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Student Query about Tattoos
by Wendi Adamek
Dear Colleagues,I have a student researching the origins and cultural contexts of certain tattoo motifs. I'm posting her questions, below. Any help would be appreciated -- you could either post replies in H-Buddhism, or send to me at:
Thanks so much!
Wendi Adamek
- What are the historical origins of the unalome, or the script version of the character OM (Khmer script?) When did it become a separate symbol, diverging from its appearances in yantra tattoos, in modern usage/ culture?
- What is the historical background or current context of tattooing practices in Southeast Asia, particularly Thailand, that use yantra tattoos/ sri yantra designs? Are there sources on their importance, usage, and meaning in Hinduism and/ or Buddhism?
- Regarding Buddhist
religious perspectives on tattoos/ tattooing -- Is it prohibited in
any text? Is it accepted in any cultural context, under what
circumstances, what designs were used, and what did they mean? What
are modern interpretations of Buddhist symbols as tattoos; i.e, is it
considered disrespectful?
H-NET> New network: H-Maps
by A. Charles Muller
From Jesse Draper - Associate Director, Networks
H-Net proudly welcomes H-Maps to its family of nearly 200
networks, now available on the H-Net Commons. Read on and follow the
links below for more information about this exciting new network!H-Maps
H-Maps is an international digital forum in the historical study of the making, circulation, use and preservation of maps from the ancient to the contemporary period. Because of its international nature, H-Maps welcomes contributions in world languages, including (but not limited to) English, French, Spanish, Portuguese, and German. Abstracts in one of these languages is requested for posts submitted in a language not spoken by list editors. H-Maps is a collaboration between the International Society for the History of the Map (ISHMap) and H-Net to further substantive inquiry among a growing number of global scholars with an interest in the history of maps and mapping.The aim of H-Maps is to advance the work of scholars, curators, archivists, collectors, students, and others interested in aspects of map history of any place, scale, type, or historical period. H-Maps welcomes cross-disciplinary and non-traditional interpretations and encourages contributions related to new approaches in research, curation, teaching, and tools for analysis. H-Maps commissions and publishes reviews of work relevant to the field as a part of the H-Net Book Review Project. H-Maps will announce and review conferences and exhibitions, and post calls for papers, fellowships, and employment opportunities.
H-Maps Editorial Staff
Jordana Dym, Skidmore College - Network Editor
Carolina Martínez, CONICET (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas), Argentina - Network Editor
Quentin Morcrette, Le Mans Université - Network Editor
Bram Vannieuwenhuyze (Belgium/The Netherlands) - Network Editor
David Weimer - Network Editor
H-Maps Advisory Board
Jordana Dym
Mark Monmonier - Distinguished Professor of Geography at Syracuse University's Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs
Carla Lois
Gilles Palsky
André Reyes Novaes
Benjamin Sacks
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