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by Vicky Baker
Call for Proposals for Research Funding
Deadline: February 15, 2019
Deadline: February 15, 2019
This is a Call for Proposals (CFP) for the project “From the Ground Up:
Buddhism and East Asian Religions” (also known as FROGBEAR).Through this Call, the project will fund one new research cluster in Phase 2 of the project (2020-2022) that addresses gaps in the current framework.
The project is funded through a Partnership Grant from the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council from 2016-2022. It advances the study of East Asian religions by identifying, analyzing, and disseminating significant new textual, visual, archaeological, and material sources preserved in China, Japan, Korea, and Vietnam. It brings together researchers, institutions and students for on-site investigation, workshops, and conferences. The project surveys key sites of religious practice and strategic nodes in the dissemination and preservation of religious knowledge in East Asia. The focus is on the long-term production and transmission of religious knowledge. The project creates a forum for collaborative and interdisciplinary analysis of textual, visual, archaeological, and material sources that were integral to pre-modern religious people across East Asia and continue to be utilized by present-day Chinese, Japanese, Korean and Vietnamese communities within East Asia and overseas.
Funding Details
The period of funding for this CFP will be from 2020 to 2022. Cluster
leaders and co-cluster leaders are allocated $10,000 each annually. Requests
for additional funds for knowledge mobilization, language support, or other
specific purposes can also be included. Payments will be by the University of
British Columbia through reimbursement of expenses, which must adhere to the Tri-Agency
Financial Administration Guide. Applicants are encouraged to secure
supplemental funding from external sources, including their home institutions.
Research clusters are expected to arrange annual visits to religious sites in
East Asia over the three-year period from 2020-2022. Field visits will be
arranged in each of the three years; however, well-justified proposals for a
two-year plan may be submitted. Additionally, field visits typically take place
between late spring and early fall; however, proposals may include a site visit
with alternate timing if justified. Each visit is expected to last at least one
week, although longer visits are welcome.Location: It is preferred that site visits take place in East Asia (China, Japan, Korea, Vietnam), however one visit may take place outside of East Asia. Annual visits may include travel to more than one country in East Asia.
Team: FROGBEAR strongly encourages cluster leaders to form partnerships with scholars based in East Asia, particularly in the capacity of co-cluster leaders, as well as institutions in East Asia.
Research Priorities
While there are no restrictions on topics that can be submitted, preference
will be given to proposals that include one or more of the following:- A focus on Vietnam
- Topics related to women in East
Asian religions
- Modern and contemporary East
Asian religions
- Interactions between Buddhism
and other East Asian religions
Mobilization: Each proposal should include a clear plan to
disseminate the results of the research, including one conference over the
three-year period.Publications: Scholarly publications resulting from the project must be published on an open-access platform. Funding is available where needed to cover the additional expense.
Data Collection: Each visit is strongly encouraged to contribute data and metadata to the UBC repository for open access and long-term preservation, or provide an explanation of why this is not feasible. Data collected becomes part of the Creative Commons. Learn more about the Creative Commons licenses.
Additional Details
The applicant (and any co-leaders) identified in the application must hold a
faculty position at an accredited post-secondary institution. The successful
applicant(s) must be willing to become formal Co-Investigators on the project
and will be required to submit a SSHRC CV.All funded research must comply with the principles set forth in our Code of Conduct. This can be found, along with related information, on the FROGBEAR website:
Early consultation with the Research Committee is encouraged, especially for those who are planning visits to China, where institutional supports can be facilitated. Contact to arrange a pre-submission review.
Other obligations of funded researchers:
- All FROGBEAR researchers are
required to submit an annual report of activities.
- It is vital for FROGBEAR to
demonstrate that our resources are used to build capacity for graduate
training. Therefore, we ask all Co-Investigators of FROGBEAR projects to
provide us with the names
of students conducting FROGBEAR-related research under their supervision,
and the titles of
their research projects. Titles of all theses produced by students
emanating from FROGBEAR-funded research should be forwarded to FROGBEAR.
Where to send your proposal
All submissions must include the application form and a BRIEF 2-page CV and be sent electronically by February 15, 2019 to:
Vicky Baker, Project Manager
From the Ground Up: Buddhism and East Asian Religions
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