As you may know, I have had a long career of research, writing, traveling, and speaking at many events around the world. Along the way, as I’ve shared the research on Emotional Intelligence and related topics, there is one request that has come up repeatedly throughout the years: to create an Emotional Intelligence coaching and training program. Coaching is one of the most effective ways of helping someone develop Emotional Intelligence. The value of personalized feedback and guidance from a trained coach is unmatched in creating lasting behavioral change. And while I plan to release online programs for those interested in developing EI for themselves in the future too, I have chosen to focus on a Coaching Certification first. I am pleased to announce the release of my Emotional Intelligence Coaching Certification Program. This is geared towards existing coaches, leaders, or professionals interested in utilizing an EI approach and framework to coach others. It is a comprehensive program with both in-person and online components, along with coaching and expert guidance from a Meta-Coach. Those who complete this certification will have the opportunity to coach others using what they’ve learned within their organizations or as part of other programs I am developing. Now that we have an evidence-based competency model of EI, we can move forward with the work of sharing these concepts in practical and meaningful ways with others. I invite you to take a look at all the details if this interests you.
Daniel |