Table of Contents
APPLICATIONS> PHD Scholarships: Doctoral Program in Buddhist Studies at
the Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich
- Re:
QUERY> Buddhism and Ecology for undergrads
- Re:
QUERY> Buddhism and Ecology for undergrads
- Re:
QUERY> Buddhism and Ecology for undergrads

APPLICATIONS> PHD Scholarships: Doctoral Program in Buddhist Studies at the
Ludwig-Maximilians-University in Munich
by Simone Heidegger
> Doctoral Program in Buddhist Studies at the Ludwig-Maximilians-University
in Munich
Discussion published by Simone Heidegger
on Friday, July 28, 2017
The Doctoral Program in Buddhist Studies at the
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich, Germany invites applications for two
PhD scholarships for dissertation projects related to Buddhism.Deadline for applications: 31 October 2018
Start of scholarship: spring, summer, or autumn 2019
Duration of scholarship: 4 years
Scholarship amount: 1200 € per month + insurance + support for rent + travel lump sums + 460 € per year
Scholarship donor: German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)
The selection process comprises two stages: Applications are sent to the Doctoral Program in Buddhist Studies in Munich. The program will select promising candidates, who then have to submit their materials to the DAAD. It is expected that the successful candidates will be chosen and informed by February 2019.
The prerequisites for application are non-German citizenship, a Master of Arts degree or equivalent in a relevant field, excellent knowledge of at least one Buddhist source language, outstanding qualifications in the subject, and fluency in English. A basic knowledge of German is also desirable, though not a prerequisite, but willingness to learn German/improve German language skills will be expected. Applicants must not have lived in Germany for more than fifteen months at the time of the submission of their materials to the DAAD (in December) and the last final examination must have taken place no more than six years before this date.
For details concerning the application, please visit our homepage:
QUERY> Buddhism and Ecology for undergrads
by Achim Bayer
Dear Dan, there is an interesting passage in the book "A Saint in Seattle" by David Jackson:
As Kangshar’s close disciple Chögyam Trungpa Trulku related in his autobiography, the khenpo traveled up into the mountains and visited the holy snow-crested mountain Doti Gangkar.
According to legend, originally, in the golden age, the whole mountain had been covered with snow and had shone like a diamond; in the following age it became like an onyx (or gzi stone?) in which light and darkness were mixed; and in the final age, it would become blue-black, like iron. Then everything would be dark and the age of religion in Tibet would be over.
When they reached the top of the mountain and saw that the snowfields were melting and great expanses of dark rock were showing, this left a deep impression on the master.
Saint in Seattle, p. 212
I can also recommend the two links below:
I hope this helps.
Best regards,
Achim Bayer
associate professor
Kanazawa Seiryo University
Department of International Culture
Kosaka-machi Minami 559
920 0811 Kanazawa
QUERY> Buddhism and Ecology for undergrads
by Bruno Galasek-Hul
Dear Dan,With regard to Buddhism and economics, perhaps Karl-Heinz Brodbeck's work deserves more attention and calling attention to internationally than it is getting.
That's certainly also due to the fact that his "classic" work in this area, 'Buddhist Economic Ethics' (Buddhistische Wirtschaftsethik. Eine Einführung, überbearbeitete Neuausgabe, Berlin 2011 (edition steinrich); 1. Auflage erschienen unter: Buddhistische Wirtschaftsethik. Eine vergleichende Einführung, Aachen 2002 (Shaker Verlag)), is so far only available in German...
I have never used his work in undergraduate courses, though.
Best regards,
QUERY> Buddhism and Ecology for undergrads
by Carola Roloff
Dear colleagues,that is the same for me. I am preparing a course on animal ethics and environment in Buddhism, and would be greatful for suggestions too.
Best wishes,