would like to announce that the most
recent issue of the Japanese Journal of Religious Studies is now
available for download on our website.
Copies should be available for print on demand from amazon.com in the next
couple of weeks. I have pasted the table of contents below for your reference.
Matthew McMullen
Japanese Journal of Religious Studies, editor
Karli Shimizu, Religion and Secularism in
Overseas Shinto Shrines: A Case Study on Hilo Daijingū, 1898–1941
Gwendolyn Gillson, Traversing the
Nenbutsu: The Power of Ritual in Contemporary Japanese Buddhism
Erez Joskovich, Relying on Words and
Letters: Scripture Recitation in the Japanese Rinzai Tradition
James Fujitani, The Jesuit Hospital in the
Religious Context of Sixteenth-Century Japan
George Klonos, The Robe of Leaves: A
Nineteenth-Century Text of Shugendo Apologetics
Research note
Inoue Nobutaka, Violence and How to
Recognize Perceptual Bias: Reflections on Twenty Years of Research
Didier Davin, review of Frédéric Girard, Les
dialogues de Dōgen en Chine
Masato Kato, review of Mitsutoshi Horii, The
Category of ‘Religion’ in Contemporary Japan: Shūkyō and Temple Buddhism
Esben Petersen , review of Jason Ā.
Josephson-Storm, The Myth of Disenchantment: Magic, Modernity, and the Birth
of Human Sciences
Buddhist texts in Sanskrit and Chinese, July 2019, Mahidol University
(Hans-Rudolf Kantor – Mattia Salvini)
by Mattia Salvini
Venue: International Phd Program in Buddhist Studies, room 308, third
floor, Department of Humanities, Faculty of Social Sciences and Humanities,
Mahidol University, Salaya Campus, Nakhon Pathom, Thailand
We will be reading a Sūtra and a Śāstra in both Sanskrit and in Chinese
translation; we will read the section of the Abhidharmakośabhāṣya on dependent
arising (from 3.18 onwards).
12 Introduction to Chinese Madhyamaka Philosophy (13.00-16.00)
18 Bhavasaṁkrāntisūtra / Abhidharmakoṣabhāṣya (13.00-16.00)
19 Bhavasaṁkrāntisūtra / Abhidharmakoṣabhāṣya (13.00-16.00)
23 Bhavasaṁkrāntisūtra / Abhidharmakoṣabhāṣya (13.00-16.00)
24 Bhavasaṁkrāntisūtra / Abhidharmakoṣabhāṣya (13.00-16.00)
25 Bhavasaṁkrāntisūtra / Abhidharmakoṣabhāṣya (13.00-16.00)
The readings are free of cost and open to the public. If interested please
contact Mattia Salvini (prasajya@gmail.com)
Journal of the International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies, vol. 23
by A. Charles Muller
Journal of the
International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies
Vol. XXIII March, 2019
Professor Toshifumi Goto Felicitation Volume on the Occasion of His Retirement
Vol. XXIII March, 2019
Professor Toshifumi Goto Felicitation Volume on the Occasion of His Retirement
Kyoko FUJII: An annotated Japanese-translation of Zhiyi's Weimojing wenshu
「維摩経文疏」 (7) p. 1
Chao ZHANG: Popular Religions and
the Dialectic of Supernaturalism
in Chan Historiography p. 48
in Chan Historiography p. 48
Takeshi YOKOYAMA: The Lineage of
Texts Transmitting the Sarvāstivāda System of Elements to the Last Historical
Stage of Indian Buddhism: An Elucidation through a Detailed Comparison of
Textual Contents p. 48
Akira SAITO: On the
Interpretation of tathāgatagarbha in the Ratnagotravibhāga p.
Toshifumi GOTŌ: Śunaḥśepa legend: A Japanese translation and annotation p. 182
Toshifumi GOTŌ: Śunaḥśepa legend: A Japanese translation and annotation p. 182
Florin DELEANU: How Gnosis Met
Logos: The Story of a Hermeneutical Verse in Indian Buddhism
Toshifumi Goto: Bibliography
Toshifumi Goto: Biographical Note