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LECTURE> SOAS Buddhist Forum, 20-21 Feb: Buddhism and Political Power in Mediaeval Japan (Dr. Ikuyo Matsumoto of Yokohama City University)
by Yael Shiri
Dear Colleagues,
I am delighted to announce the next Buddhist Forum event at
SOAS, supported by Khyentse Foundation and organised in partnership with the
SOAS Centre for the Study of Japanese Religions:
"Buddhism and Political Power in Medieval Japan: The
Rituals of Consecration of the Emperor"
A lecture by Dr. Ikuyo Matsumoto of
Yokohama City University.
Time: Tuesday, 20 February 2018, 17:30-19:00
Venue: Russell
Square: College Buildings Room: MB116
lecture will be followed, the next day, by a reading seminar* led
by Dr. Matsumoto:
"Reading the medieval Buddhist manuals for the ritual of
enthronement (sokuihô)"
Wednesday, 21 February 2018, 10:00-13:00
Venue: Russell
Square: College Buildings Room: MB116
all Buddhist Forum events, both events are free and open for all, but
the reading seminar requires familiarity with Japanese and
register, please write to:
About the speaker:
Matsumoto is Associate Professor of Japanese Cultural History and Medieval
Japanese History at Yokohama City University. Her current research interests
address the development of a culture of religious secrecy in medieval Japan as
expressed through visual images and texts.
Dr. Matsumoto has published
widely on medieval Buddhist rituals, including: Chûsei ôken to sokui kanjô: Shogyô no
naka no rekishi jujutsu (“Royal Authority in
Medieval Japan and the Enthronement Initiation Ritual: Historical Evidence from
Buddhist Scriptures”), Tokyo: Shinwasha, 2005; Ten'nô no sokui girei to shinbutsu (“The
Emperor's Ascension Rituals and the Kami and Buddhas”),Tokyo: Yoshikawa kobunkan, 2017; Girei no chikara: Chûsei shûkyô no
jissen sekai (“The Power of Ritual: The World of Religious
Practice in Medieval Japan”),co-ed.,
Kyoto: Hozokan, 2010. Other publications include Fûzoku kaiga no bunkagaku ("Cultural
Studies of Genre Paintings"), 3 vols, co-ed., Kyoto: Shibunkaku, 2009,
2012, 2014 and a database of classical maps from
the archives of Yokohama City University, which includes some Bonreki (Buddhist
calendar) Maps.
Shiri, Student Assistant at the SOAS Centre of Buddhist Studies