Table of Contents
- POSITION> Senior Academic Position in East Asian
Studies, Tel Aviv University
- SEMINAR> Mapping Medieval Japan, April 24-25,
University of Southern California
- H-Net Job Guide Weekly Report For H-Buddhism: 27
January - 3 February
- AAR> Now open for proposals for AAR 2020

Senior Academic Position in East Asian Studies, Tel Aviv University
by A. Charles Muller
https://www.h-net.org/jobs/job_display.php?id=59848The Department of East Asian Studies at Tel Aviv University invites applications for a tenure-track position in East Asian Studies with a focus on Japan or China, effective from October 2020.
We seek candidates familiar with current theoretical discourse, with a proven record of excellence in research and teaching, who have published their work in academic journals and presses. Focusing on the core themes of the department, in the following order, may be an advantage: modern and contemporary China or Japan; History of science in China or Japan; Religion and thought in China or Japan.
The position requires teaching in Hebrew, which the successful candidate will be expected to do by the beginning of the third year of employment, and the ability to conduct independent research in the relevant field. Candidates must hold a PhD or receive their PhD before filling the position.
Salary and conditions will conform to Tel Aviv University regulations. Appointment procedures will be carried out according to the rules and regulations of Tel Aviv University and are subject to the approval of the University authorities.
Candidates should send their applications including a CV, a list of publications, samples of publications, a short description of their next research project (up to one page), and 2-3 potential course syllabi to:
Dr. Ori Sela, Chair, Department of East Asian Studies
by email: schoolofhist@tauex.tau.ac.il
Mapping Medieval Japan, April 24-25, University of Southern California
by Janet Goodwin
Mapping Medieval Japan: a seminar on maps and mapmaking
April 24-25, 2020
University of Southern California, Los Angeles CA
Sponsored by
the Project for Premodern Japan Studies, the Shinsō Itō Center for Japanese
Religion and Culture at USC, and the USC Libraries
Organized by
Rebecca Corbett, Joan R. Piggott, and Janet Goodwin
Maps have long
been a crucial element in historical studies: they not only help us to
determine locations but also to analyze connections and conflict among people,
and to understand how people interacted in physical space that often
influenced, even dictated, their interactions. Maps enable us to understand the
changing layouts of cities over time, the ways in which people cooperated or
fought over resource use, or patterns of trade and transport on both land and
sea. Recent advances in mapmaking—3-dimensional mapping and the use of GIS
data, for example—have helped us to locate and to visualize some of these
processes and interactions. In this two-day seminar on maps and mapmaking,
participants will pay special attention to the use of maps in pre-modern
Japanese history, as well have the opportunity to learn to make their own maps
using computer-based mapmaking tools.
April 24, 12-5
PM, East Asian Seminar Room, 110C, Doheny Library:
Maritime Networks: Geospatial Analysis of Trade Goods in the Medieval Inland
Michelle Damian, Monmouth College
Sacred (and Economic) Geography of Medieval Kii"
Philip Garrett, Newcastle University
"The ABCs
of Medieval Kyoto's Urban Plan: Axes, Boundaries, and Cosmograms"
Matthew Stavros, Kyoto Consortium for Japanese Studies
“Map Your Data
with Japanese Historical Gazetteer: Dataset and Tools”
Gotō Makoto and Kameda Akihiro, National Museum of Japanese History (Rekihaku)
April 25, 12-5
PM, Ahmanson Lab, 3rd floor, Leavey Library
Panelists will
introduce the tools they use for making their own maps.
A special
presentation prepared by USC Visualization Librarian Andrzej Rutkowski and
demonstrated by Kate Vavra-Musser will introduce mapping tools available
through the USC library system.
RSVP: dornsife.usc.edu/cjrc
Job Guide Weekly Report For H-Buddhism: 27 January - 3 February
by Matthew McMullen
The following jobs were posted to
the H-Net Job Guide from 27 January 2020 to 3 February 2020. These
job postings are included here based on the categories selected by the list
editors for H-Buddhism. See the H-Net Job Guide website athttp://www.h-net.org/jobs/ for more information. To contact the Job Guide, write to jobguide@mail.h-net.org, or call +1-517-432-5134 between 9 am and 5 pm US Eastern time.
Florida State University - Postdoc in Africana Religions
North Carolina State University - Teaching Assistant Professor in
International Studies
Max Planck Institute for the History of Science - Post-Doctoral
Fellow, "China in the Global System of Science"
North Carolina State University - Teaching Assistant Professor in
International Studies
The HistoryMakers - Academic Research, Creative Study & Digital
Humanities Fellowship Funds
Southwestern University - A three-year benefits-eligible position as
a Visiting Assistant Professor in East Asian history.
Tel Aviv University - Senior Academic Position in East Asian Studies
The HistoryMakers - Academic Research, Creative Study & Digital
Humanities Fellowship Funds
North Carolina State University - Teaching Assistant Professor in
International Studies
Southwestern University - A three-year benefits-eligible position as
a Visiting Assistant Professor in East Asian history.
Tel Aviv University - Senior Academic Position in East Asian Studies
Florida State University - Postdoc in Africana Religions
The HistoryMakers - Academic Research, Creative Study & Digital
Humanities Fellowship Funds
Now open for proposals for AAR 2020
by A. Charles Muller
The Call for Proposals for the
2020 AAR Annual Meeting in Boston, MA, is online and ready for your
submissions.Proposals may be submitted through the Program Administration Proposal, Evaluation, Review, and Submission (PAPERS) System.
The deadline for proposal submission is 5:00 PM ET on Monday, March 2.