Table of Contents
- JOB> Assistant Professor of Buddhist Studies, Kathmandu University
- LECTURE> Toshi Award Lecture: "Japanese Scholarship on Chinese Sutras Engraved in Stone" by Lothar Ledderose, Oct. 17, Tōbunken
- ARTICLE>On the authorship of the Trisvabhāvanirdeśa
- ADMIN> Notices of publication of individual articles
JOB> Assistant Professor of Buddhist Studies, Kathmandu University
by Charles Muller
Kathmandu University, Centre for Buddhist Studies at Rangjung Yeshe Institute invites applications for a full-time, twelve-month teaching position in Buddhist Studies starting on August 15, 2018. This position may be extended depending on funding and department need.
The Assistant Professor will teach graduate seminars and undergraduate courses in Buddhist Studies. A PhD in the field of Buddhist Studies or a related field is preferred, with emphasis on Buddhist philosophy and Indo-Tibetan studies, accompanied by teaching experience in the field. Proficiency in Classical Tibetan is required and proficiency in Buddhist Sanskrit is desirable.
Application letter, curriculum vitae, teaching evaluations, and two letters of recommendation should be sent to the Director of Programs, Joanne Larson ( by November 10, 2017.
Posting Date: 10/11/2017
Closing Date 04/08/2018
For full details, see:
LECTURE> Toshi Award Lecture: "Japanese Scholarship on Chinese Sutras Engraved in Stone" by Lothar Ledderose, Oct. 17, Tōbunken
by Charles Muller
Dr. Lothar Ledderose, one of the winners of the Toshi (Numata) book award
for 2015, will give a lecture at the University of Tokyo campus on Tuesday,
October 17th, from 14:00-15:30Place: Tōbunken large lecture room
Title: "Japanese Scholarship on Chinese Sutras Engraved in Stone"
Lothar Ledderose is the chaired Professor of East Asian art history at Heidelberg University, a position he has held since 1976. He was educated at the humanistic Apostelgymnasium, Cologne. From 1961-1969 he studied East Asian art history, European art history, Sinology, and Japanology at universities in Cologne, Bonn, Paris, Taipei, Heidelberg. PhD 1969, Heidelberg University.
Major Publications
Mi Fu and the Classical Tradition of Chinese Calligraphy . 1979.
Orchideen und Felsen. Chinesische Bilder im Museum für Ostasiatische Kunst , Berlin. 1998.
Japan und Europa: 1543-1929 (ed.). 1993.
Ten Thousand Things. Module and Mass Production in Chinese Art . 2000.
Buddhist Stone Sutras in China: Sichuan Province, Volume 1. Vol. 1. 2 vols. Wiesbaden: Otto Harrassowitz, 2014.
Contact: Department of Indian Philosophy and Buddhist Studies of Department of Literature at the University of Tokyo
Phone:03-5841-3754 (on campus: 23754)
With the collaboration of: The University of Tokyo Institute for Advanced Studies on Asia
Bukkyō Dendō Kyōkai
記日 時 : 10月17日(火) 14:00~15:30
会 場 : 東京大学 東洋文化研究所大会議室
(〒113-0033 東京都文京区本郷7-3-1 東京大学本郷キャンパス内)
発表者 : Dr. Lothar Ledderose (ローター・レダローゼ博士)
演題 : Japanese Scholarship on Chinese Sutras Engraved in Stone.
※講演は英語になります。Dr. Lothar Ledderose
協力: 東京大学東洋文化研究所 (公財)仏教伝道協会
ARTICLE>On the authorship of the Trisvabhāvanirdeśa
by Matthew Kapstein
Dear friends,Given the considerable amount of discussion in recent years of the Trisvabhāvanirdeśa, attributed to Vasubandhu, I thought that some might be interested in the publication of the article "Who Wrote the Trisvabhāvanirdeśa? Reflections on an Enigmatic Text and Its Place in the History of Buddhist Philosophy" in the Journal of Indian Philosophy. It has not yet appeared in the print version but is available online behind pay-wall, here:
The final pre-publication version, which differs only in matters of formatting and omits some very minor corrections, is available here:
Matthew Kapstein
EPHE (Paris) and the University of Chicago
ADMIN> Notices of publication of individual articles
by Charles Muller
Dear Subscribers,Please note that while although H-Buddhism welcomes the notices of posts by authors of their new monographs, as well as the posting of TOCs of new journals, we cannot accept the posting of information on the publication of single articles by their authors, unless it is done in response to a specific query. Can you imagine what it would be like if every single scholar posted every single article she or he published in a journal or on
The fact that two such postings have slipped by in the past couple of weeks seems to be due to some kind of lapse of communication among the members of our editorial team--these should not be taken as examples of a change in policy.