Table of Contents
- CALL FOR REVIEWERS> Relegere: Studies in
Religion and Reception call for book reviewers

FOR REVIEWERS> Relegere: Studies in Religion and Reception call for book
by Keziah Wallis
Dear friends and colleagues,The editors of Relegere: Studies in Religion and Reception are pleased to announce the release of their latest issue which can be accessed via our website: . We are also pleased to announce that Relegere will henceforth be primarily a book review journal. When we started the journal there were no journals dedicated to the study of the reception of religion. While there are now several journals dealing specifically with reception studies in religion, we feel there is still a need for open access, scholarly reviews of academic books in published in the field. As such Relegere will continue to focus on publishing reviews of books on the reception of religious and biblical literature within the fields of Religion and Biblical Studies.
Coinciding with this shift in focus is a change in journal editor which we hope will also facilitate an increase in reviews of books on religion and reception outside of Biblical Studies. We have a number of excellent titles on Buddhism available for review at the moment, including:
Paul. The Body Incantatory: Spells and the Ritual Imagination in Medieval
Chinese Buddhism. New York: Columbia University Press, 2014.
David B., and Ryan Richard Overbey, eds. Tantric Traditions in Transmission and
Translation. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2016.
Thomas Nathan. The Buddha’s Wizards: Magic, Protection, and Healing in Burmese
Buddhism. New York: Columbia University Press, 2018.
Relegere always welcomes new
academic and postgraduate reviewers. For instructions on how to join our
reviewers email list as well as guidelines for requesting books to review
and the format of reviews along with a full list of books available to review,
please see our website:
or contact the editor, Keziah Wallis ( .Regards
The Editors
FOR BIBLIOGRAPHIES>H-Buddhism Zotero Bibliography
by A. Charles Muller
Dear Colleagues,I am happy to inform you that our Zotero-based bibliography for Buddhist Studies has recently passed the milestone 10,000 entries. A bibliography of this size is still not so large as compared with online collections such as INBUDS, CiNii, etc., but our concentration on the field of Buddhist Studies, being better curated and better tagged than comparable collections has begun to make it one of the best resources of its kind for our field.
Recently, I have been adding to this by receiving the personal bibliographies (of their own works) by good friends in the field. This seems to be a good approach for getting clean and complete collections of works. So I would like invite other colleagues to do the same, if they are interested. However, in order to receive these in an efficient way, they need to be in a standard bibliographical database format, such as RIS, EndNote, BibTex, etc. If you have your bibliography in a Word processor format, it is fairly easy to convert it to BibTex using the Anystyle tool on the web ( All you need to do is paste your bibliography into AnyStyle--but you need to go through it one time to make sure it parses the fields correctly, and when it doesn't, make the appropriate corrections.
After finishing, just output the file as BibTex and send it to me. Or, if you are a member of our Zotero Group, you can directly import it yourself (but please let me know if you do, so that I can check the keyword tags).