miércoles, 27 de enero de 2016

H-Net Notifications

Table of Contents

  1. LECTURE> Stephen Teiser, "Curing with Karma: Healing Liturgies in Chinese Buddhism"
  2. JOBS> H-Net Job Guide Weekly Report For H-Buddhism: 18 January - 25 January

LECTURE> Stephen Teiser, "Curing with Karma: Healing Liturgies in Chinese Buddhism"

Dear colleagues,
It is my pleasrure to announce Stephen (Buzzy) Teiser's public talk this Thursday, January 28, at Florida State UNiversity, celebrating the 50th Anniversary of our Department of Religion. All are welcome. Here is more info: http://religion.fsu.edu/buddhist_lectures_shengyen.html 
The Florida State University
Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Department of Religion
Sheng Yen Lecture Presents
Curing with Karma: Healing Liturgies in Chinese Buddhism
Stephen F. Teiser
Princeton University

Thursday, January 28th -- 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.
Dodd Hall Auditorium (DHA 103)

The unprecedented corpus of medieval manuscripts unearthed in the northwestern Chinese desert town of Dunhuang in the early twentieth century divulged a trove of secrets about the practice of Chinese Buddhism. Among the thousands of liturgical texts created by local monks for the performance of rituals, almost two hundred separate manuscripts contain liturgies that were spoken aloud during healing rituals. This lecture introduces Dunhuang and its manuscripts, surveys cultures of healing in medieval Chinese Buddhism, explores how illness can be cured through karmic means, discusses the role of confession in curing, and reflects on the process of healing in Chinese Buddhism.
Stephen F. Teiser is D.T. Suzuki Professor in Buddhist Studies and Professor of Religion at Princeton University, where he also serves as Director of the interdepartmental Program in East Asian Studies. He is interested in the interaction between Buddhism and indigenous Chinese traditions, brought into focus through the wealth of sūtras, non-canonical texts, and artistic evidence unearthed on the Silk Road.

Best wishes,
Jimmy Yu

Sheng Yen Associate Professor
of Chinese Buddhist Studies
Editor, Journal of Chinese Buddhist Studies
Florida State University
Department of Religion, 120-D Dodd Hall
641 University Way
Tallahassee, FL 32306-1520
Office Phone: 850-615-1406
Office Fax: 850-644-7225