Table of Contents

"Transnational Religious Spaces in Africa, East Asia, and Beyond",
12-14 December 2018, Leipzig University
by Nikolas Broy
Dear colleagues,I am pleased to announce the following international workshop about "Transnational Religious Spaces: Religious Organizations and their Interaction in Africa, East Asia and Beyond" which will be held at Leipzig University from 12-14 December 2018.
Organized by the Collaborative Research Centre (SFB 1199) “Processes of Spatialization under the Global Condition” and in collaboration with the Center for the Study of Religion at Leipzig University, this workshop seeks to explore and discuss how religious organizations create new spatial configurations through border-crossing endeavors, such as transnational missionary enterprises, migration, and refuge. We assume that transnationally – or transregionally – mobile religious actors, institutions, artifacts, and ideas challenge and transform existing spaces of interaction, thereby helping to create new spatial formats, such as missionary spaces, diasporas, temple networks, or transnational organizations (such as religious NGOs). While some religious groups may tend to establish themselves primarily among ‘co-ethnics’ and thus create religious ‘enclaves,’ others may hold universal aspirations by crossing ethnic, cultural, and religious boundaries. Furthermore, some of these religious enterprises may be the outcome of strategic and deliberate planning, while others are fueled by economically motivated migration, social-political settings, or government persecution.
The workshop consists of two parts, in order to combine regional expertise on African and East Asian religious organizations on the one hand, with transregional and theoretical approaches on the other hand. The first part consists of two parallel streams, focusing on transnational religious interaction seen from East Asian and from African perspectives. In the joint sessions of part 2, we aim to translate the earlier findings, questions, and hypotheses into a broader discussion that will integrate regional expertise and theoretical reasoning into a comparative perspective.
Date: 12-14 December 2018
Venue: SFB 1199 “Processes of Spatialization under the Global Condition”, Leipzig University, Leipzig (Germany).
Besides the individual papers, there will be two keynote lectures by Brian Larkin (Columbia University) and Thomas Tweed (University of Notre Dame).
For further information, please refer to:
The workshop is free of charge and open to the public. Therefore, we invite all interested scholars and students to participate in the workshop. If you would like to participate, please contact Ute Rietdorf via Registration closes on Tuesday, 11 December 2018.
Best regards
Nikolas Broy (on behalf of the organizing committee)
Postdoctoral Researcher
Leipzig University
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