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CFP> "Tibetan Monastery Collections and Museums: Traditional Practices and Contemporary Issues"
by Christian
We are delighted to announce our international workshop on "Tibetan
Monastery Collections and Museums: Traditional Practices and Contemporary
Issues", which will take place from 8th–10th November 2018 at SOAS,
University of London. Please see the full description below for
details.Potential participants are invited to submit an abstract (max. 300 words) by 31 May 2018 to Chiara Bellini: Please include your name, title, affiliation, e-mail address, and the title of the panel to which you would like to contribute. Applicants will be notified by 15 June 2018.
Best wishes, Chiara Bellini, Louise Tythacott and Christian Luczanits
Tibetan Monastery Collections and Museums: Traditional Practices and Contemporary Issues
8th–10th November 2018, SOAS University of London
Tibetan monasteries are known as repositories of a wide range of ancient objects. Some of these have found their way to the West, while others still serve their original purpose as part of a monastery’s collection. Originally a considerable part of these collections was an integral part of the furnishing of the monastery and its temples, and thus accessible to the visitor. Today, many monasteries have added museum spaces to their premises. While the original impetus for such spaces appears to be rooted in an attempt to accommodate the needs of tourists, the aims and contents of these vary greatly. These spaces are an expression of a modern transformation, the impact of which on the collections is the main focus of this workshop.This workshop, thus, addresses the usage, management and display of institutional collections of Tibetan artifacts both in situ and in the West. Its main aim is to reflect on traditional practices and contemporary solutions for dealing with collections in monasteries across the Himalayas with the goal of identifying best practice. The workshop is part of an AHRC-funded research project–‘Tibetan Buddhist Monastery Collections Today’—which directly collaborates with monasteries in Ladakh and Mustang to document, assess and support the management of their collections. Representatives of these institutions will participate in the workshop.
The workshop will be organised into the following panels: