sábado, 10 de febrero de 2018

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Table of Contents

  1. Re: RESOURCE> Bibliography of Translations from the Chinese Buddhist Canon
  2. ANNOUNCEMENT> Passing of Alexander W. Macdonald (1923-2018)
  3. CFP> Call for Proposals: Religion and Technology

Re: RESOURCE> Bibliography of Translations from the Chinese Buddhist Canon

by Gene Reeves
Hi Marcus,
Thanks much for this bibliography.
While I'm sure there must be others, one item you might want to add is:
The Wonderful Dharma Lotus Flower Sutra, translated by The Buddhist Text Translation Society, with commentary by Tripitaka Master Hua. Vol. 1. San Francisco: Sino-American Buddhist Association, 1976; Vol. 2, 1977; Vols. 3-5, 1979; Vols. 6-8, 1980; Vol. 9, 1981; Vol. 10, 1982.
Another is:
The Lotus Sutra and its Opening and Closing Sutras. translated by Minerva T.,Y. Lee. No apparent publisher, 2014.
Also, my translation of the Lotus Sutra includes fresh translations of both The Sutra of Innumerable Meanings and The Sutra of the Contemplation of the Dharma Practice of Universal Sage Bodhisattva. Watson's 2009 version also includes these two texts.
Gene Reeves
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ANNOUNCEMENT> Passing of Alexander W. Macdonald (1923-2018)

by Matthew Kapstein
Dear friends and colleagues,
It is with great sadness that I report to you the decease, on February 4, of Alexander W. Macdonald, one of leading figures in Himalayan ethnology and a significant contributor to Buddhist Studies as well. "Sandy" was for many years a member of the editorial board of the JIABS and was a founding member of the International Association for Tibetan Studies. To his many students and colleagues in his broad fields of interest, he was forever a generous teacher, conversation partner and critic. I include here the brief obituary that has been circulated in French, for those conversant in that language:
C’est avec une grande tristesse que nous avons appris la disparition d’Alexander Macdonald, décédé le dimanche 4 février dans le courant de sa 95ème année. Macdo, comme l’appelaient ses proches collègues, était un des membres fondateurs du laboratoire, qu’il a rejoint dès 1968, et dont il a été un temps directeur adjoint.

C’est au cours de la Seconde Guerre mondiale, alors engagé dans le régiment des Royal Scots et prenant part à la bataille de Birmanie, qu'Alexander Macdonald a découvert l’Asie. En 1946, âgé de 24 ans, il quitte l’armée et entreprend des études à Oxford puis Paris, où il entre au CNRS en 1951, et travaille en étroite association avec Louis Dumont, Rolf Alfred Stein et Paul Mus.

Rapidement devenu une figure incontournable des études sur le monde himalayen, Alexander Macdonald a contribué à l’essor des études sur le Tibet et la Haute Asie, notamment à Nanterre, mais aussi au Népal et à Hong Kong où il a participé, dans les années 1970, à la fondation de départements de sociologie et d’ethnologie.

Une cérémonie aura lieu le vendredi 9 février à 15 heures au Temple Protestant, 32, rue de la Préfecture, à Tours.

Le LESC s'associe à la douleur de sa famille et de ses proches, à qui nous adressons toutes nos condoléances.

Matthew Kapstein
Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Paris
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CFP> Call for Proposals: Religion and Technology

by Scott Mitchell
Request for Proposals
The Institute of Buddhist Studies, with the support of the Henry Luce Foundation, invites proposals from scholars of religion from across the academic disciplines and theologians from diverse traditions to participate in a three-year research initiative and series of meetings addressing the impacts of technologies on human relationships.
Thirteen scholars of religion and theologians will receive grants of $10,000 each to support individual research projects on technologies and interpersonal presence. Grantees will gather yearly to share and hone their research and its applications, explore opportunities for collaboration, and take advantage of significant Silicon Valley and media resources.
The detailed request for proposals is available here.
The deadline for the submission of application materials is May 7, 2018.
Please address any questions about the program or the application process to Program Director Dr. Steven Barrie-Anthony: stevenba@shin-ibs.edu, (510) 500-9722.
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