Table of Contents
- NEW JOURNAL ISSUE> Indian International Journal
of Buddhist Studies 19 (2018)

JOURNAL ISSUE> Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies 19 (2018)
by David Fiordalis
Dear Colleagues:We are pleased to announce the recent publication of issue 19 (2018) of the Indian International Journal of Buddhist Studies.
This is the last issue co-edited by Professor Roger R. Jackson. The current co-editors of the Journal would like to take this opportunity to thank Professor Jackson for his exemplary service to the field over the course of many years.
For those interested to learn more about the Journal, information about subscriptions, guidelines for submitting an article for consideration, and the tables of contents for the current and past issues may be found on the Journal's website:
(The contents of the present issue are also listed below.)
Best wishes,
David Fiordalis and Lalji Shravak
Co-editors, IIJBS
I. Articles:
1. Anālayo, Bhikkhu, “The Bāhiya Instruction and Bare Awareness,” 1-19.
2. Brown, Donna Lynn, “Was Angulimala Forgiven?” 21-49.
3. Duerlinger, James, and Siddharth Singh, “Śāntarakṣita and Kamalaśīla on
the Vātsīputrīya Theory of a Self,” 51-76.
4. Makidono, Tomoko, “‘The Ornament of the Buddha-Nature’: Dge rtse Mahāpaṇḍita's
Exposition of the Great Madhyamaka of Other-Emptiness,” 77-148.
5. Shi Xianda, “The Saṃkrāntivāda's Doctrine of Ekarasaskandha: A Study
based on Chinese Literal Sources,” 149-180.
6. Sundberg, Jeffrey, “Appreciation of Relics, Stūpas, and Relic-Stūpas in
Eighth Century Esoteric Buddhism: Taishō Tripiṭaka Texts and Archaeological
Residues of Guhyā Laṅkā,” 181- 458
7. Willemen, Charles, “Vijñānavāda and Sarvāstivāda,” 459- 466.
II. Obituaries and Remembrances:
“Aniccā vata saṅkhārā uppāda vaya dhammino,” 467.
by Maro Dotulong
JAPAN” - International graduate conference at the University of Oxford to
mark the 150th anniversary of the Meiji Ishin, 10-11 May 2019Type: Call for Papers
Date: May 10, 2019 to May 11, 2019
Location: United Kingdom
Subject Fields: Japanese History / Studies, Cultural History / Studies, Intellectual History, World History / Studies, Environmental History / Studies
The aim of this graduate-led conference is to commemorate the Meiji Ishin, commonly known in English as "the Meiji Restoration", and reflect on its legacy at the close of its 150th anniversary. It seeks to promote renewed historical understandings by revisiting the "Opening of Japan”, an important aspect of the birth of modern Japan. The "Opening of Japan" has mainly been understood as the opening of the nation to ‘the West’, its political discourse, and the accompanying ideas of civilizational progress. However, as Japan opened its borders to a specifically ‘Western’ modernity, it simultaneously opened to competing visions of progress, alternative conceptions of time, and new forms of social organization. Moreover, with the multiplication of its transnational connections and multilateral flows of knowledge-transfer, the world seemed as much to be opening up to Japan as it did vice versa.
A reinterpretation of the meaning of the “Opening of Japan” might shed new light on surprising transnational connections and their potentially far-reaching implications for the study of history, literature, religion, science, and technology in relation to Japan. The impact of the experiences of the Ishin on the development of Kropotkinism, for example, remained overlooked until relatively recently. Although this is a major current of anarchism that continues to resonate around the world to this day, few recall its indebtedness to a non-imperial encounter between Japanese and Russian non-state actors in the nineteenth century. On the basis of this finding, the University of Chicago recently held a conference to delve more deeply into Japan’s relationships with Russia. Going beyond the dichotomy of a traditional East encountering the modern West, it brought attention to the many cultural feedback loops that have gone unnoticed due to the closed nature of the understanding of Japan’s nineteenth century opening. Besides Russia however, modern Japan’s connections with the wider world might be found in numerous other geographical locales. Our conference, therefore, aims to scour Eurasia, Africa, Oceania, as well as Euroamerica for narratives of global historical significance that can radically expand our understanding of modern Japan. We aim to go beyond examining the indigenous origins or reconfigurations of aspects of the historical experience of the West, such as the development of capitalism, the public sphere, or democratic institutions, to find local histories and global designs otherwise lost to posterity.
We are calling for papers that explore, particularly with reference to nineteenth century Japan, the following subjects and themes:
- the culture of Japan’s shifting frontiers;
- the blurring of the categories of modern, premodern, and early modern;
- the breaking down of binaries of East and West;
- multilateral, unofficial, and coeval knowledge transfers in the realms
of science, technology, and/or religion;
- intellectual, cultural, environmental, and economic interactions
across borders involving non-state actors
Please submit abstracts of up to 1000 words (excluding notes or bibliography) to by 31 January 2019. Participants will be notified by the end of February 2018 about the selection results. We will review on a rolling basis, so early applications are recommended.
Limited financial support (for accommodation and travel costs) may be available for selected students and early career researchers. Please let us know in your application if you would like to be considered for financial support.
Confirmed speakers include:
Maki Fukuoka (University of Leeds), Sho Konishi (University of Oxford),
Kiri Paramore (Leiden University), Takahiro Yamamoto (Heidelberg University)
Keynote speaker:
James E. Ketelaar (University of Chicago)
For the latest information, see:
This event is organized by the Oxford Japanese History Workshop and sponsored by:
The Great Britain Sasakawa Foundation, the Daiwa Foundation, and the Japan Foundation
Contact Info:
Maro Dotulong (DPhil candidate) & Lewis Bremner (DPhil candidate)
Nissan Institute of Japanese Studies, University of Oxford
Contact Email: