Table of Contents

CFP> 4th
International Workshop on Madhyamaka Studies (IWMS2018), December 1-2, Tokyo
by A. Charles Muller
International Workshop on Madhyamaka Studies (IWMS2018)
“Linguistic Challenges: Mādhyamikas and their Key
We are pleased to announce that the 4th
International Workshop on Madhyamaka Studies will be held on December 1st
Saturday and 2nd Sunday, 2018, at the International College for
Postgraduate Buddhist Studies (ICPBS) in Tokyo. Following the three previous
Workshops held in Tokyo 2015, Kyoto 2016, and Hangzhou 2017, this Workshop will
be focused on the Mādhyamikas’ key words. Examples include: satya-dvaya
“two truths or two realities,” paramārtha “ultimate,” saṃvṛti
“convention,” vyavahāra “verbal activities or verbal expressions,” vikalpa
“concept or analysis,” prapañca “conceptualization or verbal
proliferation,” prajñā “intellect, insight, or wisdom,” tattva
“reality,” and so on. The topic of the IWMS2018 will cover the wide range of
the meanings of those key words, as they were used by Indian, Tibetan, and
occasionally Chinese Mādhyamikas. A comparative approach to those key words
will be also welcome. We are pleased to invite scholars and students who are
interested in this topic to take part in this discussion, to deepen our
knowledge of these key words by exchanging questions and answers, comments, and
information about related studies.
If you would like to contribute a paper to the
IWMS2018, please contact Akira Saito
by email ( with the title and
abstract of your paper no later than September 20th.
August 1st, 2018.
in cooperation with
Shoryu Katsura (Ryukoku University, Convener of 2nd
He Huanhuan (Zhejiang University, Convener of 3rd
Dates: December 1st and 2nd ,
Venue: The 1st Lecture Room (2F),
International College for Postgraduate Buddhist Studies.
2-8-9 Kasuga, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo, 112-0003, Japan.
Application: Application to read a
paper or attend the workshop should be sent to Akira Saito ( by September 20th.
Abstract: All applicants wishing to read a paper are
requested to send an abstract of no more than 400 words by September 20th
to the above email address.
Accommodation: Hotel Reservation near
the venue will be arranged upon request.