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SYMPOSIUM> International Symposium 2018 “Japanese Buddhism and Debate (Rongi)” May 13, Ryukoku University
by Takahiko
Dear Friends and Colleagues,I am pleased to announce the International symposium 2018 "Japanese Buddhism and Debate (Rongi)" at Ryukoku University Omiya campus on be half of the Research Center for World Buddhist Cultures and Research Center for Buddhist Cultures in Asia at Ryukoku University and Research Center for Cultural Heritage and Texts at Nagoya University. The symposium, whose main subject is “debate” (rongi) in Japanese Buddhism, consists of one keynote lecture and three lectures and panel discussion by five eminent scholars of Japanese Buddhism and religion.
International symposium 2018 "Japanese Buddhism and Debate (Rongi)"
Date: May 13 2018, 10:30-16:45
Place: Room 302, Third Floor East Hall, Omiya Campus Ryukoku University, Kyoto, Japan
Keynote Lecture
10:45-11:45 “Debate as the Archetype of Religious Thought” Jean-Noël Robert (Collège de France)
13:00-13:40 “Hossō Debate (Rongi) and the Buddhist Path: The Development of the Interpretation of Buddha Nature and Reconciliation of the Idea of Icchantika (Issendai)” Junshō Kusunoki (Ryukoku University)
13:45-14:25 “Debates (Rongi) on the Subject of Monastic Discipline (Kairitsu) in the Hosshōji mihakkō mondō ki” Kenryō Minowa (University of Tokyo)
14:30-15:10 “The History of Debate (Rongi) and the Shingon Buddhist Tradition” Seiichi Tomabechi (Taisho University)
15:40-16:40 Panel Discussion
Coordinator: Yasurō Abe (Nagoya University), Discussants: Jean-Noël Robert, Junshō Kusunoki, Kenryō Minowa, and Seiichi Tomabechi
*Both lectures and panel discussion are held in Japanese.
Facilitator: Sei Noro (Ryukoku University)
Sponcers: Research Center for World Buddhist Cultures and Research Center for Buddhist Cultures in Asia, Ryukoku University / Research Center for Cultural Heritage and Texts, Nagoya University
Free of charge. Reservation is needed. For more information, please see the website of the Research Center for World Buddhist Cultures at Ryukoku University (
Sincerely yours,
Takahiko Kameyama