lunes, 17 de febrero de 2020

The Asia-Pacific Journal: Japan Focus Newsletter
Newsletter No. 4, 2020
February 17, 2020

New Articles
A mega-event like the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics justifies a monumental two-part special issue. This is an inter-disciplinary effort involving Japan specialists from around the globe who locate the 2020 Tokyo Olympics in light of previous Olympics and a wide range of issues pertinent to the Olympic movement and Japan's global role. The call for papers elicited a rapid and robust response by scholars, translators and writers who have taken to heart my instructions to write accessible, jargon-free essays that distill their knowledge and insights without compromising rigor and reliability. Our targeted audience is educators and their students as well as general readers who need access to high quality, online resources at a time when interest in the Olympics runs high. We also hope that curious visitors and journalists will benefit from and enjoy this compilation as they scrutinize the PR spectacle, messaging and branding, and delve deeper into contemporary Japan’s dilemmas and simmering challenges. - Jeff Kingston, Editor
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Jeff Kingston

Jeff Kingston

Jeff Kingston

David Leheny

Gracia Liu-Farrer

Tessa Morris-Suzuki

Claire Maree

Ian Lynam

Gerald Curtis

Akiko Hashimoto

Asato Ikeda

Robert Whiting

Kazuhiko Togo

Roy Tomizawa

Helen Macnaughtan

Robin Kietlinski

Peter Matanle

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