Table of Contents

BOOK> P. McAllister, "Ratnakīrti’s Proof of Exclusion"
by Patrick McAllister
Dear colleagues,I would like to announce a recent publication that may be of interest to some of you:
Patrick McAllister, “Ratnakīrti’s Proof of Exclusion”, Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna 2020.
From the cover:
“The theory of universals that was developed and upheld by Buddhist philosophers in premodern India since the sixth century CE is famous for its central claim that any judgment of a similarity between things is due not to anything substantially real that the things share, but to their difference from other things (/anyāpoha/). This book investigates the theory as it is presented in the /Apohasiddhi/, a work written by the Buddhist monk and teacher Ratnakīrti in the eleventh century, during the last flowering of philosophical activity in Indian Buddhism.”
The book is available for purchase, here:
The book is freely available as a PDF, thanks to generous funding by the Austrian Academy’s Open Access Fund, here:
With best wishes (and apologies for cross-posting),
Patrick McAllister
Email: patrick.mcallister@oeaw.ac.at
Phone: + 43 1 51581 6423
Institute for the Cultural and Intellectual History of Asia (IKGA)
Austrian Academy of Sciences
Hollandstraße 11+13, Room 2.45
1020 Vienna, Austria
long-term email: pma@rdorte.org