domingo, 29 de abril de 2018

Net Notifications

Table of Contents

  1. Re: QUERY> Shangren and hanging up money
  2. LECTURE> Lucia Dolce, on Japanese Buddhism, April 30, 2018, Princeton University
  3. CONFERENCE> Start-up of the ERC Project BuddhistRoad

Re: QUERY> Shangren and hanging up money

by Chengzhong Pu
Just a speculation: it might refer to “”/“挂千” of North China, Beijing in particular. Under the entry of 钱, the Hanyu da cidian 汉语大词典(v.6lists the following three sources:
1. 清潘荣陛《帝京岁时纪胜卖》:「腊月朔,街前卖粥果者成市……初十外则卖卫画、门神、挂钱、金银箔。」
2. 清富察敦崇《燕京岁时记挂千》:「挂千者,用吉祥语镌于红纸之上,长尺有咫,粘之门前,与桃符相辉映。其上有八仙人物者,乃佛前所悬也。是物民户多用之,世家大族鲜用之者。其黄纸长三寸,红纸长寸余者,曰小挂千,乃市肆所用也。」
3. 老舍《骆驼祥子》十五:「门上的春联依然红艳,黄的挂钱却有被风吹碎了的。」
Pu Chengzhong
Shanghai University
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LECTURE> Lucia Dolce, on Japanese Buddhism, April 30, 2018, Princeton University

by Stephen F. Teiser
Your network editor has reposted this from H-Announce. The byline reflects the original authorship.
April 30, 2018
New Jersey, United States
Subject Fields: 
Asian History / Studies, East Asian History / Studies, Humanities, Japanese History / Studies, Religious Studies and Theology
Please join us for a public lecture on Monday, April 30, 4:30 pm, Princeton University, Jones Hall, Room 202. Lucia Dolce (SOAS University of London) will speak on "A (Presumably Chinese) Tantric Scripture and Its Exegetical Practices: The Yuqijing in Medieval Japan." This special lecture marks the inauguration of The Numata Visiting Scholar and Program Fund, Princeton University.
Contact Info: 
Stephen F. Teiser, Princeton University
Contact Email: 
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CONFERENCE> Start-up of the ERC Project BuddhistRoad

by Erika Forte
Your network editor has reposted this from H-Announce. The byline reflects the original authorship.
May 23, 2018 to May 25, 2018
Subject Fields: 
Asian History / Studies, Cultural History / Studies
On May 23rd–25th, 2018, the ERC founded research project BuddhistRoad is going to hold its start-up conference on “Establishing of Buddhist Nodes in Eastern Central Asia 6th to 14th c.—Part I: Sacred Space, Pilgrimage, Patronage, Legitimation Strategies” at the Beckmanns Hof at the Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB), Germany.
BuddhistRoad aims to create a new framework to enable understanding of the complexities in the dynamics of cultural encounter and religious transfer in pre-modern Eastern Central Asia—a region that was the crossroads of ancient civilisations. The spread of Buddhism overrode the ethnic and linguistic boundaries along the Silk Road creating something akin to a religious civilisation, which despite its diversity, endorsed a common or similar set of Buddhist ideas and practices from various cultural perspectives. One crucial aspect of this process was the rise of local forms of Buddhism. 
The project aims at investigating such Buddhist developments as they emerged between the 6th–14th centuries. The research project is intended to create a new trans-regional and trans-cultural vision of Buddhist transfer in Eastern Central Asian history and shall seek to reformulate previous held notions concerning this Buddhist network. For the first time the multi-layered and intricate relationships between the trans-regional Buddhist traditions (Chinese, Indian, Tibetan) and those based on local Buddhist cultures (Khotanese, Uyghur, Tangut, Kitan) will be explored in a systematic way.
The aim of this conference is to investigate the complexities concerning legitimation, patronage and donors in Central Asian Buddhist communities on the one hand, and issues relating to sacred spaces and pilgrimage on the other. While the focus will be on the cultures that thrived along the Silk Road during the period 6–14th centuries, the scope of the meeting will also include these thematics in adjacent areas and cultures in order to provide viable comparative and theoretical basis for further elucidation and discussion.
Scholars interested in the conference are welcome to send a participation request latest by May 3rd, 2018 to the following address: since the space available at the venue is limited. The program will be available on the webpage of the project in the next few days.
* Participants are expected to arrive in Bochum on the 23rd of May so as to be ready for the first presentation to take place at Beckmann’s Hoff in the evening as set out in the program.
Contact Info: 
Prof. Dr. Carmen Meinert
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Center for Religious Studies (CERES)
Universitäts, str. 90a44789 Bochum, Germany
Contact Email: 
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